This is why I play DotA 2. It's all the fun of power progression in an MMO without a monthly fee, at a much faster pace, and it's more friendly to people with crappy Internet like me.
over 12 years ago
Ironman Stalker MP, 90% of the NPCs taken out, the ability to start as or join any faction, and new content (maps, missions, etc) added for free would be exactly this game.
To keep out the griefers and riff-raff, add a $5 monthly subscription and limit the # of deaths allowed for x time to play.
over 12 years ago
You should try out Forge !
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_169593]@Anon[/url]: Yeah good luck with that...
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_169847]@Spunky[/url]: DayZ doesn't belong to the MMO group... It's way to awesome to be like them.
over 12 years ago
guild wars is sorta meh
too wow like, you even have elitists telling you not to buy gears at lower levels so you can get a whole set of tier gears a max level - the pvp's also pointless since its total zerg, and the server lags your region randomly depending on how it felt that day.
over 12 years ago
The Secret World.
Your argument is invalid.
Trolling Nerd
over 12 years ago
I want a MMOPRG too! (The hell is that?)
Try The Last Stand Dead Zone on Facebook, it's amazingly not bad. And you don't even need to pay for premium content, you can get (Although slowly) the "fuel" which is the Premium currency in the game, by just playing it.
Good luck funding something like that. No rewards, no carrot = only draw is pure, raw content = infinity development time.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_170197]@jolt583[/url]: Apparently some early builds of the game Guild Wars 2 were based off of 3D zelda.
over 12 years ago
a zelda mmorpg?
Blu Soldier
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_169955]@bobdole[/url] UO was the shit.
over 12 years ago
@Some dude: GW2's style of questing is as follows: Do whatever you want. "There's a lot of problems here, could you help us with some of them?" You don't have to go fix robots because your friend is, you can go play that little robo-chess game instead and get just as much credit.
over 12 years ago
@Some dude: You're completely missing the point of it's style then. Here's the thing...WoW actually punished you if you weren't Recruit a Friend or Scroll of Ress buddies, your exp from kills split in half, and you had to find 2x as many drops for some quests because they don't always share.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_170041]@WhodaWhaddaWhereNow[/url]: It can be looked at as a grind, yes, but most people will look at the word "grind" and thing "tedious and boring". I've crafted maybe 3 times since it started up, I'm just playing at my own pace, I'm only level 31...but it doesn't feel like a grind, it feels like adventure.
over 12 years ago
The time between Classic WOW's end and BC launch was like this.
All gear was easy to get, pvp gear was practically free, everyone was pugging up for BG's and raids for fun. Everyone was max level.
It was plain fun for the sake of fun, pure leisure and no forced goals for stats
Most MMO fun ever
over 12 years ago
Well when you put it like that it sounds fucking
over 12 years ago
Quick someone find the kickstarter for this
over 12 years ago
(cont..) GW2 on the other hand, like Rift before it, is designed more around mostly solo play with drop-in/drop-out group events (GW2 having *different* things for players in the event to do, rather than Rift's just being 'beat up the monsters')...which don't mesh with the formal groups as well.
over 12 years ago
@Some dude I somewhat get your point, actually. WoW solidified the ideas of what I think of as 'formal grouping' for people, which is perfect if you have an established group of friends you want to team with every time. (cont..)
over 12 years ago
I love how everyone think this comic is praising/hatin' Guild wars 2. You do realize Jo is poking fun at the general MMORPG market, right?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_169916]@JunWasHere[/url] The first guy to hit 80 took two/three days and had friends send him crafting materials to boost him through the last 20 levels. It takes longer than that.
And Guild Wars 2 does have grind. What you're doing is fun most of the time, but it's still a grind. Also, in a word: crafting
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_169847]@Spunky[/url]: Of course nobody will mention that game. It's not an MMO RPG, it's a FFA deathmatch. You get the occasional nugget of gold, but you have to sift through half a ton of shit for it.
Neko :3
over 12 years ago
Will there be any more minecraft comics? I wish to see engie playing it :D
over 12 years ago
Too young to have played ultima online, jo?
over 12 years ago
the fun gameplay its for play it
and the virtual carrot its for how long you play it
its all about balance i think
over 12 years ago
For anyone who thinks this isn't about GW2
You can reach level80 within the first/second day by pumping through instances.
