What people are saying about "My Work Here Is Done"
My Work Here Is Done
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almost 13 years ago
*insert nerdrage here
almost 13 years ago
gee. at that time I've found my first set piece on inferno...
almost 13 years ago
Aeris Targaryan? :O
That Guy
almost 13 years ago
"Hardcore", You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Solaire of Astora
almost 13 years ago
Praise the Sun!
Nando Rock
almost 13 years ago
Kain dies???
An Onymous
almost 13 years ago
Good thing I don't play Diablo or I'd be pissed at that spoiler.
P.S. Damn it Joe, why did you write a spoiler anyways?
Trolling Nerd
almost 13 years ago
Thanks for the completely unnecessary spoiler.
almost 13 years ago
what was read cannot be unread.
almost 13 years ago
Rosebud, it was my sled.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_139345]@Applejack[/url]: Think on the good side, now when you hear Twilight you don't think about fairies disguised as vampires, you think about ponies!
almost 13 years ago
Vulpis - keep on waiting, i remember when Blizzard kept 60% of the original price of Warcraft 2 for 10 years.
almost 13 years ago
I never played a Diablo before, but I realized what D3 what giving me deja vu for: Gauntlet for Dreamcast. The mowing down of mooks combined of the hyping up of some boss at the end jogged my memory. They both do this.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_139348]@Vulpis[/url]: It's not an MMO, which makes things worse.
almost 13 years ago
At a "more slower" pace. Either only "slower", or if you want to stretch it a bit, "more slow".
Sorry, grammar nazi, yadda yadda. Can't hear you over the overwhelming D3 envy.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_139348]@Vulpis[/url]: Takes longer then that if you wanna get all the endgame goodies :P
almost 13 years ago
@Sip love If it only takes 2-4 days before it has to fall back on 'replayability' to keep your interest in it...it's definitely not worth $60. Then again, as a JRPG player I suppose I'm biased, after putting in 100+ play hours the *first* time through the game. Heck, a good MMO takes a month...
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_139304]@Chessrook44[/url] Neither, at this point. Once Skyrim drops down into the $20 range, I'd get it, but right now if I had $60 to spare--Guild Wars 2.
Sip love
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_139344]@Vulpis[/url]: Please look into the concept of replayablity. It's pretty neat for games like this.
almost 13 years ago
@Twilight Sparkle: Why would you do that to us, Twi?
almost 13 years ago
So...you spent $60 on a game that you beat in a couple of days? Wow, that's value. :-/ And people wonder why I wait for them to drop to $20.
Twilight Sparkle
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_139249]@dvhh[/url]: Thanks to Twilight already demoralized vampires too much
almost 13 years ago
What is the point with being afraid of spoilers in THAT kind of game? Story is so generic halfway through 1st act you can guess what's gonna happen at the end.

SPOILER ALERT: You kill stuff in Diablo 3. SPOILER ENDS
almost 13 years ago
So how many here got it free via the annual pass offer?
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_139326]@Sephiroth[/url]: No, no, no! You are still somewhere frozen in Mako. It's not you killing Aeris but your mother dressed like you. Wow, that sounds so wrong...
almost 13 years ago
Hardcore on a baby crawler? The fuck is wrong with people?
almost 13 years ago
Ok Jo, no spoilers for a good month.
almost 13 years ago
So I hear some of the mechanics suck in diablo. >.>
almost 13 years ago
Don't turn around...
almost 13 years ago
I DIE?! Why do I have to die?
almost 13 years ago
There is a reason Diablo 2 had a solid player base for over a decade. Because it wasn't complicated by nature. It could be if you wanted it to be, but if you wanted to roll up a character and beat the crap out of things, more power to you.
almost 13 years ago
So... what's the ending like? Better or worse than Mass Effect? Or should I just go to YouTube and find out for myself.
almost 13 years ago
and my friends gave me crap for finishing mass effect 3 in a day and a half
almost 13 years ago
Skyrim was mediocre at best, Diablo is a game that's gonna be played by thousands in the years to come. You can pretend, that you're playing an "argh-pee-gy", or you can admit, that RPG died with Van Buren and play the best hack n slash there is.
almost 13 years ago

