I played lol for a while and always found the support items a weid annoyance slapped onto the game.
Never bought one out of the principle of it, silly unfun game mechanics anyway. Only played no rank pubs anyway.
about 12 years ago
And you shouldn't be alone, either. Have your carry pick them off one by one.
about 12 years ago
I still don't know why Sand King needs a blink dagger.
If you rip his ult out on someone after landing your stun, they're probably fleeing at top speed to get out of the sandstorm you should be creating right afterward.
her doctor
about 12 years ago
wouldnt mind being one
Star Saber
about 12 years ago
Well, this is so wrong. Furion can actually do a lot for himself by buying wards.
about 12 years ago
yeah people far too often do not want to buy obs / detection in pubs so im forced to even if my hero isn't really suited for it.... but its still the best way to prevent other team from getting fed on my noob teammates...
Very funny and true comic !!1
about 12 years ago
I like to play supports.
In fact I only play supports, yet again, I only play stacks, fuck you pubbers.
about 12 years ago
Sand king should play a semisupport role, imo. buying the courier and a few wards here and there won't hurt, and you're good at getting assists because you're Sand king.
Also, who's the jungler?
about 12 years ago
To Supp is a ingrate job... Like being the Engineer of your team.
The problem with DOTA2 is that they don't have a Sona.
about 12 years ago
Being support is fun. Problem is that It never gets merit.
about 12 years ago
Windrunner is actually a support, though
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_191121]@Hazama[/url]: Your trolling is way too boring.
about 12 years ago
Are you... speaking... words?
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_190924]@Mewt[/url]: I can't believe one idiot fell for your troll, good job!
about 12 years ago
I have no idea what any of these people are talking about and I don't think they do either.
Kinda Is
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_191055]@Eculc[/url]: The TF2 arc kinda is atm, it's making little sense atm, he needs to stop the prelude and get into the story.
about 12 years ago
@yes!!! no, it's just an extra comic over the weekend.
First: try reading the info at the bottom of the page, jo said there would be a dota comic.
Second: TF2 arc is NOT shitty.
about 12 years ago
5th panel: Whats with all these messed up champions?
about 12 years ago
so u stopped that shitty tf2 arc, awesome! keep up the dota 2 comics! :D
about 12 years ago
I've seen support sk before :P it was pretty fail
about 12 years ago
Fuckin hell, why do we have 3 carries, a support who is semi-carrying? Aghhh.. I'll buy the courier but you guys need to get wards later. Any why are we trilaning, again?
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_191019]@DeadHerald[/url]: Weird logic you got there, bro.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_190777]@Omniknight[/url]: Silly Omniknight, no one picks you.
Except me, but I suck at DOTA and I actually play Medic in TF2.
about 12 years ago
@~Maid-Chan: You know for all intents and purposes, DOTA and LoL are the same game. You do know this, right? Subtle differences, but essentially the same game.
Noble Savant
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_190965]@Lasdfuhrz[/url]: SILENCE YOUR HERESY. *HISS*
about 12 years ago
Same shiet in LoL.
Or in general in moba games, noobs don't realize warding for map vision wins games.
about 12 years ago
@The Metalhead Next Door:
...carry on, Jo.
about 12 years ago
Being support is suffering.
about 12 years ago
yes back to that aweful boring arc
about 12 years ago
Yes it's a Dota 2 comic. it's a 5v5 game, most of the time there's still a support, a tank, and 2-3 damager.
But no one want waste money that benifet everybody, they only want useing the money to get better items for theirselves.
I just got promoted to captain obivious!!
about 12 years ago
"Perhaps I will do some bonus DOTA2 comics on the weekend, so be sure to check it tomorrow or sunday for some extra."
Arc is fine, people
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_190920]@RoflCat[/url]: Yes you can.
Really not getting the confusion about what happened to the arc. It was right there in the comments of the last comic.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_190938]@Bodmans[/url]: Indeed, what happened to the arc :(
about 12 years ago
What the goddamn hell is this about?