The game is all about the exploration, gameplay, and social enjoyment of playing with others.
over 12 years ago
@Some dude: "it's just too chaotic." That's kind of the point: It's supposed to be ultra-casual, and the chaos of doing shit with whoever just happens to be in the same area adds a wonderful dynamic. It's what I've always wanted: a game where I can just log in and do whatever and give no fucks.
Some dude
over 12 years ago
I know 'clean' is a stupid description, but it fits the point I'm trying to make.
Some dude
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_169863]@Hazama[/url]: Me and a friend just had this conversation about, how WoW questing was actually more enjoyable than GW2. We always quest together in WoW (1-85) and in GW2 (1-25) and Guild Wars group questing simply isn't as clean as WoW, it's just too chaotic.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_169254]@Guy[/url]: But the journey isn't a grind. Unlike games like WoW, where the quests are unenjoyable but you do them for the levels, GW2 has fun events and personal story. I WANT to be leveling in GW2, because it is fun even without a big carrot at the end, the game is actually enjoyable to play...
over 12 years ago
The sad part is that no one is mentioning DayZ..
over 12 years ago
Fun fades with time.
"Carrots" will always be available and can be improved upon.
over 12 years ago
Zitro - Exactly, you play for the sake of getting virtual carrots, virtual rewards, not fun.
At least, that's what I think he meant.
over 12 years ago
Uh, isn't a defining characteristic of a carrot is that it is a reward?
Blu soldier
over 12 years ago
Jo, if you are saying gw2 isn't a grind, you're not paying attention. The carrot isn't always a reward, the carrot can be a challenge. I've been playing gw2 since the pre-release and I have to say I'm trying to find the challenge because my eternal battleground queue is 6 hours long!
Evil Smurf
over 12 years ago
this slaps me on the knee!
over 12 years ago
grinding in it,but the gameplay would be fresh
over 12 years ago
like ignorant br said planetside 2 is such a mmo,ur goal is to get to win the territory,with a ogranized groups of people,cause u do jack shit alone and i like the shooting in it,tactics apply,zerging only wins if they have a giant population advantage.For a magicka mmo,i feel there will be a
ignorant br
over 12 years ago
Planetside 2? Nah. By the way, go back to your TF2 comics instead of your shitty female TF2 class comics please.
over 12 years ago
I don't get this comic. What is it referencing?
over 12 years ago
Well, all we need is the guys behind Magicka to release a MMORPG then.
over 12 years ago
Server maintenance fees don't pay for themselves you know.
Gotta keep people hooked on the mmo game in order to pay for upkeep even if it means making the mmo games not as fun or even fun at all.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_169666]@2033[/url]: I take offense to that.
As for this, it's called free WoW Servers, and those get boring fast even if you RP. The thing with grinding is that it's a challenge for people, and people enjoy a good one... that or we love our Skinner Boxes
over 12 years ago
What really happens is that you cant pretend to have fun with one game for like 10 year. I believe some MMORPG have done well, but if you spend 2 hours/day for 2 years, every content and gameplay will eventually become dull
over 12 years ago
The only gameplay left after blue engie removed basicly every other possible thing would be roleplay. And you know nobody likes to roleplay.
over 12 years ago
What's the threshold for "grinding"?
Do you mean no levels, or do you mean leveling to a cap that is easily and quickly reached? No gear at all, or just no crazy-rare items? No skills, or skills that are easily, or automatically obtained, such that which ones you use is important?
over 12 years ago
Jo, they've had *those* for decades now--they're called TinyMUDs, and are text-based. Also, Second Life.
over 12 years ago
Unless you specifically mean a persistent world style MMO, look at most shooters. I mean, recently there's been a trend towards some grind but you can have as many people as you might see in a given PvP situation on an MMO and there's usually no difference besides player skill.
over 12 years ago
Where are the TheEverything,man comments?
over 12 years ago
Anon, I just want to let you know that you probably won't. If you get hired, then that alone makes you extremely lucky.
over 12 years ago
Guys, I just want to let you all know that I will become a lead game dev/designer/programmer and I will change the game industry for better.
over 12 years ago
So... you want a massively multiplayer online adventure game?[url=#user_comment_169065] @AceD[/url] has the right idea.
over 12 years ago
The problem isn't milestones, the problem is making the gameplay depend entirely upon reaching them. Once everything meaningful is done, not many people are going to keep playing to get a set of raid gear that has a 0.1% chance to drop from a raid boss.
