Leahs mother survived
Soulstone survived
some angels unanounced and some hate you
quite a couple of routes the game can take,
but expecting it to be in a single act as in D2 though
almost 13 years ago
I think the exp we will fight with emperius, cuz he hate the nephalem and he want destroy the black soul stone but when he seek the stone a huge shit will hit the fan.
We need remember Adria is still alive, so, probably, she will recover the stone and diablo will come back.
almost 13 years ago
That's easy. Imperius and Adria. My theory has been since the final scene of Act III that Adria is in fact Diablo, and what Leah became was a Diablo shard, just a clone to distract the heroes from Diablo's true goals.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_140951]@Draxynnic[/url]: The necromancer is referenced in Act 2 during a mini-event with a student of his.
almost 13 years ago
Duriel and Andariel were in the black soul stone there is only one line in the whole game that references that though, very easy to miss, also in the end cinematic the black soulstone survives, so all it takes is someone to find it and and let it corrupt them and suddenly all 7 evils are back.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_140890]@OKKK[/url]: That or like George doing with a gorilla courtship.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_140927]@Auron[/url]: From the Wizard story, the Sorceress was one of her mentors, and died losing control of a spell (strongly implied to have been killed by the Assassin). The idea of the Barbarian being the same as D2 appears to have been scrapped, leaving him and the others unaccounted for.
almost 13 years ago
boh! in diablo 3 expansion, Adria become a other big demon. We rescue de spirit of leah with the power of demons and angels
all demons die and all angels to (but not tyrael). Only humains survive in the end of the history :)
almost 13 years ago
Blizzard storytelling is getting worse and worse...
almost 13 years ago
Diablo 4 will involve slaying the demons which cause the error messages in D3.
almost 13 years ago
@Isaac : It is indeed a very lovely expansion!
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_140913]@Diablo[/url]: But I wanted him to stay Angelic! D: *sobs*
almost 13 years ago
The Wrath Of The Lamb is here !!!
almost 13 years ago
Auron...I love how you were getting on metzen's case...then I raged when you decided to take the story in the same direction you were just harping on him for...
And Tyrael didn't become "human"...he became mortal...there's a difference.
almost 13 years ago
Or better yet! That they show more of the heroes that were involved in Diablo 2. Show the aftermath of everything they've been through. That would be awesome :D Maybe they get corrupted and we have to defeat them? Or add stuff from all the novels that were published...
almost 13 years ago
It is a possibility that Lilith is either Adria or they might be working together somehow... or maybe not. I'm really, -really- hoping that they bring the necromancer class back in the expansion, or at least have alot more interaction with the race.
almost 13 years ago
Oh, and you're all forgetting one major "player" in the Diablo universe. Lilith. Remember her? She was not absorbed in the soulstone and she herself was a major player in the beginning (She, along with Inarius, did come together to create mankind, essentially)
almost 13 years ago
And at the sametime, did you notice that Chris Metzen is like the Joss Whedon of gaming? Mr. Metzen has to ALWAYS corrupt someone in the storyline. (Kerrigan, Leah, Arthas etc) I know that its a major plot device but... when it starts becoming a recurring them in ALL your games... well..
almost 13 years ago
I agree with gblxkzk about all the connections from other games. It's just a weird way to go about storyteling. The "Age of Mortals" theme is crap; Angels definitely should NOT be able to turn human (I miss my Angelic Tyrael D:)
almost 13 years ago
Thats the samething I'm thinking. The way Blizzard set it up, seems pretty obvious in setting up the next boss fight against Adria. As another commenter had also noted, when defeating Diablo... the souls went back into the soulstone.. but the soulstone remained intact as he plummeted back down.
almost 13 years ago
Why not Adria? She disappears safely right before Act IV. And maybe she's located somewhere near Kurast.
almost 13 years ago
By the way, compare WC3 ending (reg, NOT frozen throne) Cataclysm ending vid (deathwing death and thralls baby) and DIII ending - all the same age of mortals bullcrap.
almost 13 years ago
They clearly aren't in the same realm (as Hell isn't under Sanctuary, but their reach it through a portal) and Tyrael might have been simply teleported out as he fell.
The issue comes from bad storytelling, that's all. Angels shouldn't turn human anyway, that's shit.
almost 13 years ago
When Diablo died, the souls went back into the soulstone. That's what I think could be deduced according of how they worked in DII.
The theory they moved from the SS to into Diablo is conceivable.
