What people are saying about "Not Cool, Bro"
Not Cool, Bro
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almost 13 years ago
Just pirate the godamn thing if it has GFWL and if you do then never get buy it later because your save files from the pirate version won't work so it'll be pointless
Origin is also shit
They make good games inferior with their shit software and force us to use it because it's exclusive fuck that
almost 13 years ago
Dark souls on pc under gfwl...
almost 13 years ago
you can't blame peach...
almost 13 years ago
You've got some weird spam going on here jo.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_134123]@SageoftheTimes[/url], because it makes point 4 of Princess Peach: The Worst Woman in Videogames funny. Link below for the three guys on the internet who have yet to read it: http://www.gamespy.com/articles/100/1005645p1.html
almost 13 years ago
I said it before and I'll say it again. Torrent = real version, GfWL = gimped version. So the possibility of more releases to Windows is hurt if they go that route (Hoping just for Steam), which will hurt the studio. [url=#user_comment_134076] @Nap[/url] Indeed. [url=#user_comment_134012] @Tim[/url] Who said she was ever his girl?
Mein Herr
almost 13 years ago
What's up with all these "Bowser fucks Peach" comics lately O.o

A Gray Phantom
almost 13 years ago
I bought Gotham City Impostors, and had immediate regret. Not a single good review? Not a good start. Then there was GFWL...

Such an unnecessary layer. I had to create several more user accounts to get to the gameplay part of the actual game! And the interface worked like crap. SO disappointing.
Just A Guest
almost 13 years ago
The pizza is a lie
almost 13 years ago
GFWL is the worst thing ever,and if it isn't enough it also has some exlcusive games such as BalzBlue..that I am tempted to buy but scared(on steam it dose not show for EU users so idk for NA)
almost 13 years ago
Our princess may be in another castle... but this Bowser is certainly in the right princess...
love this comic >.<
almost 13 years ago
next web name "joes ego" XD
almost 13 years ago
Someone actually defended Games for Windows? Haha, ok...
Dr. Robotnik
almost 13 years ago
The only thing I've ever used with GFWL is SSF4:AE v.2012, and I've had zero problems, but I guess it's not so great with other things.
almost 13 years ago
GFWL is worthless. All it does it take up extra runtime, make it more difficult to play the game, acts as a piece of spyware, and is very easy to circumvent.

All it does is punish people who want to play the game legitimately. This is why people don't like it.
almost 13 years ago
I've never had problems with GFWL when playing DoW2, Fallout 3, or SSFIV:AE. So I'm sure Dark Souls will run just fine.

None of my friends ever had this problem either; sucks to learn it's there.
almost 13 years ago
After the last comic, I went searching for any articles on it. The article I found said that it has the GFWL logo because it will be using their servers for the online play, so it's possible that it won't be a required service for playing. (especially after the fuss everyone has been raising)
almost 13 years ago
G4WL is a piece of shit indeed. My main rule is to never buy any game that uses it.
almost 13 years ago
I've never had an issue with GFWL on the only game I own with it, DOW 2, but after a friend showed me the headaches he has, I figure I'll count my blessings and not press my luck so I'll have only good memories of GFWL.
almost 13 years ago
Clearly they were dancing. That was just mid-dip, and Peach is actually tied up.

Or... it's just a Mario Party, and they forgot to include Mario.

Or Peach is a kinky swinger.

Suggested course of action is deviant even by Lakitu standards.
Old Crow
almost 13 years ago
Having to log in twice just to play GTA IV, yeah never want to do that again. GFWL has failed to live up to the original goal of being like a Xbox Live for PC users, its just a clunky interface that makes PC gaming harder then it should be.
BLU Scout
almost 13 years ago
Bonk! Yeah, that works.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_134012]@tim[/url]: Haven't seen many female turtle dragons in that universe. People have to share...
almost 13 years ago
I bet Bowser has ribs.<3
Peach knows where it's at. Mario is just her cover.
almost 13 years ago
I'm amazed that companies still tolerate GFWL given all the problems it causes. Hell, it was so bad that Bethesda abandoned it after one game. When that's the case, why would anybody else bother?

I've had too many problems with it to want to go there again. GFWL = no sale. Period.
almost 13 years ago
Who cares about GFWL, I'm more focused on that leg
almost 13 years ago
Are you suggesting Mario and peach are swingers?
almost 13 years ago
Poor Mario. No Peach, pie, or cake. POor guy is gonna starve.
almost 13 years ago
GFWL has always been an obstacle to gaming. No, I don't want to log in twice. No, I still can't play 50 minutes later because the damn thing needs to kick me off AGAIN to install yet another update. No, I don't care about your ads or news or other shit. I just want to play. Go away.

GFWL sucks.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_133996]@KarmikCykle[/url]: Yup, some employees like to sneak around and praise their crappy work. Sad, but true.
almost 13 years ago
Hah, I'm firmly in the GFWL is a pile of crap camp. Not only did it not work on several games at all, but on the ones it did we had endless amount of problems with it. Connection issues galore, false starts, none of which I had using steam and several other services.
almost 13 years ago
At least STEAM gives free games, nice nod for dustforce. I love the music (but totally suck at these precision platform games).
Also check on spacechem a great puzzle game available on STEAM.
almost 13 years ago
Mario looks like Peacock from Skullgirls in this one. I like.
almost 13 years ago
GFWL is the third biggest piece of shit that came from Microsoft. Not buying anything with that on top. Nuff said.
almost 13 years ago
Eh, I don't really see the problem. If it gonna break Ill just get a new copy on Piratebay and inform the producers.
almost 13 years ago
Wait people defend GFWl? Do they also suffer from irreparable brain damage?
almost 13 years ago
How could someone defend that piece of shit excuse for a software that is GFWL?
almost 13 years ago
I'm surprised that Mario didn't complain about the Browser & Peach fiasco.
almost 13 years ago
GFWL got an other sadist feature, on RE5, impossible to load saves with a non-xbox 360 gamepad, the game detect and recognize the pad, but GFWL make impossible to save game
almost 13 years ago
Just for your info, Twisted Shadow Planet is GFWL too.
almost 13 years ago
Dustforce is definitely worth it! If you haven't got one yet, go grab one now!
almost 13 years ago
it also doesn't help that some regions cant play GFWL games, because they GFWL doesnt license there
almost 13 years ago
I love how the white of Bowser´s eyes dissapear in the second picture, and how Peach was gonna make mario a cake while she´s nekkid. Sounds like a stripper cake to me.
almost 13 years ago
They're wrestling! The joke is that Mario was going to be upset about WRESTLING, but instead he's upset about cake! heh heh heh
almost 13 years ago
Now that is quite overt....
almost 13 years ago
WoW....thats sexual
almost 13 years ago
For what it's worth, um.... damnit, don't know what to comment and don't want to lose the chace at first place.