Take all the principles EA screws up on, and then imagine them in charge of a bank.
Just because EA ISN'T in a position to do serious damage doesn't mean what makes them bad shouldn't be brought to light. I mean, yeah BoA sucks... but it isn't fair to all the OTHER screw ups in the world.
Green Rupee
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_134999]@Megapenguin1997[/url] It's not just Bioware, there are other reasons. Read the comments.
almost 13 years ago
It just a fucking game company! Not George fucking Lucus! There not raping your child hoode! It just video games for fuck sake. "DAY ONE DLC MAKE THEM RICHER I FUCKING HATE THOZ FAGGITZ I HOP TEY BURN I HELL". Come on people.
almost 13 years ago
Fuck EA.
They've always been evil, the most evil of all, and will always be evil.
Fuck their Origin, their attempts to buy Rockstar, their online passes and their obsession with ruining franchises.
Andrew Hall
almost 13 years ago
But when gouging over videogames is seen as more damaging than the genuine grand theft at Bank of America - that says to me not that "I am living under a rock" but that some of you are not living outside your console couches very often.
Andrew Hall
almost 13 years ago
I am not defending EA, people.
Wizard of Yendor
almost 13 years ago
I can sence EA damage control here.
almost 13 years ago
Ok, I think we are going to need the whole year to put this ME3 stuff behind.
almost 13 years ago
Double Fine survived EA. Barely.
Green Rupee
almost 13 years ago
Electronic Arts once questioned "Does computers makes us cry?" by an ad that marks the founding of the company.
Now it just known that everything it touches makes everyone cry for more by the uneducated masses or for the ruining of the franchise and studios.
Green Rupee
almost 13 years ago
Listing all the EA notable screw up list:
Screwing up C&C, Ultima and now Mass Effect franchise in general.
Shutting down or "soul sucking" excellent studios out of existance (Westwood, Maxis, Mythic, Pandemic, Bullfrog and Origin Systems).
Releasing Origin (see "Terms and Condtions")
Sperium 3000
almost 13 years ago
This is not just for ME3, I'm still pissed at EA for their "Your Mom will hate this game" ad for Dead Space 2. I mean, what the Hell, EA? You're insulting the people that buys your products, that's how you market them?
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_130071]@Winnosh[/url]: That wasn't in the leaked script I read, rather THAT was an idea they kibboshed near the end of the writing faze as "too cliche..." GOD, where did I read that? The forums? I don't even remember anymore...
almost 13 years ago
Everyone in the comment section is butthurt.
almost 13 years ago
the butthurt from people that voted from BoA is so funny, especially when you realize they're essentially pissed that BoA is getting a silver metallic crap instead of a gold metallic crap. What, you expect either of these companies to change just because they won this? HA HA HA. That's a funny joke
almost 13 years ago
Old choice was allow Harbinger to make Humanity into a Reaper that might actually be able to stop the process once and for all, or take your chances as a galactic society. The Dark Energy storyline was what they hinted at in Hastrom
almost 13 years ago
Nope Jay the original endings had that the Reapers were there to stop a buildup of Dark Energy that was threatening Galaxy Wide Extinction. The DE was a result of the advancement of Civilizations technology and they culled civilizations to halt it and save them in different forms.
almost 13 years ago
A lot of EA victims were mentioned already so i'll just add Bullfrog Production to the list.
almost 13 years ago
Everybody does realize that the leaked endings are the same as the ones that made it into the game, right? ... RIGHT?!
almost 13 years ago
EA deceptive about BF3, said it wasn't a console port.
*PC exclusive
Vehicles not supposed to be balanced, it's a fucking team game
Console/console port
single player campaign
console port
single player
COD rip
Call of Battlefield: Bad Console-port 3
almost 13 years ago
The Still Butthurt Message kinda kills the humor in this, Don't automatically assume your readers are too slow to understand what's wrong.
almost 13 years ago
Yeaaaaaah I pretty much gave up completely on EA since they ruined the C&C series. Fuck that.
almost 13 years ago
Nothing will come out of this award. People need to stop buying EA's shit if they want to see EA change, and that's not going to happen with the casual and semi-casual markets we have now.
almost 13 years ago
am i the only one wondering why the butt of engie-tan hurts?
i mean theres a tentacle
almost 13 years ago
Good to see someone remembers EA's past victims.
almost 13 years ago
EA can rot in hell for tormenting Tim Schafer and almost shutting down Double Fine. Brutal Legend was a fantastic clone of Sacrifice, but EA, who in fact makes RTS games, was too scared to market the game as an Action RTS hybrid. Tim Schafer tried desperately to get the word out on his own.
