When GW2 cut the crap and remove all the junk, making combat about planning and using just a few skills at the most opportune time, it is genius.
When WoW does it, it is dumbing down the game.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_168547]@RoderickBR[/url]: I don't think you know what streamlining is if you're using it like that.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_170044]@Seriously[/url]: So suddenly 9.1 million subs = dying? Please think the next time you say something
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_170566]@Croves[/url]: So you left because they decided to remove useless and dumb spells? How childish can you be.
WoW is losing players, so they simplify the game to bring more new players.
This pisses off old players so they leave.
WoW is losing players, so they simplify the game to bring more new players.
And the cycle keeps repeating itself.
over 12 years ago
Guys, it's just auras, nobody cared about them in the first place.
On a flip note: Warlocks now have Billy from Grim Adventures as an imp if they choose that one talent. This is by far the greatest thing ever.
over 12 years ago
One of the reasons I left wow,I feared they were going to remove my favorite class mechanics eventually to make the game easier. Couldn't play with that fear.
They chose new players over the old players.
By now they should regret it, officially there are more wow quitters than active wow players
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_169917]@Ivresse[/url] As of June 30, WoW's subscribership is at 9.1 million and the vast majority are in Asia.
Face it. WoW's glory days are long passed and every change Blizzard makes to preserve it either dumbs the game down, milks money from their users, or both.
over 12 years ago
@Todi Omiki:
As soon as the membership numbers go down below 2-3 million, while there are 10.2 million currently remaining, then maybe you can start calling it dying. Until then, keep your exaggerated conclusions based only on personal opinion and lack of definitive evidence to yourself.
over 12 years ago
Paladins are OP? Better nerf Irelia.
Todi Omiki
over 12 years ago
ADDENDUM: I like the amount of BlizzDrones launching out to defend their dying queen.
Todi Omiki
over 12 years ago
Holy crap people still play World of Warcrap? Seriously? Better leave before your "paradise" gets even worse.
over 12 years ago
Wait they still can remove shapeshifting from druids. Oups.
over 12 years ago
When they removed root immunity from druids I thought that they should remove auras. Done.
over 12 years ago
WoW has been dumbed down for no reason. Every little thing they simplify made the game less good. In vanilla/BC and the beginning of LK, your character had identity, class skills, uniqueness. It was YOU, the rogue the mage, the paladin, one or the other.
Then, homogenization... Mage=Rogue
over 12 years ago
@Who cares: in your eyes maybe. Not to ours.
over 12 years ago
What makes this even more hillarious, is that yesterday, after the patch, I was complain over the new totem system, arguing that it had been made way too insignificant as a "class thing", and pointed out that "It would be like removing auras from paladins!" (yes, i didnt know XD)
Who Cares
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_168997]@Daretobecupid[/url] You still spend money to play WoW. I don't think any insults on this message board can compare to that. Look at the changes they've made over the years, it's like Blizzard is trying to ruin the game.
over 12 years ago
dont know about anyone else but paladins getting nerfed always brings a warm fuzzy feeling to my heart
over 12 years ago
Makes me happy I don't care about others opinions and am willing to embrace changes and updates rather than simply quit just because 'it's not what it was before'.
Fuck past comparisons, I wanna focus on the here and now.
Xel Unknown
over 12 years ago
Makes me happy I don't do WoW...
over 12 years ago
You get what you deserve.
over 12 years ago
I know I'm bound to get the usual "HAHA THIS GUY SUX BLIZZ COCK, HE SO RETARDED!" replies, and so what? I'm standing up for Wow when so many others won't. As for the jokes about Blizzard being all about teh monies, show me a business that ISN'T, when all is said and done.
