I think the shotguns in New Vegas are fairly realistic. I remember taking out an ant in that over pass from up out front of Mojave outpost in 2-3 shots.
Other Anonymous
almost 13 years ago
This is just like the way in real life, grenades can hurt you from 20+ feet away, but in video games, the grenade has a blast radius of 3 feet. Also, I've noticed that many shooters have assault rifles and machineguns which can kill you while you're sniping far away doing 38 damage per hit.
almost 13 years ago
Look at your shotgun pellets. Now back to me. Now back to the pellets.
almost 13 years ago
So basically... you would be able to cure world hunger with shotgun rounds. And people say nothing come out of War.
Someone get some scientists to develop a Videogame-like Shotgun, pronto. Hopefully those guys at Aperture.
almost 13 years ago
@Whoever that was: I said 10 feet is around when they are at their deadliest. I didn't say they weren't deadly after or before that.
Captain Chaos
almost 13 years ago
I think maybe he's just translating for us barbaric northerners.
I too, miss the doom shotgun. Thankfully, I have at toy that happens to make the same noises.
almost 13 years ago
Josue, where is the metric system?
almost 13 years ago
Yeah... though if memory serves, the doom shotgun was pretty much a rifle shooting a deer slug with a ridiculous reload rate.
almost 13 years ago
Simple modern definition of shotgun in video games:
Shoots many bullets in a wide spread at a short range.
almost 13 years ago
@Victor Ziblis: Don't confuse the numerical system (binary/decimal) and unit system (imperial/metric)! You still count inches and feet in decimal numbers.
Metric is different from imperial in that it's derived from several basic constant units - and doesn't need conversion multipliers.
almost 13 years ago
Given we use a decimal numeral system "arbitrarily arrived at because people like to count on their fingers and toes" (nevermind the contradiction), metric is indeed the most apt system. Unless you want to propose switching to senary?
almost 13 years ago
@Victor Ziblis: This is just stupid. Nobody cares about having all integers when doing trade.
If you want 1/4th of a sausage in a metric country you say "a quarter"... even though you end with a non integer, the math is easy.
And if you are doing anything complex then metric is better.
[url=#user_comment_135837]@CCNezin[/url]: Actually the metric system is far inferior for trade and measurement purposes. You can divide 10 only 5 and two ways. You can divide 12 2,3,4 and 6 ways. Metric is a a strange and simple system arbitrarily arrived at because people like to count on their fingers and toes.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_135828]@Derp[/url]: It's only easier to you because it's what you grew up with...
An Onymous
almost 13 years ago
It's funny cause its true. XD
almost 13 years ago
F*** metric, feet is easier
almost 13 years ago
to the people asking for metric:
first one (2.5 feet): about 0.75 meters
second one (5 feet): about 1.5 meters
third one (7.5 feet): slightly less than 2.5 meters
fourh one (10 feet): about 3 meters
almost 13 years ago
Metric system please?
almost 13 years ago
That's what irks me about video game shotguns, especially since they're most likely firing double or triple ought buckshot(6-8 pellets per shell). The size of the pellets in those calibers are 8.4 and 9.1mmm
Imagine getting shot by 6-8 Glocks at once
Bad Company 2
almost 13 years ago
The 870MCS with slug and extra damage is basically a railgun that massacres anything that it comes in contact with from anywhere in the map.
almost 13 years ago
I have taken out tanks in video games with a shotgun before. In every game where you could the above chart is perfectly accurate.
almost 13 years ago
Clearly, many video game shotguns are loaded with rock salt and given increased scatter to offset the non-lethal effects. Still, rock salt stings like hell as it dissolves in the small wound and you don't dare tell your folks that you were trespassing on the farm up the road.
almost 13 years ago
Try playing left 4 dead, pinpoint shot from any range.
almost 13 years ago
Obviously you never played Payday the Heist
almost 13 years ago
So it's like the Conservation of Ninjitsu rule....with guns?
almost 13 years ago
I hate damage falloff.
almost 13 years ago
Im still voting the Geth Shotgun as one of, if not the most/ over powered "shotgun".
almost 13 years ago
a real shotgun can kill you at easy 40-50 meters, further from that distance you end up badly injured if not dead
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_135682]@Logic[/url]: Expanding on[url=#user_comment_135688] @Max[/url], don't forget in real life you can't weapon switch as fast as you can in a game, and every extra weapon is extra weight. So, you want a flexible weapon- assault rifles are that weapon.
almost 13 years ago
battlefield bad company 2 shotguns can actually get kills at range, though.. this is probably accurate for modern warfare games
almost 13 years ago
IRL shotguns can kill from 50+ feet away withouth a problem...
almost 13 years ago
@???? shot me: In Parasite Eve 2 you could use different kinds of ammo
I think it is absolutely hilarious that in every single game I've ever played, you can't choose which shell to use in a shotgun. It's ALWAYS buck shot. What ever happened to good 'ol slug ripping through your opponent? Or how about flechette??
almost 13 years ago
@ Logic: In real life, many battles are fought at 200-500 metres, where you can barely see the enemy. At those ranges, assault rifles excel. Now, in video games (short of ARMA), this won't happen because shooting at tiny specks on the other side of a big map is not a lot of fun.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_135682]@Logic[/url]: because it isn't op? Most modern assault rifles are way better for "sniping", and has better fire rate for close-combat.
almost 13 years ago
At present, due to a bug, you can snipe with the M26 MASS Dart in BF3 by imbuing it's darts with the power and range of the G3 bullet.
almost 13 years ago
Not true of Fallout New Vegas. Few yards away and i nailed a few raiders and cazadors with my shotgun with pellets. I don't bother with slugs if you have the right perks.
almost 13 years ago
"Probably true, but they also understand balance. Sniping with a shotgun is bullshit." <- refers to game developers.