Blu spy
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_129930]@Nerfnow[/url]: *Holds up gun WICH ONE OF YOU IS THE REAL JO!?
almost 13 years ago
Anyone saying that we should respect the artistic integrity and allow bioware to keep their ending... Well the ending we see wasn't even done by the original writers.
almost 13 years ago
What I want is for Bioware to go back to the original ending. AKA the ending that was done by the writers before it got leaked and they had to change it with only 4 months.
Its rushed because they had to scrap it and start over again.
almost 13 years ago
EA acted like fucking pricks too after they 'won' that.
almost 13 years ago
Forget Mass Effect, I don't forgive them for Westwood, Maxis, Mythic, or Origin(the company not the crappy sales overlord software). At this point it's not butthurt, it's a blood feud.
almost 13 years ago
Guess what? Bioware is Releaceing the True Ending Via DLC. They had to remake it cause of a leak..
almost 13 years ago
There are far worse companies than EA.
Like Activison or Ubisoft.
Also, stupid.
almost 13 years ago
In the end: "EA Games, FUCK UP EVERYTHING"*zzzzipp*"
almost 13 years ago
What we didn't know is that Engietan used witchcraft to make EA get such a PR crap.
And the fact that they killed most good game Studios.
almost 13 years ago
The only reason EA "won" was because a certain imageboard took it upon themselves to vote bomb though...
almost 13 years ago
Nerfnow SPY!
almost 13 years ago
Well, Jo, EA brought it upon themselves. Can't blame us for remembering every single lash from their whip.
almost 13 years ago
Her butt can speak?!
almost 13 years ago
Yeah.. try Nexon of America... it's a toss up for different reasons.
Hackers prevail, honest people banned, you're limited to one report per week which suits the hackers just fine. and if you report more than 10 hackers via the ticket system, you get banned for 1-30 days.
almost 13 years ago
Looks like I will have to close the comments early if this keeps up.
almost 13 years ago
Mayhap today's gamers are flooded with kids who are too young to remember why EA is such an untrustworthy and douche' game company.
almost 13 years ago
sorry for my spelling
almost 13 years ago
all i can say is this.
EA sucks in RTS and FPS.
COD was good, but is getting worse and is not likely to achieve any valve like fun factor(except ricochet)
these 'bad & evil' game makers still/only excist because of their early titels
which makes small, stubborn childs think they are the best
almost 13 years ago
You sell us short, Robofish. We know there are far worse things in the world, but this wasn't a poll on floods or terrorism. "Worst company" is subjective, but EA has been poisoning their own reputation for years. It takes effort to destroy the goodwill of people that want to buy your products.
almost 13 years ago
Hello trolls, I come bearing references: http://ea-spouse.livejournal.com/274.html
[url=#user_comment_129883]@Robofish[/url]: Well there sure are other companies who derserve a similar title but I'm not forced to buy anything from those either. So it still is just a matter of quick decisions and oppinions that don't need to match actual statistical data. Too bad people still buy stuff from shitty incs in the end
Renan Glaser
almost 13 years ago
Eles são péssimos... mas não chega a ser algo do tipo "contratamos crianças escravas do terceiro mundo" ou "fazemos testes crueis com animais". Uma lista real dessa ia ter um numero consideravel de gente na frente. rs.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_129883]@Robofish[/url]: Because they are! lol jk
almost 13 years ago
It's just sad that some people live in such insulated bubbles of ignorance that they think DRM and crappy game endings are the worst things in the world.
almost 13 years ago
Yeah, EA have their faults, but worst company in America? That's so dumb I can't even laugh at it. Nobody is forced to buy an EA game - if you bought ME3 having heard the complaints about the ending, you have no one to blame but yourself.
almost 13 years ago
it wasn't a bad ending per say, but there is no choice, and no real difference between the endings. no matter what you choose the same ending plays out and the only difference is the color of an explosion... red, green or blue. It's insulting, choices in the game mean nothing
almost 13 years ago
Are those red, green, and blue pins in the voodoo doll symbolic of the 3 copy/pasted color changed ME3 endings?
almost 13 years ago
Personally, I'd vote for Capcom, but hey, EA's pretty evil too.
almost 13 years ago
I jumped the hate bandwagon when they launched Orign.
almost 13 years ago
EA was good, was. I was a Battlefield fan, loving most of them except for their ventures into modern gaming. They made commanding the army a big focus in the game but then they adopted CoD's play-style and theme. That and they don't fix shit with their patches. This isn't the first time EA did this.
almost 13 years ago
A lot of C&C fans, there is some one who wasn't pissed off completely by C&C 4?
