Man she's really oddly proportioned. Like look at her torso and compare it to her hips. Looks really weird.
over 12 years ago
Moral of Story:
Better Nerf Irelia
over 12 years ago
I find this fanservice to be not as good because she clearly isn't enjoying herself.
It's always better when the girl is into it too.
Dire Goblin
over 12 years ago
Nosebleed for MASSIVE damage.
Fanservice, this comic needs more fanservice :3
over 12 years ago
Fuck yea fanservice
over 12 years ago
So okay with this.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_201169]@AckAckAck[/url]: sorry for wanting some background of characters before understanding the pun. and yes its fanservice, but i dont go to this awesome website for fanservice. i go there for the great comics
and no, i dont want to act as Jo's dad
over 12 years ago
no claim yet?
Tuesday 30 october 2012, 4:45 PM
Captain Snarf
over 12 years ago
@Dota 2 player: Nice.
over 12 years ago
If I may, I'd like to hope for Halloween pumpkin stencils for next year... I can never seem to draw a good engie-tan.
over 12 years ago
@Dota 2 player: OH YEAH....
Teh Batponeh
over 12 years ago
Can you please make a comic about the Halloween update for TF2
over 12 years ago
@@@Wow are you people-- : It's called crossover. Stop being a tight assed git.
@Vulpis[/url] : Yep, I love how she can scare the whole town with just her laugh. Also Nahga is not a brunette, her hair is raven black.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_200778]@bodmans[/url]: A little bit of advice bod, no one care about your egoistical self entitlement, you're not Jo's dad. Now get off your soapbox and sit down while I enjoy the fanservice.
@Kimiko[/url]: Don't care, have fanservice. It's the universal language.
Dota 2 player
over 12 years ago
And if you stack -Armor debuffs, you could get something like this (Careful, nudity).
over 12 years ago
@ Platypus: actually they "share" screen time XD this from Kanzaka wiki: "...episode 17 ("Question? He's proposing to THAT girl?"), a woman with Naga's distinctive build and outfit walks in front of the disguised Amelia, Gourry, and Lina, and Amelia appears to do a double-take."
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_200778]@bodmans[/url]: It's a hot girl in a skimpy cosplay outfit. What is hard to get about that?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_200778]@bodmans[/url]: Indeed...what's this 'Crystal Maiden' thing all about, anyway? Plus, Naga's a brunette, and Lina's supposed to look more like Ranma Saotome's female form.
@AckAckAck[/url]: Actually, the laugh is at least partly supposed to be irritating. Check out TVTropes sometime under 'Noblewoman's Laugh'
Sherlock Pie
over 12 years ago
And Jo is still ignoring LoLfags... (<3 you Jo)
@@Wow are you people--
over 12 years ago
He made a reference to something that doesn't exist in game. What a fag.
Oh wait i bet Halloween exist in game too.
over 12 years ago
Just glad to see you give Slayers some love- it's one of my favorite series of all time- Slayers/Utena/Kenshin were the big 3 series I had growing up.
over 12 years ago
@Clayton Rickey: Yep, I don't think it's actually stated in any manga or anime but even the writers have given the wink and the nod. Naga is Amelia's runaway older sister. They also never share screen time, fact.
over 12 years ago
Awesome comic and awesome characters. Plus, a little bit of fanservice doesn't hurt
@Wow are you people--
over 12 years ago
If that was In-game,it would make sense to call people stupid.
But they aren't even in-game,why would you check Slayers comic out just because of "Lina Inverse" name?
Fuck YOU
You are Retarded.
Wow are you fucking stupid, you people?
over 12 years ago
It is lina and CM from dota dressed up as Lina and Naga from Slayers.
That's definitely Naga and Lina. And, no, Naga isn't Lina's older sister. She is definitely Amelia's older sister though. Try the wiki article. It's says her full name is Gracia Ul Naga Seyruun.
over 12 years ago
Naga is heavily inferred in the novels to be Amelia's sister Gracia, not Lina's sister.
An Onymous
over 12 years ago
I. Love. Halloween.
over 12 years ago
You mean Luna and Qeen of Pain?
I see U
over 12 years ago
pr0n \o/
over 12 years ago
I can't buy into Lina and Naga being sisters. The only thing in all of the world that scared Lina Inverse was her sister, but in the OAVs, Lina interacted with Naga more or less casually. They were just rivals that both craved treasure over everything else (except, of course, a large dinner).
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_200778]@bodmans[/url]: Doesn't matter. Had fanservice.