However as to falling from heaven to sanct...
almost 13 years ago
If we're going to kill any angels, it's going to be either a batshit crazy Malthael or Imperius
almost 13 years ago
@ Triface and others:
The soulstone absorbed the 6 evils (Adanriel, Duriel, Mephisto, Belial, Azmodan and Baal)
Diablo was in Leah (think ectonurite from Ben 10- recreating yourself from a speck of DNA/essence)
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_140872]@gblxkzk[/url], Tyrael fell to Sanctuary from heaven so it is conceivable that the soulstone did the same.
Also why is everyone talking about Andariel, Duriel, etc. still being in the soulstone when the game clearly states that Diablo absorbed all 7 evils into himself?
almost 13 years ago
Reminds me of this.
It would be amazing.
almost 13 years ago
It would be funny if Jo made the engies performing a totally non-erotic animal like mating ritual to troll the ones requesting rule34 (even more because Jo already have made a lot of rule34)
No Choice
almost 13 years ago
Adria wearing the skeleton king's bones as armor. You will have to get Wirt's Fourth Leg to defeat her.
almost 13 years ago
Details on this mating ritual plx.
almost 13 years ago
...Malthael(Archangel of Wisdom, which we suspect is becoming the Archangel of Death), and of course the black soulstone.
Those are all the theories we currently have for expansion content.
almost 13 years ago
What's left to fight?
Duriel and Andariel are both still inside the black soulstone(it contains all the leaders of evil).
We're theorizing over on the forums about...
Imperius, Corrupted Anu(ultimate good, the crystal arch is his spine), Adria, Tathamet(ultimate evil), Leah's Soul...
almost 13 years ago
Aria is still out there and ofcourse Dirgest's Gem
almost 13 years ago
Adria o korosu. Dake da
almost 13 years ago
As stated by other folks, Adria is still to be accounted for.
That and Leah's soul. What happened to her was worse than just dying, I mean, she was consumed! This was the most depressing part of the whole game.
I mean, Error 37 is still the most depressing part.
almost 13 years ago
what about the maid?
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
I mean, the expansion (as mentioned in the other comments) will definitely be about killing Adria and trying to rescue Leah's soul... if possible, cuz she's a massive headache to the world.
But what I hope is that we will also go into the world of the companions and Covetous Shen.
almost 13 years ago
Part II
In the final video we can see the parfect falling of the black stone to the planet without anyone to control it and mantain de demons inside it.
almost 13 years ago
Answering to your expansion dilema:
If you speak with Tyrael, he says that the black stone can't hold the spirit of a big bunch of demonds and, if they didn't capture the alst demon soon, the stone will break and the demonds reborn. In the final the stone falls
almost 13 years ago
This is Blizzard, they've established a lot of new lore in WoW for raiding, they'll do it in Diablo.
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
Pretty certain they would still hold rather firmly on all the evils being in one body at the end of Diablo :). But that beetch who betrayed us (or did she? Technically speaking she could have been counting on us killing the Prime evil even though it meant sacrificing everything on it).
almost 13 years ago
Yeah, the Black Soulstone contained Andariel, Duriel, Mephisto, Baal and Diablo when it was found. Then it held Belial and Azmodan before...well, you know.
almost 13 years ago
Lilith, calling it now.
almost 13 years ago
Nerd Rage in 3...2...1....
Andariel and Duriel are totaly in the Black Soulstone! Their essence was collected --- stop throwing rocks at me!
BLU Scout
almost 13 years ago
Diablo Expansion? Pfft. Some of us are waiting for more important things, like Meet the Pyro.
almost 13 years ago
well, about expansion, i believe it will show where did Adria go, and also Imperious will want your head so there u have 2 Big fights
almost 13 years ago
It's funny how so many people comment on what will go into the expansion based on what's left to kill... Blizzard already retconned the shit out of the Diablo lore, what ever makes you think they wont do it again? They'll simply change the lore if the current lore doesnt fit with the planned boss...
almost 13 years ago
Next Comic: Engie Brokeback Mountain
almost 13 years ago
they will add pandas in the next expansion, and all fanboys will cheer
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_140815]@Insertnamehere[/url]: Diablo looked female because of the female host. It's a well established fact that the possessor takes on traits of the possessed in the diabloverse.
