Sibby has shown me that Sniper is OP once he get's some upgrades in MvM. And Star has shown me that even a Demoknight can kick ass in MvM. So really anyone can be awesome in MvM, as long as you all work as a TEAM, and have one Engie... You always need an engie in MvM.
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
''Demoman'' THAT SNIPER'S A BLOODY ... soldier???
''Soldier'' F..k your boos you one eyed drunken cyclops!
''Demoman'' AAAHHHHUUUUU!!!!
''Demoman gets drunk''
Mortuary Anson
over 12 years ago
@Lord Bravery
are you kidding me?
I go brutal christian sniper on those scrap mofos.
I charge in with my knife in hand and kill at least 4 before returning to my frontier-post to continue killing with my rifle.
so please, stop saying all snipers are useless
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
Scout, is,
if used right you can get more money per kill then if a heavy was on his own, and it very easy to get ALL THE MONEY get the bonus easy.
scout can't win a battle on his own, but he makes it much easer for whole team to win the war.
over 12 years ago
Go play some Killing Floor on HoE then say scoot will be useless
over 12 years ago
And then the gamemode comes by and it turns out that the Sniper can turn his sniper into a rail gun.
Seriously, One well placed shot in a hallway and you have tons of new scrap.
Lord Bravery
over 12 years ago
@TF2 Player
Like a hatter, bro. Like a hatter.
over 12 years ago
Soldier with Cowmangler, upgrade reload speed + shot speed. enjoy the flying gears.
Shadow Scryer
over 12 years ago
Scouts got the shaft ya say?
... I don't you've seen what an upgraded F.A.N. can do to the hordes.
TF2 Player
over 12 years ago
@Lord Bravery XD you mad bro? YOU SO MAD =D
Lord Bravery
over 12 years ago
Sniper is a useless class played only by babies. And women. And women who are also babies. Thin-wristed cowards. They're always hanging back getting kills but never doing anything to help achieve the objective. Every Sniper on your team is a handicap. Even the best of them barely assist their team.
over 12 years ago
Best part of Nerf now is tf2 comics. Remember story about pyro? :)
over 12 years ago
actually, a good sniper is better to have on your team than a good soldier. anyone that steps in his line of sight is instantly killed, thus making uber build-up and sentry upgrading much easier. there's a reason he's in the "support" category in the class selection screen...
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
Man everybody here is talking about the Scout!
But what about the others!?
Also would any of you like to slap that female Medic's ass, In a sexual way!?
over 12 years ago
Scout actually has to play for the team now, as it provides the team with money more easy. especially under bonk influence.
Also, a horde of engies, with maxed dispensers, max sentry rate of fire and widowmaker *could* be op.
AND: Damage boosters like sniper's jarate actualy BENEFIT THE TEAM!
over 12 years ago
spy seems like it will be most useful from what i have heard, sapping robots just seems like ridiculous, interesting to see what the red tape recorder does to them to if it is available. a hacking skill for the engineer wouldn't be unreasonable and could be great to. can't wait to get home and play.
over 12 years ago
Given that the material so far doesn't show a spy equivalent on the machine side and the scenario is defensive in nature, the balance of power is definitely going to be in favor of the Heavy.
over 12 years ago
im with meh stop bagging on the snipers itsnot funny anymoe
over 12 years ago
oh hey another bad sniper joke. Could of done something actually funny.
over 12 years ago
hey sniper seems really good on mvm
over 12 years ago
D@V!D - Don't forget, that's just what all Scouts get out of the box, since we don't know the full extent of what each class can upgrade and how, yet.
I think Scout can be good for very aggressive forward defense, as long as there are some stout lines he can rely on should he fall.
over 12 years ago
Probably a minor downside, but all those bottles and upgraded weapons will occupy valuable slots in the inventory.
over 12 years ago
Scout didn't completely get the shit end of the stick, he is healed every time he kills something and he gets a whole lot of passive bonuses.
over 12 years ago
Gotta say I happy to see you doing comics on the current TF2 update. You missed a couple over the last few months and it's good to see.
over 12 years ago
Gotta say I disagree with Jo. Extra money for upgrades for faster upgrades is great AND if we can switch classes mid game then we can easily earn some fast cash as scout then switch to a fully upgraded other class when we no longer need cash.
over 12 years ago
Just saying, know it's not an official game mode, but rather a mod. Sniper can crazy useful in VS Saxton Hale and Freak Fortress mode if you know what your doing.
over 12 years ago
Not worried about balance, Valve knows what its doing.
Through canteen bonuses and some extra roles, everyone will be of value.
Now who's that cute medic we haven't seen?
