Farming act 1 inferno for a few days till i find more all resist items.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_141051]@Gamer[/url], you do not know much about games do you? If you want to play for fun play for fun. No one expects a person to play inferno or with a groups. I just enjoy it. Do I have to have more reason? Oh, and if you have something against online solo games should we also talk about Dark Souls?
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_141067]@MrTTAO[/url]: Only you and I share this belief. Only you and I.
almost 13 years ago
Sorry, im done farming act 2, just killing belial >:
almost 13 years ago
and if I am on act4? :P
almost 13 years ago
Step 1: Go to your dayjob, get paid money for "farming" lattes or burgers or whatever it is your tedious boring job makes you do.
Step 2: Buy victory on real money auction house.
Step 3: Profit... namely you profit by spending 1/10 the hours farming.
almost 13 years ago
If you're going to quote Zero Punctuation you should also take this one.
"SHUT UP MOUTH, SHUT, NOW. We've been over this. A full priced game has to stand up on single player because there are always factors in the way of multiplayer that the game can't help."
almost 13 years ago
I'm a monk and my gear is pretty much okay for Inferno. We'd have to do some occasional kiting together. Also:
Hey, I read your webcomic
and this is crazy
but here's my username
so add me maybe?
almost 13 years ago
'It's faster to play Solo!', then why are you playing an online game? Faster but less fun...that shouldn't be conflicting points. 'I never understand why people rush through games, unless they have a report due on the ending.'- Zero Punctuation
almost 13 years ago
Why in all that's holy are you grinding in a single player game? Didn't that get stale after Diablo 2?
Forcing grind is just bad game design. Inferno being hard shouldn't mean "slightly more difficult than the difficulty below it, only you have to sink 20 hours into getting decent gear"
almost 13 years ago
I'm currently trying to get past ACT1. But I couldn't get past error 37 since yesterday -_-''.
I'm playing on EU server anyway and it's probably not your case.
BTW: I'm still using your engy-tan skin in minecraft :D
pervert troll
almost 13 years ago
Boobs. Boobs everywhere. (.)(.)
almost 13 years ago
The more I hear about Diablo 3, the more it sounds like a MMO
almost 13 years ago
Farming ACT1 can't solo ACT2 but I supose you're on USA server :-(
almost 13 years ago
@BLU Scout
If D3 mobs ever actually dropped Mann Co supply crates I would seriously die laughing.
almost 13 years ago
Farming act 1 inferno :(
almost 13 years ago
sorry i am farming act IV hope youre not hating me for this
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_140966]@DM1293[/url]: It would also be filled with giant penises and levitating falling lava where wooden houses used to be.
almost 13 years ago
Can't resist...
@Andrew Hall: I used to be a Hiker like you, then I got an Eye-row in the Bee
BLU Scout
almost 13 years ago
Sorry Jo can't help you. The random number generator blows. Sometimes you get a rare drop, most of the time its a freaking manco supply crate.
almost 13 years ago
You were already either farming or buying stuff through forums in D2. So what's so different about this one? Plus it's pretty obvious that because of how the game works you will have to farm to get through the Inferno difficulty. There's just no other way to go about it.
almost 13 years ago
At least you're in 2, I just made it to the second boss of 1.
I live in perpetual fear of a burning floor and hookshots.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_140980]@where[/url]: You know, begging like this is probably going make him put it off even more. You think artists like seeing crap like that?
almost 13 years ago
Nobody really cares about tf2 anymore.
This comic turned awesome when it started to diversify to other games and real-life stuff, so keep them coming Jo!
almost 13 years ago
Q) Why is a Nerfnow reader like Red Engie?
A) Because they both want to mine something they can't have!
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
So, you have already resorted to farming...D3 disgusts me even more now.
Andrew Hall
almost 13 years ago
Oh Engie-tan, I feel your pain. Last time I went hiking I totally felt like this. (Plus I got stung in the eye by a bee.)
Andrew Hall
almost 13 years ago
Ah man, this made me laugh. Engie-Tan as written by Jo Pereira is rapidly becoming one of my favorite characters in all of webcomics.
almost 13 years ago
Going solo is faster and more efficient even if it is less fun. Just do Leoric mansion runs until you find some bette gear, or get ht money of AH. Oh and be dang thankful you only have to do this for one difficulty unlike D2.
almost 13 years ago
Oh, there's good reason for having a 60 friend in Act 2 Inferno. I'd be using it myself if I had any 60 friends inclined to help me out, but... oh well. Solo and thus 4 times slower it is. I'll manage. Best of luck Jo.
almost 13 years ago
If we could live life like Minecraft, we'd ALL be out in the wild building immense, copyrighted structures.
almost 13 years ago
Interesting... I should use this escapism technique the next time some sick person makes go outdoors.
almost 13 years ago
I can enter Act 2 but my gear (Barb ; ;) isn't good enough to handle it.
And frankly, due to the 110% HP, 15% damage increase per extra player, I think staying solo is better for most people.
That and I saw someone posted a pic of an enemy with 55 MIL HP from 4 man group...
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