best level in the game
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_139304]@Chessrook44[/url] , @Tonberry - difference is, Diablo 3 is fun WITHOUT mods. It also doesn't pretend to be an RPG, it just delivers top-notch hack'n'slash right in your face. Skyrim, and every Shitesda game pretends to be an "RPG" while giving you shallow characters and boring quests.
almost 13 years ago
The rush to the end of Diablo 3 normal is really fun, I must admit.

But after all the 1 week gamers move on, we'll get to -really- play our game. :D
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_139306]@Chessmoron[/url] - you are a trolling troll. You can beat D3 in 2 days and if lucky can ask for a refund. Least that is what i did game was 4/10 at best.
almost 13 years ago
Chessrook44 - You're a moron. Diablo 3's replayability is worth more than anything Skyrim ever will have to offer.
almost 13 years ago
Diablo 3: Beaten in 4 days with nothing left but replayability.
Skyrim: Beaten in 2 weeks with nothing left but replayability, exploration of undiscovered locales, and messing around with the locals.

Which is worth YOUR money?
almost 13 years ago
Wait, why is there a human hand and not a purple tentacle in the second frame? WHAT ARE YOU HIDING FROM US JO?!
almost 13 years ago
Congrats, but diablo III its not hardcore, not even a bit, maybe at max difficulty... but with no possible customization and only skill needed to spam your attacks and magics with care of not being hit... u cant say is hardcore, is more...casual..
Jon Doe
almost 13 years ago
Diablo 3 wasn't that good.
I hope Dragon's Dogma doesn't let me down as this did.
BLU Scout
almost 13 years ago
NO! Not Aeris! I just aquired Great Gospel...
almost 13 years ago
inb4 complaints of calling Diablo3 "hardcore"
almost 13 years ago
Aerith dies....
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_139286]@Lauro[/url]: Playan
almost 13 years ago
oh wait I already knew that. nevermind.
almost 13 years ago
Human by night, tentacle by day?
almost 13 years ago
So, if you want a difficult single player game with a good story and atmosphere.....

....you wouldn't be playing Diablo III, amIrite?
almost 13 years ago
So, I hope Jo also did the pony land thing.
Dr. Thrax
almost 13 years ago
Syberian manbearpig
almost 13 years ago
@Time Master:
There are parts of the World other than americas, perhaps Jo lives in New Zealand, or, dunno, Kamchatka
almost 13 years ago
WHAT THE HELL YOU CASUAL SHIT you ain't hardcore enough to rush inferno?!!!
almost 13 years ago
More Spoilers: It turns out the person Luke has to stop the shipment is his father and that the shipment of soylent green is made of people.

Also, Snape kills Dumbledore.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_139250]@Bob[/url]: Wow, can you be a bigger buzzkill?
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
Bruce Willis is a ghost.
almost 13 years ago
Game sucks.

Also, it took you longer than two hours?
almost 13 years ago
no one came for the vampire joke ? come on !!
Time Master
almost 13 years ago
Friday the 18th at 4:38 PM? One of those has to be wrong, unless this comic is about tomorrow. (Even using Brazil time, it's at least 12 hours too early)
Kydrou Kair
almost 13 years ago
I wanted to buy Diablo, but to me, it was either paying for my favorite mmorpg or a game i don't know if my graphics card will do justice. Now that i have money again, i don't know if i should pay for a error 37 screen.
almost 13 years ago
PS i posted as michael not being singed in
almost 13 years ago
O_O i made it first for once anyways i cant run Diablo 3 on my PC because the graphics card that should have got here a long time ago is still not here -__- oh well i hope the wait is not to long :/
i may not be first when i post but no one else had posted this is a safe guard for when this comes 2
almost 13 years ago
Seriously finished the game already? I'm still awaiting my copy
almost 13 years ago
Congratulations Jo!