What people are saying about "BRB"
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Just A Guest
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_133295]@Disconnect[/url]: depends on the game
almost 13 years ago
Yep, just like in World of Tanks
almost 13 years ago
This happens to me EVERY SINGLE TIME I dc on LoL
almost 13 years ago
Cool WoT
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_133396]@RoderickBR[/url]: IKR? Every time I'm at the top of the scoreboard in my team, or I'm the MVP, I KNOW MY TEAM SUCKS. If I didn't support the team, the entire other team would just be spawncamping and defending the point like a madman with no hope of winning.
almost 13 years ago
Imagine Jo's scenario but on the last point of Dustbowl, with no more time left on the server. You reconnect, it's a new map... but who won?
almost 13 years ago
And I thought this was going to be a World of Tanks comic.

Captain Chaos
almost 13 years ago
A. Stack
almost 13 years ago
this happened to me in BF3, though, it wasn't a dc, I just decided to suicide and pee while guarding a point from ninja invaders. They took it by the time I got back and we lost :(

Yes, I made sure there were other people there when I went afk.
almost 13 years ago
World of Tanks. Play it. It's like CTF2, but without Spies.
Busy man
almost 13 years ago
So Valve, how about fixing that loading time and that übercharge instacrash bug?
almost 13 years ago
Story of my life. "I can't turn my back for 5 seconds that you maggots get yourselves killed" is becoming my catch phrase.
Even worse is when etnire team is noobs, and we are losing from the beggining.
I fear for my team whenever I become the MVP...
almost 13 years ago
It looks like battlefield heroes. Do they still sell weapons for real money, release overpriced clothes and never, ever update things like class skills, network code?
Just A Guest
almost 13 years ago
PS3 Version:
Host Migration
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_133361]@Jakroth[/url]: The Red team took over the point. YA DUMMEH!
almost 13 years ago
I notice blue flag top, and red flag bottom? Changed teams?
almost 13 years ago
DC. The raid has wiped. The control point has been lost. The flag was taken. The MVP has killed everyone... EVERYONE... and another group killed him.
almost 13 years ago
Jo, I never comment on other people's grammar, but you keep making that mistake, and it's practically the only one.
"The medic has" instead of "The medic have". "Has" for 3rd person singular, always.
That Medic With The Unusual
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_133315]@Joreal[/url] especially if your team is full of gibuses. Never trust Gibuses.
almost 13 years ago
Its Sami from Advance Wars!
almost 13 years ago
At least we know the black guy died first.
almost 13 years ago
I thought this was a world of tanks comic =/
almost 13 years ago
You can be sure things will be FUBAR if you get DCed and YOU were the Medic that had an Uber ready and everyone was charging into the breach behind you and your Demospam, which has now turned into demopancakes.
almost 13 years ago
Ok, will stop talking about balance now.

PS: why is everyone, including Engie-tan, in singlets?
almost 13 years ago
This is what happens when everyone has big swords!! One missing big sword in an even game = game instantly lost!!

(the flip side: One missing small sword in a game with only small swords means the other team will grind you to dust excruciatingly slowly with no hope of recovery)
almost 13 years ago
Funny, had a UGC highlander match tonight where I d/c and the other team capped that last point.
almost 13 years ago

hold, brb

almost 13 years ago
Maybe I haven't played enough shooters, but wouldn't the body of the disconnected person be there while they are disconnected. So Engie would not be alive when she reconnected. I suppose that ruins the joke though.