I don't even play Dota and I got it. Characters apparently inspired on an anime, and are cosplaying as them.
Mr. Al
over 12 years ago
She sure is hot 8are those goat-feet btw?), but i have had absolutely no idea what the latest few strips are about (except the latest tf2 one). I'm not saying they are bad, it's jsut that i doon't get whatever possible joke that might be intended :S
Nice fanservice to the 100 people who understand what this is about even after the "explanation."
over 12 years ago
a little bit of advice to Jo,
when you're doing a comic about something that appeals to a lot of people, use characters and a theme that everybody understands
over 12 years ago
Holy Shit, Batman. It's a MEINFIELD!
over 12 years ago
Also, maybe you know me as a sensible poster who rarely doing a "mine!" photo note. But this is Nahga the Serpent cosplay so I will break my own rule and I'm going to post it! no one can stop me! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Also enjoy your Halloween! BOO!
over 12 years ago
Also did you know that I LOVE Nahga? she's HOT and CRAZY. She's also awesomely confidence and sexy at the same time. Sure her laugh is kinda irritating but hey, nobody's perfect.She used to be a princess before her parents are killed by their enemies. That outfit? it's her mother's outfit.
over 12 years ago
Lina Inverse and Nahga used to be a partner in cri... adventuring. They are not sisters, Lina's sister is much more powerful than her (she's a "monster" according to traumatized and frightened Lina). They separate ways later and Lina ended up teamed up with Gourry Gabriev, partner and "partner."
over 12 years ago
Naga had bigger boobs.
over 12 years ago
Lina does have a sister, but it's not Naga.
Joe ur slipping
over 12 years ago
For those who don't know it's Lina and Crystal Maiden cosplaying as what what? That's like saying:
"For those who don't know, it's a game where you fight aliens and zombies"
over 12 years ago
Was kinda hoping this would be LoL related when I googled "nerfnow" and read the title. Oh well.
Hahaa, very clever and beautifully drawn. Nice one, Jo. :D
Savasaan Todaro
over 12 years ago
I love you Joe :3 I LOVE YOU!
Lina Inverse 4 life.
Dota 2 player
over 12 years ago
-Armor debuff. You know you'd casted it on her.
over 12 years ago
they can't really use Dragon Slave or Raguna Blade anymore. crystal maiden is cosplaying as Naga the white serpant, one of Lina's prominent companions who specialized in ice spells. Also,I've been wondering, what did valve do about rikkimaru and all the blizzard characters when they made dota 2?
over 12 years ago
for those who don't get it as a few others have mentioned, Lina (I don't know if she has a last name in dota 2, I don't play it) was Lina Inverse (The Slayer) in the original dota the main character from anime/light novel series Slayers FUI I would love to know what her spells are now since
Who? Me?
over 12 years ago
What's actually funny is that she -is- Lina Inverse in DotA. No idea on DotA2, but I'm pretty sure they cut it to her first name and changed her skill names.
Slayers is some good classic anime. Even the recently made Slayers Revolution/Evolution R series are good.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_200496]@blub[/url], I don't think it's the cold... I think she's wearing less clothing than she's comfortable with.
over 12 years ago
I don't get it... is that crystal maiden that is freezing? dont you think she's used to the cold temperatures by now? I like most of your dota2 comics, but this one doesnt really make sense...
@salty[/url], don't compare dota with lol plz, it's only for your own good.
over 12 years ago
Lina Inverse and Naga aren't sisters.
naga is the supposed (not sure if it's fully confirmed) sister of amelia, but not of lina.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_200407]@salty[/url]: Let's see... DOTA came first (started as a Warcraft 3 mod) so it's a little more well known. Lina isn't a DOTA character specifically. Yes, she appears in DOTA but only as a character imported wholesale from the Slayers animes and light-novels where she's the main character. That's this.
over 12 years ago
Excuse me? What DotA are you talking about? This is from Slayers, Lina Inverse and Naga, what i don't understand is why Naga is blonde.
over 12 years ago
Is dat ENGIEE??
over 12 years ago
The next comic will feature Amelia, right :D
over 12 years ago
Australian Seagull flock GO!
over 12 years ago
Submit this to the Workshop! NOW!
over 12 years ago
Now I have to watch more Slayers...
over 12 years ago
Line Inverse and Naga the Serpent cosplay!
over 12 years ago
I don't get the DOTA hype, it's the same as LoL. It doesn't matter what you playing.
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