There, I'm done.
over 12 years ago
Yeah, I'm a Wow player, I know the game has more than its share of problems, and it's moving towards catering to more casual players, I'm not afraid to admit to any of that; hell, I'm glad about the last part because I happen to be a more casual kind of player. But I have fun playing it.
over 12 years ago
used to play a warlock, until cataclysm, where i did not recognize anymore the warlock's gameplay... way too much change since the beggining of the game of the warlocks mechanics.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_168576]@MuthSera[/url]: I still play Wow. And fuck you. I can respect people who don't like the game for X/Y/Z reasons and stopped playing, fair enough; but please, lay off the ones that still play and enjoy it. We are not the enemy.
over 12 years ago
Ever notice how the bigger a game gets, the more haters crawl out of the woodwork? Honestly, the way people bash Wow, you'd think it was so unpopular it should have died off long ago.
over 12 years ago
Actually Lock summons have been removed in a way. Grimoire of Sacrifice, kill your demon and leave it dead for a dps buff. Which is what Affliction locks are supposed to use now -.- wtf Blizz
over 12 years ago
I stopped playing right after cata came out, paladins went to shit after that in my opinion.
over 12 years ago
Around the time they removed divine intervention (an apparently useless spell), I stopped playing my paladin.
The new talent trees, on top of all the other minor 'tweeks' they've made to streamline, I've no interest in playing at all.
waiting for D3 sub to run out, then I can finally uninstall XD
Dark Storm
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_168576]@MuthSera[/url]: 's a shity game just kus its old.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_168576]@MuthSera[/url]: I played that game for a long time friend and if they dint killed the lore i oud still do it. If a game as this many players it means i as to be good at something true that it went into a downward spiral of selfdestruction but it set the standards for the MMOs of today and you cant say it
Twilight Sparkle
over 12 years ago
I'd add we could sum pretty much any action/MMO RPG down to the old Rogue.
Would work, but it lacks flavour by today's standards.
Twilight Sparkle
over 12 years ago
The cake just won't be as good as it used to be with the cake and toppings. "Fluff", gimmicks and variety, even if in the end they could be considered useless, add flavour and personality to the game. It makes your character his class.
over 12 years ago
I haven't played WoW in a few months, what's this i hear about rogues not being able to have different poisons on their weapons now!? and this singular speed thing? Ulgh, I was ok with some of the dumbing down because you could give reasons why it SHOULD hapen, but this is probably overboard.
Twilight Sparkle
over 12 years ago
World of Warcraft is like cake. You can remove the cream, the fruits, the chocolate topping, and yet you can still eat the cake. In fact it will be easier to eat.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_168529]@qq[/url]: Except for Macros, which kinda turn complex button combinations to a simple QTE to boost your stats.
over 12 years ago
Pick a side on the fence already.
over 12 years ago
I'd like to take this opportunity to shamelessly plug a classic, Vanilla WoW server with a focus on endgame raiding (it was released under a month ago, and has roughly 600-700 players online at peak hours). Makes me wish for the old WoW back.
Mutant Cat
over 12 years ago
So, Jo... What about your two cents on Guildwars 2? It's a hell of a game so far, even with the new release bugs, the community is happy.
over 12 years ago
@Mr.Ace: He works at BLIZZ
no longer brainstorm
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_168575]@blizzsucks[/url]: i played wow once, rogues were my favs, and this seems just baaaaaad, i mean baaaaaaaadddddd, but i no longer play wow, so i eat oranges and its k
over 12 years ago
Warriors use mana, Rogues dont have combos(and have mana), priests cant heal, Hunters use melee(and cant kill or use animals), Wizards no longer cast spells, anything else?
over 12 years ago
That's some weird pinky finger.
over 12 years ago
Haven't played in years, and this makes me happy I quit when it was still somewhat fun.
over 12 years ago
Blizzard sure has fallen from grace.
The only intresting that can come from them now is the "possibility" that they "might" make a feature length animation "on the backburner".
Everything else is just waste of time/money.
Also the streamlining is not helping just attracting MORE stupid people.
over 12 years ago
In the year 20xx, you can play WoW with only ONE button. That's right, you can pvp/pve/sell/loot/rape with a click of just one button.
Streamlining and simplification taken to it's logical conclusion.
over 12 years ago
Changing Poison to a Spell is just streamlining the process and making it less of a hassle, that much I think everyone can agree on. But even as someone who never plays the Rogue Class, I know that you can have a wide variety of set ups with Fast Off-Hand daggers and dual poison. Bad Blizzard, bad.
over 12 years ago
If Blizzard ruins WOW, then I think they did a good thing because it will finally get my friend to stop asking me to download and play it.
over 12 years ago
And in three, four years, the gameplay is reduced to pure clicking and the game itself picks whatever it needs to do. 1-button-gameplay.
over 12 years ago
WoW's audience is now mostly people who don't want to play seriously and just want to hit the random raid finder for loot pinatas.