Wheres TF2 and other random game comics. Even SC2 is a million times better than this.
about 12 years ago
Is this another League of Legends comic because I honestly don't fucking get them.
about 12 years ago
I have to quote that board from TI2 for Furion on this matter:
Holla Holla Get Dolla
That 6 rapiers won't farm themselves.
And you can't spell Rapier with out Rape.
about 12 years ago
What are you talking about there are plenty of jungle heroes that buy wards (Chen standard is to start with sentries and observers), as well as Enigma, to keep his jungle safe.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_190898]@zutzlor[/url]: You realize the same exact thing happens in basically every game ever, right?
about 12 years ago
I don't have a clue about DOTA, but I am reminded that a good team healer (or in my case, decent abilities to self-heal since I'm a soloist player) tends to be important to keep the tanks and dps'ers rolling.
about 12 years ago
this is the reason why dota is shit and lol isn't
about 12 years ago
Wow, that... makes this game sound so -appealing- to play with others. (note: not really.)
about 12 years ago
I don't know what's going on!
The Metalhead Next Door
about 12 years ago
Calm your shit everybody, he said in his last post that he was going to post a bonus DOTA2 comic this weekend.
about 12 years ago
bring the arc back. all mobas (or however they are called)suck and should be forgotten
about 12 years ago
Windrunner? More like windrammer amirite
about 12 years ago
wr long lane solo needs wards above the strong camp if radiant and gank spot if dire
sk probably will buy courier then save for blink dagger
void is carry
quop is semi-carry
the 5th guy is probably a jungler like enigma (who can also get courier)
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
this one doesn't make much sense. sk would probably buy chicken and wr buys a set of wards for her long lane. the other pair of wards would probably be from the other support if it's a tri lane or maybe even a jungling chen/enchantress
kshizz on yr tits
about 12 years ago
No absolute need for a jungler with this line-up, why not a tri-lane with venomancer, sk and void, qop mid and wr long lane solo
about 12 years ago
the most useful hero in that line up would be crystal maiden.
Mana aura for windrunner and qop is awesome and you have a slow + root for SK to follow up!
W/Q/E/E/E for the first 5 levels and procede to demolish your lane!
about 12 years ago
Wait does that mean the Tf2 Saga ended? I want to see them slay the dragon. More TF2
about 12 years ago
One day I will get dota, one day.
about 12 years ago
most of the times i play support/ganker. we don't even need wards.
map awareness.
wards only for blind spots/ramps.
about 12 years ago
time to pick antimage.
about 12 years ago
Well I do this job with no nagging in mind.
Jo make a comic praising such figure as the Omniknight
about 12 years ago
Buy a ward SAVE A LIFE. All lanes must obey or get ganked;p
about 12 years ago
Most useful hero in that line up would be Leshrac, assuming Radiant Windrunner (pic4) top solo, Queen of Pain (Pic2) mid solo, Void (Pic1) bot solo, Sandking and Leshrac (Pic3&5) roam between bot and mid to keep up the pressure.
about 12 years ago
Just your average public game. Normally i am playing with a friend of mine who can carry really good. And to be honest you dont need wards in laning phase in a pub game. Unless you play high pool. I support most of the time cause i am good at that. If its a high pool or captions mode game i ward.
about 12 years ago
That lineup can't support a jungler, you're dealing with a Void+SK safelane, dual melee, so you need a ranged babysitter. It can't also be a roamer, the roamer in this case would be SK. SK will also take pulling farm if possible, as he is the farming support. CM, Veno, Rhasta, Lich or Disruptor 5th.
about 12 years ago
I'm a LoL player, and I'm 80% of the time a support player. I know how shitty it is to buy support items. And when the team fails 99%they blame you :-(
about 12 years ago
That's why I never got into MOBA games: The items. You have to know which items when to buy and which items are required for an useful combination item. I know it's an important part of the game, but I just can't handle it/ am too lazy to memorize all of the items.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_190751]@DeadHerald[/url]: just hate LOL not DOTA ^^
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_190705]@Serathis[/url]: well then... if you dont like any moba games then dont POST ANYTHING ON COMICS THAT IS RELATED TO ANY MOBA GAMES...ok?
about 12 years ago
DOTA and LOL have made me a very hate filled person. =D
about 12 years ago
The best kind of player is the pro-wannabe. In the middle of the match says "Sorry, my team sucks" and disconnects.