And EA's record for bad games starts weh the ystarted copyin teh previous years sports game with some minor hardware updates :P
almost 13 years ago
but i have to admit, i did enjoy some games.
sled storm, ssx, and the classic FIFA's
but dont worry, if EA keeps going one like this, than there will be more room for new ones in the future.
almost 13 years ago
EA also has a lot of C & C fans against them, the first C & C was the only completed one of westwood.
later on EA pussed Westwood to the limits until they took westwood over and, with outstanding work, somehow made every next game'C & C' worse.
EA's record of bad games starts about there.
Pinkie Spy
almost 13 years ago
Remember this isn't the most evil company in the world competition, it's the one that treats their customers like trash the most in the US.
Although Monsanto... Monsanto Monsanto... Look up stuff like GM cotton in India and that's par for the course at that company.
almost 13 years ago
Heh. Her face looks like Medusa's from Soul Eater.
Just need one of her snakes coming out of her mouth to finish it.
An Onymous
almost 13 years ago
people still pissed about Mass Effect's ending huh?
P.S. I always thought the worst company was ACME, just ask the coyote :p
almost 13 years ago
If you search wikipedia for pages containing "Monsanto Corporation" you'll find things like Agent Orange.
Electronic Arts is not the most evil. They just have really bad PR.
almost 13 years ago
The worst company in the world is Monsanto. They're the guys who make "Roundup Weed Killer" and the bovine growth hormone "RBSt." They're the reason legislation was passed to allow Fox News to willfully lie on the air.
Trust me. If you're looking for an evil company, it's Monsanto.
almost 13 years ago
Arguably what BoA needs is more government regulation not a plastic turd. Whats truly funny is all the people who are butthurt that BoA didn't get it.
This on the other hand is the perfect "prize" for YEARS of EA shenanigans.
If this award held any actual clout maybe I would feel differently.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_129690]@iamnotspy[/url]: that would be Sony who developed SecuROM, not EA, though. Wrong company.
almost 13 years ago
This is why I'd pirate EA games, just out of spite.
almost 13 years ago
Also, nobody denies how horrible Bank of AMERICA is. But
1) they won the award many times already, nobody would have cared if they win again
2) they fucked up America. EA fucked everyone up around the world.
almost 13 years ago
Andrew Hall:
If you think this was all about the ME3 ending you are living under a rock. EA has bought up amazing studios like Westwood and completely got rid of them later, not even mentioning day 1 DLCs, insane price tags, and I can continue on forever.
BLU Scout
almost 13 years ago
I'm with Havoc! Let's get in there and bonk some skulls!
almost 13 years ago
Well deserved, this is what they get for pissing off paying customers
almost 13 years ago
...As for EA, it has been a lot more than just the ME3 ending that they have pulled over the years. Writing this off as just nerd rage over that one event is silly.
Also people crying that their evil company of choice didn't win is just as nerd ragey.
almost 13 years ago
EA, destroyed of many many beloved studios and franchises.
Damn you, EA! Damn you!!!
Bank of America? What's that?
almost 13 years ago
I have Hated EA for years... ever since they destroyed Westwood studios and Butchered It's legacy, They have just Pissed off the Gamer from one game to the next, experimenting each time on how to piss off the Consumer a little bit more. To me, this was expected.
and on the left ending the kid "linger's while on the rigth ending he almost instantly disapear. As if he fail to "Bribe" sheperd. So I think it was only a dream...
Why is people so upset about Mass Effect 3, it's a good ending and *Spoiler alert* after the "RED" ending, he is back on earth, Breathing
And many thing's withing after you get shot by that Reaper lazer is unbeliveble like: How did Andersen come before you is there was only 1 way to the console
that guy
almost 13 years ago
I think Activision is way worse but EA sure is working hard to catch up
almost 13 years ago
Dang, I didn't know there was a poll for this; I would totally also have voted against EA. T_T I will never forget the tragic loss to the game industry caused by EA's assassination of the Ultima Series.
almost 13 years ago
Unfortunately, I don't think that EA will have learned anything from this internet poll. In the end, EA is a for-profit company. If you want to change their minds, do it with your damn wallets.
almost 13 years ago
I knew the hate to EA from the Command and Conquer saga
Red alert
Clockwork Litchi
almost 13 years ago
Short answer, as someone who played all ME's and all the DLC:
No. There are issues, but most of the noise the internet working itself into a mob frenzy. Torches and pitchforks, book burning, etc. It's kind of embarrassing really.
almost 13 years ago
EA: Worst GAMING company ever, not the worst company ever.
