What people are saying about "Old Wounds"
Old Wounds
Comments have been closed for this comic.
The Everything,man
almost 12 years ago
BILE! Sounds like Vile's brother who want's to kill him, X, Zero, and Axl at the same time,

Man what a twist that would be for Megaman X

Take care and hope that Shuma Gorath doesn't get stronger than The Hulk!
almost 12 years ago
I more or less liked the EC (and I despised the original endings)... though my main reason for liking it was the heavily implied reunion between Shepard and his LI (Tali in my case). What? I just wanted my freaken happy ending dammit!
Drive-by Spammer
almost 12 years ago
I uninstalled ME3 a long time ago, knowing nothing they could do would make things right, not after lying about not realizing there was an expectation for something they spent five years of interviews drumming up. Bioware's a shit-tier company now.
almost 12 years ago
Hahaha fools I decided to wait till they were done with the dlc to pirate it all and experience the full game on my firts play and now I'll go with the upgraded end.

And I am still unspoiled!!
Good advise
almost 12 years ago
You "don't feel like you should hate it."
Listen, you don't always have to hate everything, sometimes try liking them instead. It's much better experience, trust me.
almost 12 years ago
New endings are good offers more closure now all we need is a battle for omega dlc and all will be great again
almost 12 years ago
Where did all the comics between January and June go?
almost 12 years ago
Wow Jo, you weren't saying all this about the ME3 Ending months ago. -_-
almost 12 years ago
almost 12 years ago
@ Voidheartd

Why do you think I've pirated ME3, my first reason: Origin sucks asses since it's EA stuff.

Second: ME3 play quite well without multiplayer, although I have to admit I kinda regret it, it looks fun.

as for the 'new' endings: same as I was doing disregard and make my own.
almost 12 years ago
Origin is such a piece of shit. I haven't been able to download any DLC for ME3 since the game came out. Every single time I've had to contact support and have them do it.

They claim they cannot do so for the EC DLC, so I can't get it.

Never buying anything that uses Origin again.
Nando Rock
almost 12 years ago
One day i will play Mass Effect Trilogy...
almost 12 years ago
I do find the new refusal ending to be hilarious on BioWares part.

"Oh so you don't like our artistic vision do you you stupid plebeians? Well fine, because you refuse to accept our genius every character you ever loved or cared about in the series is dead! Eat shit, we're brilliant!"
Crass Spektakel
almost 12 years ago
Who fails to appreciate RAID1 before meltdown is doomed to appreciate RAID1 after meltdown.
almost 12 years ago
for all that is wondering what is going on go to the top of the page and click the yellow bar
almost 12 years ago
@Note Now [url=#user_comment_101475] @Thar[/url] ......
almost 12 years ago
@Note Now:

I think that something happened to the site, because it wouldn't work for a while and kept using some cloud-thing to show the old comics.
Note Now
almost 12 years ago
Anyone else notice that the archives are missing all the comics from Febuary to now?
 Platypus
almost 12 years ago
"Too little, too late." And I'd add with not enough contrition from Hudson. At least Valve knows how to end things right. Do you believe in magic?
almost 12 years ago
@Khorne Berserker: I'm not sure how self-sacrifice for the sake of free will is a shitty ending. Please explain.
almost 12 years ago
almost 12 years ago
He's not here, is she?
almost 12 years ago
My " meet the pyro " is here my friend...
Same man
almost 12 years ago
Same reaction, Jo, same reaction. Maybe I should be less pessimistic >_>
almost 12 years ago
To hell with you all, i liked the EC.
Khorne Berserker
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_101459]@Anonymous[/url]: That said the refusal ending is basically this. "oh so you dont want to do what we want you to do? well ok, fuck you, we'll make a shittier ending because you are to stubborn to accept our artistic genius" Way to inspire even more hate you fucking hamburgerhepler.
almost 12 years ago
Daily reminder that they don't actually care and you should stop giving them money:

Now that thats over with,
WOOOO TF2 update going live (in about an hour)
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_101454]@TheBaron[/url]: The Star Child does explain things but still forgot one of the biggest ones. In ME2, you build a team to fight the collectors who are targeting only humans (because humans are special) for a human Reaper which is SOMEHOW more dangerous. But apparently humans are not special in ME3.
almost 12 years ago
I though that horse was already dead.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_101450]@Bob[/url]: Yeah, a Refusal/Destroy ending would have been pretty amazing (though they'd have to REALLY rewrite the ending for that to work). Its kinda funny how no one is talking about the fact that the Refusal ending blatantly reveals the fact that the other 3 endings basically strip away free will.
almost 12 years ago
Never cared, never will.