"go into Hell to save Leah's soul"-> I would hate that. Shouldn't we go and save Prince Albrecht and Aidan too then? Just kill adria
almost 13 years ago
The most plausible theory for why those souls came back is that they were sealed inside a soulstone, and their souls can therefore only return to the world via soulstone. (Andariel and Duriel were just wandering souls for whatever reason). Soulstones got destroyed, they went to the next host (Black)
almost 13 years ago
Clearing a few things up here: When the black soulstone was charged with the soul of the three prime evils, Andariel and Duriel were sucked together with them (Note that Diablo has a feminine aspect this time around, and Andariel is the only female evil). Next comment^
almost 13 years ago
Trang'Oul may be an exception, though, as he might be the Balance to Anu's good and Tahamet's evil. I doubt he'd be on the kill list, though, unless it's because he's decided that all the Evils being confined means the balance has swung too far towards good and it's time to swing it back.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_140789]@Aeshi[/url]: The impression I get is that gods in the Diablo cosmology are actually a step below the Evils and the Angeris Council in power and importance. They seem to be more along the lines of local spirits and other 'small gods', while it's the angels and demons that really drive things.
Debbie Downer
almost 13 years ago
It's sad that 15 days after release we're already ready for the expansion. -_-
almost 13 years ago
Blizzard already outlined the expansion on the CE Behind the Scenes DVD: We have to go into Hell to save Leah's soul. This will also probably involve killing her backstabbing mother Adria.
As for the souls of the Evils, they cannot be destroyed. Eternal War for that reason.
Well there's
almost 13 years ago
Adria, the Black Soul Stone itself, Angry McAngelFace, Mopey McAngelFace.
Andariel and Durial were both tagged for being sucked into the stone by Diablo when he left them to guard, so they were in the stone.
almost 13 years ago
Glossing over the fact that Diablo, Memphisto, Baal, Duriel, Andarial, and whom ever you kill in D3 ... are dead.
Their souls are gone forever.
They explained this in Diablo 1... like 15 years ago.
Albrect died, diablo went back into soul stone.
Diablo 2, hes dead.
almost 13 years ago
If they get $ for it they will think something out. For now Diablo servers dont work more often then old HOBO.
almost 13 years ago
Hunting Adria and what happened to archangel malthael.
Furthermore, it is mentioned that the treasure goblins serve a big demon/thing.
I would say, it´s enough content for an expansion <:
almost 13 years ago
How about Trang'Oul? He'd be a natural step up from Diablo since he's a semi-deity
almost 13 years ago
Andariel and Duriel souls were in the black soulstone cose of Adria. there were 7 evils inside so Diablo, Baal, Mephisto, Duriel, Andariel, Belial and Azmodan
almost 13 years ago
Mmmm...mating ritual...
almost 13 years ago
The real loose ends are Adria, Imperius (who has far too much hate in him to be an uncorrupted angel, see http://us.battle.net/d3/en/media/videos/?view#/wrath-trailer) and the fates of Malthael and Leah's soul.
almost 13 years ago
Next expansion will be about Adria and the soulstone.
@Jo: Duriel and Andy are not primal demons, they're lost forever.
almost 13 years ago
Nah, Diablo was essentially Tahamet reborn anyway. The Anu-Tahamet story seems to be basically Marduk-Tiamat all over again, except that Anu got destroyed as well.
almost 13 years ago
They'll have to fight metzen's terrible writing and voice acting.
almost 13 years ago
Given how much they Malthael was talked about towards the ending, I figure he'd make a showing in the expansion somehow. Wouldn't be surprised if they try to save Leah's soul somehow, too.
almost 13 years ago
----Spoilers last one I promise----
Tahamet was mentioned a couple times in the playthrough and was said to be the source of the prime evils. He is a dragon and dragons were mentioned about 4 or 5 times throughout the game. Knowing Blizzard and their love for dragons, that's my guess for the boss
almost 13 years ago
Expansion pack will be about the wacky adventures alongside Covetous Shen 8D
Including looking for that diabolical gem that he kept on talking about, filled with the trapped spirit of some chaotic elder god and whatnot.
almost 13 years ago
Imperius that angel guy acted like a complete d-bag the whole game and always threatened to kill you. He is obviously corrupt and he was powerful enough to hurt Diablo at full strength (even though he did lose)
My guess for the final boss would be Tahamet, he was
almost 13 years ago
My guesses for what will be the bosses in the expansion are obvious.
------------Spoilers below this line--------------
Leah's mom Adria the witch who betrayed the group to summon turn her own daughter into Diablo simply walked through a portal after summoning him and is now MIA.
almost 13 years ago
Adria, expansion pack will be about hunting her down and getting revenge for her betrayal. Perhaps saving Leah's soul in the process.
almost 13 years ago
It's said in the game that all 7 evils are contained within the soulstone. Though given Diablo 1 and 2 that doesn't make sense ;p
almost 13 years ago
I for one would welcome a comic about the Engies' weird mating ritual.
almost 13 years ago
Actually considering the black soul stone fell to earth without anyone destroying it they probably will do an expansion about that
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