What people are saying about "Sick Leave"
Sick Leave
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almost 13 years ago
Diabletes = win
Thomas Williams
almost 13 years ago
A8575This s*** is so legittttt!!!M
almost 13 years ago
server problems are godly, basically as soon as people are off work, the servers go down and blizzard posts a "we dont know whats going on but well be looking into it" excuse, thy dont have enough servers for the peak hours, thats it
almost 13 years ago
soo much people trolling on diablo3, k you cant afford it so it must be the venom of games and the server problems must be godly huh
almost 13 years ago
Heh, from "Traditional Healer" up top I was expecting you to be ripping on GW2 at first or something.
Andrew Hall
almost 13 years ago
I predict several days of comic absence and then an epic rant from Engie about getting steamrolled by epic twinks buying up all the items in the player stores. We should start a pool, or something.
Hurr hurr
almost 13 years ago
So we'll see him after he beats the game? In like 3 hours?
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_138980]@Cogzwell[/url]: inb4 you say you like Tera.
Some Witch Doctor
almost 13 years ago
*the examination*

Dr. Fern: You seek me help?

Jo: I think I have diabletes

Dr. Fern: let me takea lookatcha?

Dr. Fern: ya mon, lemme see if de cure be workin.

TAZDINGO! *casts cure*

nah mon, de illness be toooooo strong, I be givin ya a sick note now, go takea few days off mon.
almost 13 years ago
Enjoy your slow boring combat! :D, hope your fanboyism stays whole....
almost 13 years ago
Oh, curious, is the next comic going to be about error 37?
GOTY right here guys
almost 13 years ago
Diablo killed on hell difficulty -

Stand in place and shoot a beam: the game
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_138939]@d3me[/url] Nope. I'm from Eastern Europe from an Ex-soviet occupied country and Diablo 3 already came out here (although it is expensive as hell, but luckily I'm not interested that much in it.)
almost 13 years ago
Good luck with that infantile game.
almost 13 years ago
You know that Blizzard selling Russian version of Diablo3 for 30$? The catch? Release date for Russia and ex-soviets is 7th of June. You may troll now...
almost 13 years ago
I hope that is not in valve time.
almost 13 years ago
I know it's kinda the joke, but this really doesn't count as skipping an update. Too funny, Jo!
almost 13 years ago
Even if the game servers are down, the little time i have played Diablo 3 make me sure that the game will be awesome D: Im almost in Act II D:
Seymour (Fry's Dog from Futurama)
almost 13 years ago
I will wait for you Torchlight 2.
Even if it takes the entire summer.
Especially because you cost 3 times less on release without always online bullshit DRM and auction house retartedness arghhhhGAGLNOGJIOGALSGASMG.
Yes I'm a bit mad.
almost 13 years ago
Sorry to hear about your Diabletes. Remember to take your Winsulin as recommended.
almost 13 years ago
can you play diablo III in single player mode, like the previous ones?
almost 13 years ago
So, my Partner got me Diablo III for passing my P1 Driving Test. So I get home and install it, find out the servers are down, change from America to Asia, BOOM IN GAME FUKR!!! So Playing as Wizard. I am Boomsticking through everything, Oh a Skele, Boom what skele. Wiz - Win...
Andrew Hall
almost 13 years ago
Hahahah, "Diabletes". I had that for most of 2000 when Diablo II came out, until I realized I was starting to twitch and wake up and want to hit Alt-F4 out of cold sweats in my sleep.

We understand, Jo. See you next year.
almost 13 years ago
Reminds me of the message a professor sent out, "Class cancelled due to everyone calling in sick to play portal 2"
almost 13 years ago
Error 37
almost 13 years ago
Hell man, I haven't managed to stay logged in enough to contract Diabletes.

I imagine there were a lot of people who took vacation time to play D3 who were PRETTY bored today.
almost 13 years ago
servers are down, get to comic making.
almost 13 years ago
My Responses:

"Oh, Jo made a typo. I didn't know he had diabetes."
"Wait a minute...that's not a typo...but what does it MEA-OH I GET IT HAHA"
Nando Rock
almost 13 years ago
Back to work and wife, servers are shutdown, thanks fu/$#$# DRM hehehehe
almost 13 years ago
No comic today? FFFUUUUUUUUUi btw, which are y'all playing? Imma start demon hunter when i get it.
almost 13 years ago
That feel.
I know it.
almost 13 years ago
Should have been Diablo3tes.
 Platypus
almost 13 years ago
How can you tell its fake? Because its legible. Hah ah, old bad doctor jokes.
almost 13 years ago
"You think this will work?"

almost 13 years ago
took me a minute to get that one.
captain oblivious
almost 13 years ago
seems legit...
almost 13 years ago
Tomorrow, there won't be a sick note. Why? Because nobody's staying home to be Diablo 3, because of extended login server downtime. :)
almost 13 years ago
I'm not registering an account for the sake of photocomments so someone just put in the corner "Now with less titles!
almost 13 years ago
inb4 d3 is bad because sequels are bad and d2 was so much worse than d1
almost 13 years ago
I hope you get well soon, Jo.
almost 13 years ago
poor jo, diabletes. . .