Can't wait for this franchise to finally die out so webcomics etc. wont have to deal with it anymore...
almost 12 years ago
I played them. While the Star Child's explanations make sense now and the whole thing puts paid to the Indoctrination Theory, it's still pretty much the same thing as before. I liked that the new 'Rejection' Option is a big middle finger to the rest of the series and free will in general.
almost 12 years ago
WHY ARE YOU NOT DOING SOMETHING FOR PYROMANIA!? Were you even aware that Meet the Pyro comes out today?
Viktor von Doom
almost 12 years ago
Oh, boo-frickin'-hoo.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_101448]@Anon[/url]: That does happen. The next cycle finds Liara's beacon and uses it to beat the reapers. I guess what I wanted is a combination of the Refusal and extended Destroy endings but without the death of EDI and the Geth.
almost 12 years ago
Sign me up for not giving a fuck about anything to do with Mass Effect 3. Just don't care anymore.
almost 12 years ago
@Bob.: Or at least turned it into a very Pyrrhic victory for the Reapers, and provide the next cycle the last nail for the Reapers' coffin.
Andrew Hall
almost 12 years ago
I have to say, I much prefer it when Jo is hopped up on bile and pulling no punches :)
almost 12 years ago
now I wonder bob, if anybody tried refusal with maxed out ems
almost 12 years ago
To me, they were so close with the new refusal ending. If they made it a good ending with a high enough war score, I would have been happy.
almost 12 years ago
I tried to start a new game yesterday just to be ready for the endings. Then I saw the kid heard the that stupid "oh you must feel sad now" music. cue table flip, uninstall.
almost 12 years ago
the new ending still blows. seroiusly while i do like some sad endings in movies and/or heroic sacrafices. this new ending blows. Think about it. in a nutshell all that time you spend from ME1-3 was a wasted effort since the reapers still win. OH and the ending is wide open for a sequel.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_101420]@tim[/url] Since I returned the copy I burrowed what happened?
almost 12 years ago
Ending still blows, just slightly less now. Not like I care at this point though, BioWare sure knows how to inspire apathy in their fanbase.
so much hue
almost 12 years ago
"Oh boy, Mass Effect 3! I've waited ages for this game!"
"Well, the ending sucked, but I'll say it's good until the internet says otherwise, in which case I'll quickly change my opinion because I'm a tool."
Guess who this is everyone! It's not Jo. Nope. Not at all.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_101425]@Mouse[/url]: Or you could do what I do and just completely ignore them. Let the kids have their fun.
almost 12 years ago
I think you're missing an f in suffered...

and the endings are better now. Damage has already been done though. Can't fix that.
almost 12 years ago
hmmm... anyone around have the habit of saving the comics? This might help Jo in case he lost some file...
almost 12 years ago
That's a lot of comics. :(
Also, people should stop "mine"ing snaps of engie in the comic. Aside from being sad and degenerate, it's also rude, sexist, creepy, and just plain wrong.

I mean, clearly, both engies are mine!
almost 12 years ago
also we got a new refusal ending now.
almost 12 years ago
Wait... What happened to a large chunk of the archive?
almost 12 years ago
oh no! all the comics! sorry :C
almost 12 years ago
Replay the whole last mission (starting with the assault on Earth). Anderson says a few new things, but while running towards the Citadel Lift one of the funniest and most contrived things you have ever seen will happen.
almost 12 years ago
The new ending was better, way better, sooo much better than the original one..... The ending is now merely sub-par rather than totally terrible.
Something's thing
almost 12 years ago
Where'd months February through may go? Did they get lost in the site crash?
Lord of the dance
almost 12 years ago
The endings were...better. At least some things got more fleshed out. Still, the fact we had to have a shitstorm to get said ending says something about the original product.
almost 12 years ago
Looks like most of the previous comics weren't loaded yet. Jo, got trawl them off of the internet wayback machine already!
almost 12 years ago
So that's the mouth or just a lid? And why I can't stop thinking "BONK"?
almost 12 years ago
I don't get it
almost 12 years ago
-Insert ramblings about Mass effect endings here-
Not the Pope
almost 12 years ago
Great news my friends, we can all watch our random and educational comics once again, all hail our Non-God!
