You can use my server, it's password-protected. Connect to with pw 'donut'. (Also for anyone else reading this here.)
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
Heavy, I fear no man! but those things... they scare me.
Scout, No I ain't, I ain't talking about those thing alright! There not here are they??? HOW DO I GET THIS F..KING THING OFF!?!?
Spy, What man built such evil thing behind our backs, What evil would make the cruelty...
over 12 years ago
Also tf_mvm_popfile
So no, not Pay to Play at all. Pay to play for Hats, yes. Also because these are .pop files 3rd party servers can make new challenges that won't be on Valve servers.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_161349]@Discrider[/url]: Not so, please check facts before you blow a gasket. tf_mvm_skill 1 to 5 can set the difficulty on a Listen or Dedicated Server. It can also be set with a vote sv_vote_issue_mvm_challenge_allowed 1. Or just Callvote. Also tf_mvm_popfile .
over 12 years ago
Pay to play is not okay.
All the free servers are running the easiest missions. If you want to play a challenging game with harder waves, you have to fork out at least 2$. One ticket to complete a hard mission, and another to keep playing that mission. Unless you just lose and troll your team.
How to have a chance at playing MvM
over 12 years ago
How to have a chance at playing MvM.
Step one: Open the server Browser
Step two: Put "mvm" in the map filter
Step three: Look for servers with less then 6/32 people
Step four: Connect
Step five: If you are placed on a team congrats if not...
Step six: Go back to step three.
over 12 years ago
No, no, you no can play.
over 12 years ago
you can get into servers faster by using the server finder you use for non mvm, also i love the spy in this one.
over 12 years ago
In regards to the servers allways being full...
why not make your own? tons of howto's on the net.
over 12 years ago
Jo, don't wait for that piece of shit they call matchmaking to find you a game. Just open your server browser, and search for mvm maps. Join one with less than 6 players (max MUST be 32 though, so 0-5/32 are the servers you looking for).
over 12 years ago
Ahh, the wonders of being able to just run my own server. I can play MvM as much as I want without lag and I can alter the game and still get items and achievements olol.
over 12 years ago
I cant play it, I lag like shit, no idea why
some guy
over 12 years ago
lul at poker face
Nando Rock
over 12 years ago
Funny mode =), but not much servers and much bot-players in some
over 12 years ago
It seems the best way to get into a MvM game right now is to make a Listen server and host it yourself, or know someone who's willing to host one :p
S.S. Borra
over 12 years ago
Do you ever go on the facepunch forums Jo? I'd like to see a comic on the shitstorm that went down there yesterday.
over 12 years ago
Watch this guy atleast he actually know what hes talking about.
On a related note just wait a few days untill all the update hype driven babies get bored and leave.
Then you can get the real games going.
over 12 years ago
Nerf Now MvM groups?
over 12 years ago
Ya my only problem is finding a group
over 12 years ago
As a person who've got to play, I find the mode extremely fun.
The upgrade pretty much let you fix any build's weakness. In fact, so far my most successful build (at least in normal difficulty) is a Demoknight.
Some brewmaster
over 12 years ago
New Cinematic for Mists of Pandaria for those bored of waiting for an endless time span for a game of MvM.
Im now more psyched than before (lover of the Pandarian brewmaster hero from warcraft 3, and as a result not one of these "ZOMG KUNG FU PANDA SUCKZORS EXPANSION" fools)
over 12 years ago
In case you werent aware you can host your own server with hamachi and play with friends
over 12 years ago
Yeah, seems like the new game mode Diablo3'd on the players.
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
They may be merc's but there no Merc with a Mouth! ''sinister laugh like Deadpool''
over 12 years ago
How is the update anyway? The new game modes any good?
over 12 years ago
Oh, and btw: Item server is currently down. Master server (or whatever you need to find game servers) are down. Mann Co store is currently down.
But if wait time is a bit long, it has to be by design...
over 12 years ago
@MvM Player: You're so wrong it's not even funny.
over 12 years ago
>terrible execution
>back to LoL with me
oh god my sides help
over 12 years ago
Dem spy disguises.
over 12 years ago
Played a bit on my own. Not impressed.
Great idea, poor execution. Back to killing floor and LoL with me. Meh.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_161019]@Mikael[/url]: You don't have to pay for a damn thing. The servers that give you cosmetics have the same wait time as the official servers you don't have to pay for. There are official servers for both Mann Up mode and not. Don't spread false information.
over 12 years ago
Guys, three things:
1) It's day one. Give them time to respond to (presumably unexpected) demand before writing it off as a rip-off
2) You pay for novelty items. That's always been the deal.
3) The game is free. Servers cost money. If you want to play, you'll have to pay for the server upkeep...
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_161019]@Mikael[/url]: 50 minute queue? I had to wait 130 minutes to play 1 game.
over 12 years ago
What a ripoff, you have to pay to play this, or use custom servers which don't give rewards and currently have a 50 minute queue to get a game.
over 12 years ago
Just noticed that spy's mask reflects his expression.
over 12 years ago
@Hoovy full of Cash :
Holly shit man you are right.
This is prime scam matterial right there.
over 12 years ago
Even though everyone is bitching at valve for attempting to make money on this update that still doesn't stop thousands of you from reinstalling the game and killing the item servers with player overload.
I guess in the end we are the biggest hypocrites.
Hoovy full of Cash
over 12 years ago
Since tickets are tradable, i know some guys that will earn so much metal.
over 12 years ago
The correct price for a ticket is 0.79 Euros aswell.
It's really not that much considering I get an item guranteed and If I run into a few generous souls we get a fuckload of items.
The Engie
over 12 years ago
MUCH MORE FUN IN CO-OP don't resort to playing solo and making your own server
over 12 years ago
Engie's smile in the last panel is just perfect. :)
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_160925]@Naumhagatos[/url] How did you NOT find that XD i found that months ago
over 12 years ago
How could i haven't seen this before?
MvM Player
over 12 years ago
@Sadistic Nurse wait, what?? I'm assuming it wasn't one of the Valve servers.
Sadistic Nurse
over 12 years ago
Actually, look for the MvM servers in the browse server lists. I found one that was pretty nice to join. The lobby only makes you think you have to be there to join, when that's not even the case. WORTH IT!
MvM Player
over 12 years ago
Valve's farming for money again. You can't get onto the official servers without buying a Tour of Duty ticket for $0.99. Tour of Duty = round among all of the MvM maps. Tours of Duty are also the only rounds which give the rewards (besides the canteen).
over 12 years ago
I just played a few rounds, crafted a canteen (IT IS NOT WORTH FINISHING 9 WAVES AND A FREAKING TANK TO GET A BOTTLE OF AIR) and it was awesome.
over 12 years ago
As much as I hate waiting in the server line, MvM has proven to be pretty good. It's also a game type where I found that single medic can drastically make an impact on a team's quality.
over 12 years ago
Having gotten to play a decent bit of MvM I can say that it's pretty challenging and definitely worth the wait, that said you guys should know you can find MvM servers through the browser rather than use the crappy matchmaking
over 12 years ago
Middle frame, spah is doing a poker face!
over 12 years ago
Removed player penetration from The Pomson 6000 and boosted the damage to compensate
over 12 years ago
Hu-oh! Good thing Engie-tan is wearing her helmet...bubblegum can really make a mess in your hair, indeed!
over 12 years ago
Fundamental problem with this game mode is that it requires 32 player servers, but can only hold 6 people. That means it is not financially viable to pay for hosting of these servers - meaning that Valve servers will be pretty much the only dedicated MvM servers. And they're mostly pay to play :/
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