DM1293: So? It doesn't help when you've got a Pyro in your face,melting it with a flamethrower. And like I said,the nerf wasn't really noticeable to me. I still kicked ass as a Pyro.
almost 13 years ago
Babies: As a Medic,I have my saw,crossbow,and needle gun. As a Sniper,I have my Bushwacker and Jarate. Spy has a knife that's only really useful for backstabs which,honestly,aren't handled as well by the game as they should be. So that really only leaves the revolver for face to face fights.
almost 13 years ago
So really,yeah,trying to nerf the Enforcer seems a little odd. Especially in the face of the fact that many classes can get reliable crit-level damage. I mean,imagine if the Heavy had a mini-gun that built up mini-crit charge by spinning up his gun. Sounds OP,right?
almost 13 years ago
But the Scout has a gun that builds a mini-crit charge JUST BY RUNNING AROUND! Something the Scout does anyway. For some reason,some classes are supposed to stay in their niches,while others are encouraged to break out of them completely.
The Drunk Turtle
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_141244]@Lessno[/url] I think Jo needs to do a comic on the Pomson.
almost 13 years ago
What? The Enforcer was severely buffed, not nerfed.
almost 13 years ago
If I had to take a guess, the Enforcer change was due to the glitch it had with the Dead Ringer. Looks like they couldn't find a way around it, so they replaced the consequence instead.
D.D Mining Co.
almost 13 years ago
Women are awkwardly admitting they're bored and I'm not involved?
But wait... the Enforcer has been nerfed?? MY LIFE IS RUIN- time to play Pyro again.
almost 13 years ago
@pervert troll: And them Jo counter troll with E. Honda tits!
almost 13 years ago
1 Comic on the enforcer.
After 2 month, nerf enforcer...
almost 13 years ago
they nerfed the enforcer. I only played an hour as spy, but i had the enforcer, and life was good.
The Combat Sniper
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_141219]@babies[/url]: I'm do I not stand up in a fight? Last time I checked I took out 4 sentries, 4 engineers, 2 snipers, 3 soldiers, and 2 demomen the last time I ran and got the intel.
Why don't you learn how to play a sniper bro.
Dr. Thrax
almost 13 years ago
This isn't the death of the Enforcer, jesus. It's still a direct upgrade from the stock Revolver, only ONE shot won't get the 20% damage buff if you're disguised, and it only fires as fast as the Ambassador now. People are still going to bitch that it's OP.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_141219]@Babies[/url] - Spies have the Dead Ringer and Spycicle. I can still stand up in a fight. The Enforcer, to me, remains unnerfed. If anything its better now.
As a medic, I also have plenty of options in a fight, and snipers have the +25 HP choice. Supports usually fight "okay" man to man.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_141167]@zz[/url] - Incidentally, I find spies miss a lot with it.
@Roderick - Like a ranged melee weapon. Sure as hell beats the brass beast though.
@Merlynn[/url] - Spycicle, Jarate, Mad Milk, Bonk, Sandvich, Kritz Taunt, Equalizer, Shields. Barring the Engies, everyone has an option to survive the afterburn.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_141115]@VinLAURiA[/url]: I see you visit SPUF...
almost 13 years ago
We should make snipers and medics viable in a stand up fight as well. You know, can't have SUPPORT classes be underpowered in combat compared to COMBAT classes, right?
...wait, you wouldn't happen to be "whining" right now, would you?
almost 13 years ago
Yeah,the Enforcer needed a nerf. Can't have Spies being viable in a stand up fight,now,can we? It just goes to prove the biggest problem with TF2 is the whiney babies who can't stand the idea of one class beating their class.
almost 13 years ago
Look at Pyros. They got a damage nerf to their flamethrowers and they cried "broken". Whined so hard they not only got that tiny amount of damage back,they got a buff to the flare gun so it crit at long range. That was later changed to crit on people who were on fire,thank god.
almost 13 years ago
I played Pyro during the nerf and I saw NO loss in effectiveness at all. I couldn't even tell there'd been a damage nerf. And Valve wonders why everyone says TF2 is busted.
pervert troll
almost 13 years ago
Dear purple tentable, we need more boobs. MORE BOOBS.
almost 13 years ago
Sweater + Panties + Long socks?
Now do you understand why original Engie-tan is best Engie-tan?
almost 13 years ago
I stopped using the enforcer even before this update, default revolver looks cooler.
almost 13 years ago
Wait, Engie's playing on DS... why is it closed?
almost 13 years ago
This just in! Blonde Engie is a draenei spy.
almost 13 years ago
So, Enforcer loses random crits (not like it needed), and is a bit slower, and deals extra damage ONLY when undisguised. Yeah, if you droped off only one of these nerfs, it would still be a good weapon. Now, it's just another "bigger damage, slower attack" weapon.
