What people are saying about "Bad To The Bone"
Bad To The Bone
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over 12 years ago
Its so nice to see that our MIM project has geinad so much pace. I am so happy with how it turned out. I want to do a third one but, we do need to focus on our MP2D project too.Hey, if you like MIM, then you might like it's audio counterpart, Symphony of Samus
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_168923]@yoga[/url]: Magic, got it.
The Valiant Bob
over 12 years ago
Am I the only one that noticed Samus's arm cannon is orange in the post ball running?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_168923]@yoga[/url] Tell that to the space pirates. Those poor, poor pretzel space pirates...
over 12 years ago
Pay attention to metroid prime/echoes. If you look at the morph ball, you see that you can look straight through the energy field and into the ground on the other side of the dividing line. This insinuates that Samus is not being contorted, but rather is converted into an energy-state.
over 12 years ago
@ DirtyMindedGuy... I like your style! XD
over 12 years ago
bad to the bone
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_168383]@Draco[/url]: those are more for vital "things will go boom or suffocate if they arnt there" ventilation shafts. and only 4 people pirates died in morph ball tests.
over 12 years ago
Best part of Space Pirate research: cheaper to kill off hundreds of Pirates to replicate the Morph Ball than to remove all the damn tunnels.
over 12 years ago
Remember those pirate logs on Metroid Prime detailing Pirate attempts to mimick this Morph Ball ability of Samus's?

Xel Unknown
over 12 years ago
You know the real reasion it works is because Samus turns into engery or something like that.
over 12 years ago
I thought you were going to do a DKR reference....
Doctor: Even with all your acrobatics and rolling, Samus, I've seen worse cartilage in bones.
Samus: That's good!
Doctor: No, that's bad because there is no cartilage.
over 12 years ago
Oh, right, he'll only comment on comics with the Engies?
over 12 years ago
so you know, isnt like she just..compresses. the suit kinda turns her body into energy as she becomes a morph ball. really obvious in the prime series.
over 12 years ago
I just love flexible women. I can imagine Samus can do a lot of "positions" ;)

Size Answer
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_168161]@RoderickBR[/url] That same wiki states at the end of the very first paragraph that the morph ball is slightly less then 1 meter in diameter.
over 12 years ago
So let's see we've got: mass to energy, matter displacement, freakin awesome contourtionism,and the comic's take: bones powdered in 45 places. only one that fits for the rest of it is the enrgy conversion as that would provide the spring ball's jumping power and how she can carry 5 bombs on a charge
over 12 years ago
power of nova forceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
over 12 years ago
Where are "TheEverything,man" comments?
over 12 years ago
As for the size debade: http://metroid.wikia.com/wiki/Morph_Ball scroll down and you'll find a gif showing her going into morphball mode. Looks about 1 foot, maybe 2.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_167889]@Tim[/url]: i remember reading that log in metroid prime, not sure if its in any of the others though
over 12 years ago
You know, according to some manuals, she turns into energy and it is stored in her suit when it turns into morphball mode. In other worlds, it turns into a giant pokeball.
over 12 years ago
Fuck skeletons, the next best thing after blow-up dolls?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_168000]@Dragon[/url]: Hey! I can fit absurd amounts of stuff on this pocket! *get inside the pocket* Problem solved!
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_167954]@Ivresse[/url]: In Metroid Prime, the morph ball is almost four feet in diameter, or at least a bit taller than her waist. Though, I suppose your images are more accurate coming from an older title.
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
@Nice try: I would be surprised if a strip's description had perfect grammar and no typos.
Nice try
over 12 years ago
It should be "fucking skeletons how do they work" gratz on screwing up a pretty popular meme's grammar
over 12 years ago
I was going to say from the way it looks in Metroid Prime, it converts her into energy and the curling up is merely the suit's 'trigger' to do so, but Cube beat me to it.

But, yes, as was also pointed out, anyone ELSE trying to do this will merely result in horribly broken bones; uhm, everything!
Khan FurSainty
over 12 years ago
She can probably get her head between her legs. It explains why she never needed a man before Other M. :V
over 12 years ago
Well idd guess it works the same way she can store 255 missiles in her suit.

My personal guess is some kind of dimensional pocket, think something like that was mentioned in one of the mangas.
over 12 years ago
@Adrian Sayori: I love how everyone always takes his opportunity to show off his inner nerd as soon as you get to his/her special piece of fiction. It's a joke, goddamnit.
Also just because the joke was already made doesn't take the artists right to have his own take at it.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_167974]@lobster[/url], evidently you forgot about other M...
over 12 years ago
@That Medic With The Unusual: She's like a sexy, sexy octopus.
over 12 years ago
But the one thing that isn't broken... is her heart. <3
over 12 years ago

http://snipurl.com/24t33aq - Samus standing
http://snipurl.com/24t35tj - Morph ball

Now if you're seriously telling me that the morph ball is as tall as Samus with only a foot in difference, you've got perception problems.
over 12 years ago
Many people beat me to the joke in Metroid Prime. Only Samus can do this without breaking limbs :D
over 12 years ago
@Awesomeknight I've played Metroid games and the morph ball was usually used to get through into places that Samus couldn't fit through and not by a "foot or so".
over 12 years ago
Foldable Heroes, 'nuff said.
over 12 years ago
Uh... Samus' Morph Ball is about as tall as she is standing, give or take a foot or so. Play just about any of the games, and you'd know that.
over 12 years ago
When something strange happens it's either unknown tech or magic.
Adrian Sayori
over 12 years ago
I love how no one ever seems to read the official description of how the morph ball works. While still scientifically illogical, there would be no broken bones.
over 12 years ago
Clearly, she lost Metal Beam when she morphballed.
Along with Space Jump, Screw Attack, Bombs, Missles, and basically every other powerup.
over 12 years ago
Dat gun, its changing its color.
over 12 years ago
You can't explain THAT!
over 12 years ago
Thats Chozo technology son, we ain't gotta explain shit.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_167894]@ЯЯЯUH[/url]: On the day I was born* The nurses all gathered 'round...
over 12 years ago
I always thought it was some diminsional space pocket or something like that.
over 12 years ago
In Metroid Prime, it looks like it turns her into energy.

So it sounds quite similar to Pokéballs.
over 12 years ago
Ever since the day I was born...
over 12 years ago

"All attempts at duplicating it have ended in disaster; four test subjects were horribly broken and twisted when they engaged our Morph Ball prototypes." :P
over 12 years ago
Metroid Prime's pirate logs beat you to this joke already.

Those poor science team test subjects... ouch.
Old Joke
over 12 years ago
How clever to take an old joke from the first Metroid games and make yet another "original" comic. What's next, Mario high on mushrooms?
That Medic With The Unusual
over 12 years ago
She's just made of pure Baddass and Sexy, there's no bones in that body of hers...
over 12 years ago
what if the suit first expanded, allowing Samus to opportunity to tuck her arms and legs in, and then contracted into the ball form?
over 12 years ago
Does it matter?
over 12 years ago
I wonder how she rolls so effectively while in that mode.