Based on true story.
about 12 years ago
Hooray, I understood a DOTA joke all by myself this time!
about 12 years ago
People who settle into support role in MOBAs learn to live with this shit. Besides, it's not our fault if you fuck up and the team loses. You asked us to ward, not to fight.
about 12 years ago
I have no idea what any of this means. I'm not sure if I think that's a good thing or a bad thing.
about 12 years ago
Aah, yes! Every party needs support, but nobody wants the role... The eternal paradox! lolz.
about 12 years ago
So if Techies were introduced (fuck that stupid suicide shit, I'm talking mines) then who's in charge of keeping people un-exploded?
about 12 years ago
"Hey our team compo looks good. Maybe we can win this-"
The 5th player has picked Meepo!
"....Well, shit."
about 12 years ago
Second hero there is Queen of Pain. Also, that line-up pretty much calls for a tri-lane considering that it'd have a Sandking sitting a Void. So probably something along the lines of Crystal Maiden would be best.
Or let SK go with Windrunner to hard lane.
about 12 years ago
I'd just pick Venomancer in this case, buy courier and reserve my first 150) gold for wards and go with Windrunner. Pub players can't suicide lane effectively anyway and she'd just feed. This way, I can guarantee that the enemy's safe lane is going to be pushed into their base by 20 minutes.
about 12 years ago
I dont very familiar with dota heroes, so can someone tells me, who is this female hero on the second frame?
about 12 years ago
The 5th guy doesn't necessary need to be a jungler. Could be a roaming support?
about 12 years ago
Screw LoL, DOTA, HoN and all other MOBA games! All they do is waste manpower that could have been used on proper games. I'm looking at you S2 games. Savage 3. Make it happen!
about 12 years ago
Hard lane generally starts off with wards to block the enemy camps and often buys vision. All junglers (nigma, ench, chen, etc.) can open with a courier without a problem.
about 12 years ago
Dont ever go support in pubs.
about 12 years ago
the arc DIED on us
about 12 years ago
Switch the last one with omniknight facepalming
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_190662]@Software2[/url]: This was the Sunday bonus comic, TF2 D&D arc will be back today.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_190638]@Gear[/url]: That's the golden rule inscribed with gods tears of MOBA games right there...Don't play with the pubs, play with your buds!
about 12 years ago
DotA2 is bad and you should feel bad.
about 12 years ago
I dunno, Void suggests an old fashion tri-lane. That means SK gets Courier and you're ward bitch.
about 12 years ago
Bring back the TF2 arc!
Some guy
about 12 years ago
"I'm can't buy support items."? did you mean "I can't buy support items"?
about 12 years ago
I don't know where to place wards anyway, but I do play Chen, who can jungle right off the bat if you are careful/get a lucky creep spawn. So slap a Chen in that position and all will be fine.
[url=#user_comment_190633]@Garygolf[/url]: I've played LoL, haven't played DotA, been told that DotA tactics and metagame are way different. I think it's basically easier for LoL'ers to buy wards and things even when they're carrying.
about 12 years ago
Purple dude with pants on head is BR!
Dont change the writing!
about 12 years ago
As a newbie I play support most of the time. I'm fine with buying support items. So yeah, the place is reserved for me, thank you. ^_^
I also don't play pubs alone, hate the haters.
about 12 years ago
With a team like that, I'd just as soon cancel my reservation.
I appreciate the heart, though. <3
about 12 years ago
Well, SK should buy it, tbh.
The situation is a lot more fun when the entire team decides to go hard carry.
That prophet in your games.
about 12 years ago
Jo I don't think you understand. You gotta meet the quota and to meet the quota I need my items and if I don't meet the quota then I'm bad.
about 12 years ago
Playing LoL, I buy wards regardless of what I'm playing and my team still whines. I don't understand why people don't realize you win and lose as a team. Everyone should contribute in some fashion.
about 12 years ago
Yep. The worst thing about MOBA games are the other people who play them.