This is just an example of catering to that audience. Having to know things is bad. Pushing random buttons and getting loot for it is good.
over 12 years ago
Couple things, you do get two poisons, they're basically self buffs and either weapon can do either poison. But you're limited to one damage and one non-damage, you can't have two damage poisons. (Like the two potion buff classifications.)
over 12 years ago
I just wish Blizzard wouldn't rebuild the classes every expansion, because then they spend the time until the next expansion re-balancing everything. If they kept classes the same, or with minor changes, they could put more effort on other parts of the game.
over 12 years ago
... Also by making WoW unattractive, they can free UI space of their cash-cow WoW for Diablo 3 servers, their new star!
over 12 years ago
By the time blizzard is happy with WoW, they will have turned all player-characters into bots and set the player into observation mode with locked chat function.
Also they will add the "hello kitty race", rename it into "WoW 2" and raise the monthly fee to 50$
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
I'm glad I switched to RIFT.
over 12 years ago
Hahahaha, what kind of pathetic loser sonova bitch still plays WoW? I mean that shit is total garbage.
over 12 years ago
Hahahahaha what? All daggers same speed? Only one poison? ONE fucking poison? They ruined rogues big time. Auras gone? LOOOOOL Blizzard went so insane.
I'm so sad I even trusted them enough to buy fucking D3. But so glad I quit WoW long ago, when it still had any resemblance of an actual MMO.
over 12 years ago
Man, I'm glad I left WoW back when they killed Town Raiding with that Dishonour points crap.
That just sounds stupid.
over 12 years ago
It isn't a rail shooter yet. Yet.
over 12 years ago
Don't forget Engineering allowed you to craft a device with expensive items to get your own AoE loot. Now it's a built-in feature.
over 12 years ago
Because steamlining and dumbing down everything makes everything better. Just look at Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition and Diablo 3.
Started Guild Wars 2 last night. Thus far it is being entertaining enough.
Your Average Elitist Jerk
over 12 years ago
They're streamlining WoW? What's going to be left? It'll be less complex and engaging than that flash MMO that's just a button that makes numbers go up when you click it.
over 12 years ago
Screw poisons, I just want my swirlyball back :(
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_168491]@Hazama[/url]: I couldn't agree more. Heck, I was suckered into buying the Annual Pass, and got into the Beta... And that Beta alone was enough of a reason for me to completely leave the game.
Oh, and by the way... "Remove Shaman's Totems"? Blizzard is -already- doing just that.
over 12 years ago
Underused abilities are(were) what made WoW good game. "Let me do 20 little things that will increase my performance by 2% each" might have been tedious for some, but it was still better than "Press any (I Win)key to recieve loot"
over 12 years ago
Call me an elitist jerk, but I liked the complexity of old WoW mechanics/dungeons. That used to stimulate me to work harder in the game and become a better player. That exact same concept atrracts me to Dota 2.
over 12 years ago
Press A to attack and B to block....genius!
over 12 years ago
Actually, both weapons of the rogue will be able to have two poisons at the same time - one lethal (Deadly or Wound) and one non-lethal (Paralytic, Leeching, Crippling, etc)
So both weapons will have chances to proc either of them.
AND we save bag space.
over 12 years ago
Maybe if they didn't add new retarded spells every expansion, they wouldn't have this problem.
over 12 years ago
The more I hear about what is happening to WoW since I left, the more I think I did the right thing...
over 12 years ago
I say: Screw it and move onto Guild Wars 2.
Much simpler gameplay mechanics. You don't have 20 to 30 different spells to manage the entire time.
over 12 years ago
With hands like that he's probably very ill :(
Or maybe just an evil demon, who knows.
over 12 years ago
Well, they changed the way the totems used to work, so I guess that counts as "Remove Shaman's Totems".
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