over 12 years ago
Now that I think about it, it's kind of true. Would I have played WoW nearly as much if there were no grinding (or "progression" if you prefer)? Could a MMO stand alone on the satisfaction of just playing the game without working towards milestones?
over 12 years ago
I actually had a lot of fun with WoW (I played Battlegrounds a lot and that gives you jack shit), but once I got to the very end and all that was left was to raid for gear, I just didn't want to play anymore.
over 12 years ago
I like that the idea of "Fun" is attempted to be implied that it's not dependent on carrots. Carrots are what create the fun, the burst of "Good job!" dopamine. The recent issues with "Fun" are due to small rapid dopamine bursts, you've become desensitized. EQ had it right, long slow epic releases.
over 12 years ago
@ Platypus: The store is bad very bad but the core of the MP its simply log and have fun. those where my 2cents
over 12 years ago
Sorry, what I meant to say was, what's the point of winning a Battlefield game if the map will be reset after you win?
over 12 years ago
@Some random guy
What's the point of replaying Battlefield multiplayer if you've already done it once?
over 12 years ago
*agree, not play
Got my sentences mixed up.
over 12 years ago
I have to play with Geary: Firefall is a blast.
This is an MMO where I can jetpack up to a cliff, pick off a bunch of foes in an enemy encampment with a sniper rifle Metal Gear-style, and then drop in and mow down the stragglers and steal their dropped cash before blowing up the core and bolting.
Some random guy
over 12 years ago
What's the point of reaching goal if everything will be reset?
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
Such a game allready exists.
over 12 years ago
I think I can make an MMO that doesn't include grind. Basically, there are a number of factions vying for power and whenever a set of allied factions reach their goal, the server is reset to start at the beginning.
over 12 years ago
I had a dream, where I was playing a necromancer, and I used dagger not because it was optimal, but because it was satisfying to use...
But alas, its a shame a game like this doesn't exist...What? Guild wars 2? Forge? Don't be silly, they are mere myths...
over 12 years ago
If Second Life is any indication, this ridiculous idea is definitely hard to pull off.
Still, one can hope, right? :(
Xel Unknown
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_169365]@Anon[/url]: That game has a bit of item grinding... You'll need a lot of some stuff you only get from one monster if you want to make the full armor sets. Also there is some money grinding too... I'll agree that it mostly is just a gameplay MMO that's just plain fun. But still it has it's share of grind
Guild wars 2 does have a grind, its just very short compared to every other MMO. Guild wars 2 is about having fun not racing to get to 80. The people who did reach lvl 80 already have done it on 1 character and have been playing almost nonstop to get there.
over 12 years ago
Guild wars 2 is pretty much that.
I really like the gameplay.
over 12 years ago
Jo, bro. what are you smoking man?! the idea is ludicrous! only a mandamn would as much as allow sucha thought to fly through their head, i think you can still be burned at the stake for such heresy in some countries.
over 12 years ago
Monster Hunter
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_169319]@Anonymous[/url] - neither TF2 or L4D are MMOs.
over 12 years ago
Taking out what could be considered "Grind" takes out what makes it the RPG. Whether it's Grind or not depends on your mood. You have to earn your accomplishments for them to be considered fun - whether that accomplishment is leveling to the cap, or mastering a particular mechanic.
over 12 years ago
I like how people in comments either see this as strip praising GW2 or attacking it.
Who the hell cares about GW2?
over 12 years ago
Check out the Ragnarok Online super progress private servers. Dull as hell when there's no incentive to do anything.
over 12 years ago
So... Second Life?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_169106]@Bruceski[/url]: Oh god no! The ME3 MP has some of the worst "carrots" in the history of micro-transactions. The "store" is nothing but Random Number Generated "packs" of unlocks. The Ultra Rare class has at best a 10% drop rate from the most expensive "packs". The UR is random and likely sucks anyways.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_169117]@Michael[/url]: Heh, yeah. Someone's been trying to reset my GW password for the past week.
over 12 years ago
Actually, there's a better example of such an MMO described in the comic than TF2, even. It's called Left 4 Dead, and... it kind of got repetitive after awhile.
mmorpg God
over 12 years ago
Players take "fun" for granted. The content and amount of "fun" in a mmorpg is limited, so if a player gets to have constant variety of "fun", he will eventually find it boring as everyone else are having the same amount of "fun".That's why the "fun" has to be occasional in order to savor the flavor
over 12 years ago
Those things exist. I think they're called "roleplaying boards".
over 12 years ago
Is this a GW2 comic? I thought it was talking about forge to be honest.
over 12 years ago
So what you saying is you think that the system in GW2 might be a stupid idea and will not work? (This interpretation might be wrong. Also, still wish this comic was less blatant opinion, loved the disguise comic)
Joey Archamon
over 12 years ago
Laughter is in reverse?
over 12 years ago
That's why I play TF2. No grinding, levels, requires skills, and new weapons are fun to find, but you can totally play vanilla without problem (except for spy, I hate the default watch).
over 12 years ago
That was GW1: No grind save for gear looks which wasn't needed.