I believe that 99.99% of this statement is wrong. If the shotgun is so op in real life then, why don't we equip every soldier with a shotgun and call it a day.
almost 13 years ago
Feets? Feets!?
almost 13 years ago
Hah! Comparing game firearms and real firearms. Funny.
almost 13 years ago
You know, weapons that were not designed flawed but were more flexible or even realistic in use, thereby requiring the effort and talent of the player rather then a pre-designed character role based on weaponry. Some form of capacity, or "skill" if you would.
almost 13 years ago
Reminds me why I hate FAN scouts with no concept of personal space.
I can understand a little dramatic license for game balance and enjoyment, but was there not at one point a tactic of using the tools at one's disposal to both the best of their ability as well as to the most innovative in a bind?
almost 13 years ago
@u no: Except for the important fact that a plain jane kevlar vest (no ballistic plates required) will stop shotgun slugs and all forms of buckshot cold; while rifle rounds tear through kevlar like tissue paper.
Mathieu Ignare
almost 13 years ago
I guess this is somehow similar to how high explosive grenades and tubes appear in nowadays FPS.
Like stated at http://linethemup.wordpress.com/2012/04/01/was-it-for-this-daddy-died-call-of-duty-478-2007-2011/ seems to me devs lost focus on what warfare actually is.
u no
almost 13 years ago
A majority of combat in most FPS games happens in very close quarters or extremely long range, if shotguns had realistic ranges and spreads there would rarely be any reason to use anything else.
almost 13 years ago
Geth Shotgun manages to retain it's occult energies though perhaps a bit too well.
This Guy
almost 13 years ago
>Looks at Battlefield
>Sees how the Neostead 2000 with slugs in BC2 had unlimited range and full power until 30 meters
>Sees how shotguns have anywhere between 50 and 500 meters range in BF3
almost 13 years ago
America's Army 2 shotgun was more accurate than the sniper rifles... it fired slugs... and you had to cheat to get it... GOOD OL' b weapon class.
almost 13 years ago
Hmm. Looks like a bacterial culture, growing in petri dishes.
almost 13 years ago
Have you tried APB?
They actually have a shotgun attachment that makes it one of the best mid-range weapon types, as well as being a pretty good mid-long gun.
almost 13 years ago
The halo shotgun is probably the worst. It only works if you shove it down someones throat. If your 1 foot away it turns into a pillow launcher.
almost 13 years ago
>not meters
where is your pride, son?
almost 13 years ago
Not only the damage have to be consideration, but the feeling when you play with.
Exemple : Killing floor, Borderlands, Brink. You feel the penetration of your gun, you feel the destructive power but they are not overpowered. Not like in TF2 where 50 cm is already too much.
Felipe Enormowang
almost 13 years ago
marathon 2 shotgun was the single greatest gun in the entire history of vidyagames
Lord N1
almost 13 years ago
Imperial is for barbarians!
???? shot me
almost 13 years ago
the real question is why do the game developers only let you use a "buck shot" round when there are "slugs" in real life and would be relatively to make usable in games
AAA Game Developer
almost 13 years ago
Nah man, you're all looking at it wrong. Shotguns have to be comically ineffective, that's just how things go. As it is designed, the only effective close-quarters weapon HAS to be the sniper rifle, it's what the people want.
almost 13 years ago
in betafield 3 u can attach 8x scope to your shotgun? and even shoot frag rounds
almost 13 years ago
"99.99% of FPS developers have never fired a real shotgun."
Probably true, but they also understand balance. Sniping with a shotgun is bullshit.
almost 13 years ago
I love the shotgun in payday. Almost a better sniping weapon than the rifle because it can hit multiple targets.
almost 13 years ago
I've recently been on a DoomRL kick. That's Doom, the Roguelike, and I highly recommend it.
Shotguns are good fun. As long as the enemy is in the cone of fire, they get hurt, and depending on your perks, it could potentially do quite a bit of damage, even from a distance.
I'mma go play it now.
almost 13 years ago
Real life shot dispersal is like 1 inch/yard. 99.99% of FPS developers have never fired a real shotgun.
almost 13 years ago
Doesn't the Geth Plasma Shotgun work something like the Doom shotgun? Love that thing.
almost 13 years ago
Ah, Doom shotgun. 100 ammo, perfect linar spread, and snipe an enemy from across the map. So games still have decent shotguns that can have some range to them.
almost 13 years ago
Needs more 12-gauge slugs.
almost 13 years ago
I snipe with my shotgun in mass effect 3
almost 13 years ago
in battlefield shotguns can be used at mid range
almost 13 years ago
Dual wielding Rocket Launching Shotguns will get rid of your nostalgia.
Pick up some Quad Damage while you're at it.
almost 13 years ago
Shotguns in Rainbow 6 Vegas were pretty realistic, considering they were able to shoot down entire hallways and not have the stopping power of a kid's BB gun past 10 feet.
almost 13 years ago
I'm pretty sure in Borderlands Shotguns work more like in real life, except for the whole imbued with elements and, smile face pattern.
almost 13 years ago
You're not the only one, Jo. The Doom shotty saved my butt more times than I care to count.
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