Andrew Hall
almost 13 years ago
Do you know what is really sad? That EA beat out Bank of America - a company that put millions of people out of their homes, and stole hundreds of billions of dollars during TARP.
But of course ACTUAL theft can't compare to spoiled, narcissistic gamer rage over Mass Effect 3's ending.
Le reddit xD eckis dee
almost 13 years ago
We demand blood, one of the majors need to fall to be the example.
Maybe...MAYBE!They will stop making shitty games.
almost 13 years ago
Was Mass Effect 3's endings and DLC really THAT bad? I'm saying this as someone who neither played/owned the game or got the DLC.
almost 13 years ago
There's plenty more I can name offhand, but alas, 300-character limit. EA has the potential to be awesome. They can and do acquire and support developers that make awesome games. They just hamstring those developers afterward and their business practices are shady and traitorous as hell.
almost 13 years ago
Well EA does have a history of selling day 1 DLC and they started the 10$ online pass thing. But yeah, Activision and Capcom should count themselves lucky on this one.
almost 13 years ago
Mass Effect 3 is just the most recent of EA's litany of sins. In no particular order:
Battlefield Heroes's cash shop
Shutting down Earth & Beyond
Screwing up Dark Age of Camelot
Ruining Command & Conquer
Origin exclusivity for highly-desired titles
And now ME3
almost 13 years ago
"DLC is a really bad lube"
Well played.
almost 13 years ago
Tentacle Jo with glasses is strangely amusing.
almost 13 years ago
if anything, this just reinforces the attitudes everyone has about EA. which is fine by me, fuck em all and fuckin no regrets
butt hurt
almost 13 years ago
we need moar fan service
almost 13 years ago
Good strip as always !
But seriously people, did anyone remember the Infinity Ward incident, the games sold 10$ more than average, the 15$ maps, Call Of Duty (especially CoD Elite), Kotick saying he wanted to bring fear in video game making ?
Did anyone forgot Activision ?
the only redeeming games that have come from ea are battlefield, Crysis, and C&C every other game series has been an affront to true gamers the world over.
mad fan
almost 13 years ago
EA has been screwing with us every since it was founded. Yes we can thank them for the battlefield series, but we can also thank them for making it exclusive to origin etc.
On a more related, and much more important note, are we EVER going to see a nerfnow wallpaper?
almost 13 years ago
Not bloody likely... If one thing i've ever found is that Game Companies seem to thrive on negative reinforcement. Blizzard and EA get a lot of negative feedback and it only seems to drive them on deeper into the sources of player angst and rage.
[url=#user_comment_129692]@Altherix[/url]: Or do what I do. I really considered buying all 3 ME after i pirated them. now i wont anymore but will continue to play the pirated ;D
A Gray Phantom
almost 13 years ago
The show Extra Credits (back when it was on the Escapist) had video that spoke directly to EA mostly in regards to advertising and other questionable choices. I can't find the video, but it was very touching.
almost 13 years ago
But still, ME3 had one of the best gameplay (with ME 1), it was just the story that broke the game, wich was changed 1 day before release because some troll posted the real ending in the internet... it will come an free DLC with the real ending in April/May.
almost 13 years ago
Keep in mind that EA/Bioware also put out both DA2, and TOR, both of which haven't exactly been well received.
almost 13 years ago
fucking shill
almost 13 years ago
Answer this question, "Is EA making money?"
If the answer is, "Yes" it'll still be common operating procedures for EA in the future in spite of this.
If you really hate EA, stop buying their stuff.
almost 13 years ago
I gave up on EA after their SecuROM nonsense.
almost 13 years ago
Bank of America played a bit part in the 2008 world depression.
Yet EA won. Don't piss off people on the interwebz. EA is trash. It has been trash for a long time. Fuck EA. Get rid of that terrible company.
john nona meh
almost 13 years ago
*short memory*
almost 13 years ago
...The problem is, as you well know, that there is a lot of emotional investment. People not only paid with money, but with their intellect, time and patience.
I don't think this would be a one wave movement or a short term Internet thing. This people were honestly hurt and that last.
Captain Mad Bollocks
almost 13 years ago
@Captain Mad Bollocks: Wrong WITH*.
Captain Mad Bollocks
almost 13 years ago
The internet will eventually forget about it.
Well, until EA showcases how they're the embodiment of everything that is wrong modern bussiness.