What people are saying about "Helping Hand"
Helping Hand
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Corporal Thundercunt
almost 13 years ago
ARPG whore
almost 13 years ago
Diablo 3 is fun.

Torchlight 2 is just funner, and that's only Beta.

DIII is too linear. The story is better than Torchlight 2, of course. But for the rest, there is nothing DIII does that TL2 isn't doing. Plus TL2 isn't plagued with bugs and frame rate drops, unlike DIII...
Liro Raeriyo
almost 13 years ago
i have this thing were i don't buy games which had its conceived moment come about simply because someone wanted more money.
almost 13 years ago
Hahahaha I did this when I crashed two of my friends' game. Before I warped to them, I made the monsters just enough stronger to kill them.

Then I killed all the monsters because I am a Demon Hunter and AWESOME.
almost 13 years ago
Too much beams, not enough 'splody orbs, for my opinion... but that's just my Wizard playing showing through (taking my time, beat act 2 on normal).
almost 13 years ago
Wasn't interested with Diablo III, still not interested, now when i look at Future Soldier, lets just say i would be like Jo.
almost 13 years ago
Hah, Wizard is a nuker.
almost 13 years ago
I had that happened on inferno skele king lets just say after that I turned off quick join.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_139648]@asd[/url]: lol
almost 13 years ago
But it GETS to you in the most wonderful way, after a while.
almost 13 years ago
Atmosphere. At least in the original one. The constant minimal amount of light, the oppression of knowing some horror that wants to shred you is *always* around the next corner, and that you have to, HAVE to keep *descending*...

This is all just for the first one, of course.
almost 13 years ago
Hopefully, I won't insult anyone by saying this, but what exactly is the appeal to Diablo? ...Just curious...
almost 13 years ago
well not a problem for me i dont have friends
almost 13 years ago
I found it easier with a friend actually. Me and him both built barbarians, and we are incredibly over powered. We drop bosses in less than 30 seconds
almost 13 years ago
Diablo's Minion grows stronger? I thought he's dead...TWICE!
Garcia Hotspur, Hunter of Demons
almost 13 years ago
Turn off allow quick join
almost 13 years ago
Torchlight II beta is great...^^
almost 13 years ago
This needs more Monk. Oh wait. Never mind.
almost 13 years ago
I did this once on a Diablo fight in Act 4.... they wer enot happy with me. Also, DISINTEGRATE!!!
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
Nando Rock
almost 13 years ago
in that hour, i miss the Fire Walk from D2 hehehehe
Anon E Mouse
almost 13 years ago
I like how you can't _stop_ friends from joining your game.

Well, I guess by not having any friends...
almost 13 years ago
Oh wah wah wah sorcerer.

I turn up the player count on purpose in Diablo II.
almost 13 years ago
I don't care about TF2 and I think Nerf Now is a site dedicated to video game in general and not to TF2.

Please draw a lot of comics about variety of games.
almost 13 years ago
Please, go back to TF2.
almost 13 years ago
Personally i think she could have done better with a hit and run strategy, oh who am I kidding is she didnt get pwned there would have beed no fan service
almost 13 years ago
Giant Ogre Club Arm
-Now with clothes-destroying ability for easier rape capacity.
Red Snoipah
almost 13 years ago
Looks like when someone joins your game,
you're FUCKED
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_139477]@MrTT[/url]: awww... I was waiting the femmenazis make drama screaming that was a rape joke
almost 13 years ago
you can make it so they need your permission to join
You don't know mah name bro'
almost 13 years ago
True story, omg stop join my games
almost 13 years ago
@General Kotor: The second panel depicts her being crushed by his club/hand which has grown significantly larger due to the addition of more people in the server
An Onymous
almost 13 years ago
This is yet another reason why I'm more of a solo gamer.
almost 13 years ago
Same thing happens in Borderlands. FUUUUUUUU
almost 13 years ago
playing wizard and hey i got belial solo on hell down.
working on akt 4 right now... everything solo :P
General Kotor
almost 13 years ago
*_* A cosplay girl raped by an obese monster in missionary position, OMG... MY EYES!!

And the second girl says... OMFG...
almost 13 years ago
All the effin time... Just as I'm getting killed by very difficult champions, somebody joins and I get facestomped >_<
almost 13 years ago
Come closer....let me thank you personally for your help.....
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_139443]@Davtwan[/url] Bingo. First option I toggled. Fine with playing with friends pretty much anytime, but I'm the sort of guy who knocks at a friend's house even if I know I'm expected (unless they see me walking me up and wave/acknowledge my arrival). It just feels polite to ask first.
almost 13 years ago
@O-(-'.'Q): I hear there is a way by making an invite-only server and only allowing yourself inside.
almost 13 years ago
Comic as follows:
Nightmare mode
Pack of Elites
Ice bombs
Purple Spinny Lazorz
Better have a Monk
almost 13 years ago
Like with Dark Souls, you can prevent forced multiplayer joinings simply by playing offline.

Oh wait... >_>;

Well, maybe you could try purging your friends list?
almost 13 years ago
ran into a gold guy.. apparently had vortex plague and desecrate.. his elite adds had fire chains and mortar D:
almost 13 years ago
Just so you know, you can avoid this hilarious situation by disabling quick-join in your options menu.
almost 13 years ago
death by hump? ouch
almost 13 years ago
If you are having trouble killing one of those your gear sucks. Do not blame on friend :P.
Kiel D-01
almost 13 years ago
A friend of mine was playing with another friend on hardcore, they were doing the final boss of the first act (I'll not spoil :P) and then I joined. His friend (a barb) died and he fell soon after.

That awkward moment when I wanted to invite him to play but felt embarrassed about their loss.
almost 13 years ago
Which is why games should spawn *more* enemies and *tougher* enemies in multiplayer, rather than just giving things a health and damage boost.
Kydrou Kair
almost 13 years ago
This reminded me of my 1st day in Hell difficulty as Sorceress in D2
almost 13 years ago
First mistake was rolling spellcaster. Go back and pick Barbarian/Monk and try again.
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
Stop helping me!