Metal C0Mmander
over 12 years ago
Actually the sniper might be very useful for taking out the robots carrying the bomb.
over 12 years ago
I think the scout gets health regen from the money drops, so he should be okay
over 12 years ago
The ultimate goal is to have fun. If everyone likes the same class and are happy with it, let them be.
over 12 years ago
With his instant respawn, scout = zergling rush. I love the sound of the spies, though.
over 12 years ago
Nice typos Jo. A canteen is not a "who". Neither is a grenade launcher.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_160387]@DracMonster[/url]: according to the steam forums the money drops are divided between the team
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_160451]@Zacsi[/url] I dunno, Five heavies or soldiers and one engineer looks pretty solid.
over 12 years ago
I hope that there'l be some system forcing you to all play as different classes or at least a 2 class limit.
over 12 years ago
Jo, this is vALVE we are talking about here.
Balance is never the problem.(not in long term anyway)
Usefullness of a single class is never the problem.
Lots of idiots playing the same classes is always the core problem.
Hate the player thats unwilling to learn not the game/mechanics.
S.S. Borra
over 12 years ago
The Scout's instant respawn sticks out to me. In a game mode where being at the right place at the right time is the difference between life and death, speed is important, and scout has all the capability to be the glass cannon that can take out heavy targets to buy time for the rest of the team.
over 12 years ago
Look at it this way. It's reverse CTF where you're constantly on the defensive. Scouts are an aggressive class, not defensive. Where the Scout is going to be good is not against the horde but hunting the hunters. Sentry busters, Bowman, and the Medics bots. Think Payload defense scout.
over 12 years ago
I think scout will be useful for harassing and picking off medics and snipers. Also the crit cans last 5 secs, he should be able to fire all 6 shots of his scatter. That could take out any QF medic heavy team.
over 12 years ago
If she had blue hair, I'd say it was little medic-chan all grown up.
over 12 years ago
The cash is given evenly to everyone, according to a valve employee on the steam forums
Mah boi
over 12 years ago
You have piqued my curiosity.
over 12 years ago
Oh, also I wonder if the larger cash radius means you can steal others loot?
over 12 years ago
Scout might not be bad -- getting more healing and instant respawns look good on paper. (Haven't played yet -- might suck in practice.)
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
Hey wait a minute... Is this really going to be in the game or what?
Cu'z I don't see The Scout turn in to a Heavy if this is going to help!
over 12 years ago
Well Scout do receives several perks in MvM
-Instant Respawn
-Larger search radius for money collecting
-Can restore health from picking up money
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_160344]@Hazama[/url] Ah, yes, the fine art of troubleshooting, known by IT everywhere. Let something slip through, and you get yelled at for not doing your job. do your job right, and you get told you did nothing 'because there weren't any problems anyway'. Let 'em take a few shots, *then* cap them.
over 12 years ago
Nope, looks like it failed, Medic--otherwise, he'd have turned into an Engineer. After all, what better way to fight a machine horde than with another machine horde? :-)
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_160278]@Seangief[/url]: I love spy, but I will only play my favorite class when my team can survive without another class, which is almost never. But I hate when on payload I sap every turret and kill defending soldiers or heavies, and someone still says I'm useless >.<
over 12 years ago
Its still Killing Floor!
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_160278]@Seangief[/url] Ironic, but easily explained. When you feel your team is not helping you get close to the objectives, you switch to a class percieved to be good at working solo so you don't need to rely on your team. It's a false assessment, since these classes need beefy teammates more than any other.
over 12 years ago
And to answer the question everyone's doing since MvM was hinted at: Yes, sappers works on robots. No, it doesn't fully disable them like it does on Engy's buildings.
over 12 years ago
Yeah, I doubt many people will play scout on this mode. Not completely useless, but mostly supportive, leaving all the actual fighting to their beefier friends. And the medic. You always need a medic.
over 12 years ago
Don't you guys find it ironic that when your team is on the losing side, more and more people opt to go sniper or spy, when we should be picking anything BUT?
over 12 years ago
bu...but what about jarate!
Sir Nanigans
over 12 years ago
I will join your server and play as a sniper just to spite you.
over 12 years ago
So need to reinstall and play this as spy.
over 12 years ago
The site mentions that scouts get extra money pickup radius and instant respawns.
over 12 years ago
HHAHAAH, i hate snipes too jo, i hate snipers too.
That Medic With The Unusual
over 12 years ago
Instant Uber, just add water... I really like the Canteens, Especially since the medic can upgrade to give his heal targets the effects too. A single medic can give both crits and uber at the same time finally...
over 12 years ago
i imagine the sniper is more for killing the big dudes quickly and quickly killing the guys that buff the other robots
pyro pyroson
over 12 years ago
I'm going to go heavy brass beast, family buisness,stock fists with ammo cantine
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