[url=#user_comment_131294]@gary[/url] tehse do you mean tihs
almost 13 years ago
Like Marads I've read that as Blizzard dimension because Blizzard does things backwards and maybe my brain somehow makes me read it like that since it makes sense, like when you wirte liek tehse and you still understand it.
Then I saw Marads comment.
almost 13 years ago
I swear that i've read that bizarro as blizzard.
almost 13 years ago
There is. Both heaven and Hell.
bunch of wackos...
almost 13 years ago
in the bizarro world shouldn't you be trying to fill the screen with pieces by managing the empty spaces that fall???
Random thoughts without reason
almost 13 years ago
I thought about what sort of game could make this scenario. There needs to be very few (or zero) blocks that are just straight lines in this game, and if the lowest row is gotten rid of, all the above rows fade away too. That's why the long one is good, and the current position is bad.
almost 13 years ago
SC2 was shit compared to SC1 and it's Xpac.
If you can't see it you are a blind blizzard fanboy.
By no means a bad game, but still shit. Sphinx and the cursed mummy was better, and man, did I had to contineously make new games because it kept glitching and getting me stuck around.
almost 13 years ago
Not ALL games are shit, Starcraft 2 is great. And you can never be sure what that continent is called, Picker.
almost 13 years ago
Bizarro! Bizarro! I'm helping! I'm helping!
almost 13 years ago
In the Blizzaro Dimension, games are shit but people pay money for them.
Oh wait, that,s the real world. DIII... shit. WoW... shit. Objectively.
almost 13 years ago
I seriously thought it said "Blizzaro Dimension" so I assumed this was another commentary about how easy blizzard makes their games.
almost 13 years ago
So Dzamie is a retard for photonoting the cube planet in the comic as Minecraftia?
almost 13 years ago
Well yeah, the cube planet is planet Earth not Minecraftia. Minecraft is still a game on the planet Earth but everything there is made of spheres. Obviously.
Robert Mitchell
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_130365]@Bob[/url]: XKCD beat Jo to it.
almost 13 years ago
So does this means that the cube planet isn't Minecraftia because in Bizarro world Minecraftia would be a sphere?
almost 13 years ago
"Block placements don't make sense." In Bizzaro World. You derped pretty hard there, Bob.
almost 13 years ago
In the Bizzaro Dimension, Minecraft is made of spheres.
It's VERY hard to build anything.
I prefer this Tetris video: http://youtu.be/fYRGTYNrYW0
almost 13 years ago
Actually I worked it out once: if gravity had an INVERSE constant, you get a torus-shaped (donut) world. It's the only way a lot of video game worlds could work; where you go over the northern edge and pop out in the south, ect. ie, lot of Final Fantasy overworld maps.
almost 13 years ago
I totally read that as 'Blizzard universe' and was really confused for 30 seconds.
almost 13 years ago
in bizzaro world, only two tetris pieces drop, a multicolored bottom piece, and a single solid colored piece on top
almost 13 years ago
Considering further, the last panel is actually showing the worst possible block in Bizzaro Tetris, where the object is to pile blocks up as quickly as possible.
almost 13 years ago
Wouldn't a long block be considered bad in bizzaro tetris?