Not GW2, since you do grind to cap.... though it's not needed, at all. You'll never run out of content while leveling.
Grinding is synonymous for a time sink that drags out too long.
over 12 years ago
Good gameplay doesn't mean anything without a worthwhile reward IMO. Better MMOs just have a good fun-to-carrot ratio.
Some random guy
over 12 years ago
Planetside2. There IS a carrot but I forgot about it after couple of days.
over 12 years ago
GW2. Accept no imitations.
over 12 years ago
>Sounds like Second Life, if only it was fun
Or if only it was a game.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_169191]@Nazrin[/url]: Yep. Pretty much Engie-tan is talking about GW2, indeed.
over 12 years ago
It depressing how many people aren't realizing this is a GW2 comic.
over 12 years ago
Yeah engie, that IS ridiculous! I mean, EVERYONE wants me!
over 12 years ago
Sounds like Second Life, if only it was fun.
over 12 years ago
I want to see any people playing that game without carrot 2 months after getting it.
over 12 years ago
Hmm, it wouldn't be an MMORPG without any RPG.
I wonder what an MMO without grind would be.
I guess DayZ is close to that.
And Second Life if you squint your eyes.
over 12 years ago
Just to point out, at the moment it says MMOPRG instead of RPG.
over 12 years ago
We need more DOTA2 comics!
over 12 years ago
TSW is great.
over 12 years ago
Skinner Box eh.
over 12 years ago
Freelancer: Discovery?
over 12 years ago
Those sorts of MMOs won't exist until Virtual Reality is perfected cause gameplay isn't enough to make up for the lack of body movement. Need the carrot to grab players' whole attention.
over 12 years ago
Ever played DayZ? :)
No levels, no (in game) skills, no grinding, just regular gear.
Gameplay is fun
Million of players :)
over 12 years ago
A game where you start at max level, and then fight to die, so you can return to newbie stat and the innocence....oh yes, those days...
over 12 years ago
Sounds a bit like TSW
over 12 years ago
Here's another idea. A game where you make your account. And three days later it's stolen by a hacker.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_169105]@zitro[/url]: You progress through the story, your character gets more powerful and takes on greater threats, you get more gold or tokens that can be redeemed for stuff... There might not be story-impacts or world-impacts, but you can objectively point to something and say "My time spent got me that".
over 12 years ago
Does ME3 multiplayer count? Numbers go up, but it's pretty damn fun and similar at starter levels.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_169074]@Wraithy[/url]: How can you feel like you accomplish anything in a static world, anyway? Nothing you do in a standard mmo will actually change anything in the game, outside of your gears and stats.
over 12 years ago
Soon, Raidbosses drop lockboxes and safes and you have to pay with physical money for the keys.
over 12 years ago
Umm. Guild Wars 1? Before Eye of the North.
Sylvester Ink
over 12 years ago
There have been instances of this. Neverwinter Nights certainly filled this role with some of the amazing custom servers (especially when you got some good DMs involved). Maybe not so "massive," but it felt bigger than most MMOs anyway.
over 12 years ago
Here's the thing: You do need a carrot for a good MMO, otherwise the gameplay becomes stale because you don't feel like you're accomplishing anything. The level of grind involved is variable, of course, but otherwise you have Diablo III on release once you hit 60: Fun, but what's the point?
over 12 years ago
Am I the only one who played RYL2 and enjoyed the heck out of it?
over 12 years ago
Eve online: chat edition to the rescue! After all noone forces you to do boring shootemnpc stuff when you can shoot squares(aka other players) or just sit in station and chat XD
over 12 years ago
How else will developers hide their lazy game design?
This comic is about a robot powered by bees, but it's also about the kind of people who think filling a robot with bees is a good idea, and why they're wrong.
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