This could be interesting...
almost 13 years ago
Next scene is totally redheaded engie with her head on blonde engie's shoulder and offering to entertain her.
almost 13 years ago
Wait a sec! 2 hot lesbian chicks alone in a tent, 1 fooling around with her DS and the other is boring? Something is REALLY WRONG with this picture!
Nando Rock
almost 13 years ago
Pyro Update? nope? go back to D3 and Metroid 3
almost 13 years ago
... because we need to teach people these criterias - no marye sues, good gameplay elements, etc... while letting them be innovative)it's quite the inferior product, compared to other games that went out at the same time.
Blizzard lost 1 client out of... 6 millions. Bleh.
almost 13 years ago
Torchlight 2 > Path of Exile > Diablo 3.
Blizzard is now a failure. Two indie companies are now better than them.
By no mean, DIII is not fun, but by looking at objective criterias (they do exist, and this is why we have writing classes and game making classes...
almost 13 years ago
Why ? It would be really easy to make this night VERY interesting...
Former enforcicle
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
The enforcer deserved it
almost 13 years ago
She is only bored cause shes stuck in a tent while its raining!
almost 13 years ago
The button says to troll...
You know I like the Blonde one more. Sad you spent so many comics focusing on Ms. Red.
almost 13 years ago
You don't seem to understand. Before, if a scout/engie started firing at the same time as the enforspy, the spy would win the 2-shot contest because enforcer fired faster.
With the firing speed change, the spy actually has to shoot first to kill the light class if all the shots hit.
almost 13 years ago
Um.. so how was the Enforcer killed?
Higher burst damage than any other revolver still makes it better than any other revolver, even if the total DPS has been cut.
And now I can recloak easier after I've downed your Medic in two shots. So my total time spent exposed hasn't changed all that much.
almost 13 years ago
when there is nothing to do, and you're alone with engie. there is always hot lesbian kiss contest available!
almost 13 years ago
If you don't like the outdoors, stay home and play your videogames. Psh.
Frankly, outdoors > videogames, unless you're in poor company.
almost 13 years ago
Whats Engie playin? PS Vita?
almost 13 years ago
Some weapons just work with others, there's a reason they're paired up. Sure the thing was too powerful but it was nerfed a bit too far back. I don't mind the disguise portion, I don't mind leaving the spread, but why take away that glorious moment when a crit saves your ass?
almost 13 years ago
Nobody dressed in that little clothing stuck in a tent with someone else wearing that little clothing should be bored.
almost 13 years ago
I mean, if I'm using a weapon for "lucky crits", I shouldn't be using that weapon at all. But thats just it: the decloak penalty forced me to change to revolver to use C&D and Invis Watch. Now? I can enforce in ANY WATCH. YOU DID NOTHING. YOU LOSE.
Now go nerf Pomson already.
almost 13 years ago
You say nerf, but;
1: The change make it viable for ALL watches.
2: Enforcer spies are already going to be undisguised post-shot.
3: A slower firing speed with all the damage. Congrats, its a non-headshot Ambassador!
It was "normalized", and I'd still use it over the revolver.
almost 13 years ago
Time for them to make some fun for themselves.
Haha Enforcer Crutch.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_141144]@Merlynn[/url] it got nerfed. Its now +20% damage when not disguised, -20% attack speed, no random criticals.
almost 13 years ago
Well I know something they could do... *starts up the generic porno music*
Ow. why are you hitting me?!
almost 13 years ago
Wait,what happened to the Enforcer?
almost 13 years ago
I just noticed... this is the first time we've seen blonde Engie below the waist. Has she been walking around bottomless this whole time?
almost 13 years ago
RIP Enforcer. Good riddance.
almost 13 years ago
Ok, this time, the scout definitly wont show up to interupt them before they can make out. I mean, come on, what else can they do?
almost 13 years ago
perfect weather for capture the flag!
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
Hey...two small tent...rainy weather...oooh I could see where this really should go. I mean...once that video game dies...there's only one more thing to play with and I bet I know where the on switch is.
almost 13 years ago
Yay for fan service
almost 13 years ago
What is that? A Vita?
Yeah, you'll be in the same boat in 10 minutes.
almost 13 years ago
Dr. Enforcicle has been SLAIN!
And I thought she had a 3DS? That's got no top screen!