Indeed, often people complaining about misses fail to realize that even things in reality never go as desired because of the infinite number of things that can and do often go wrong.
over 12 years ago
It would be better if they'd added some dodging animations instead of having them not receive bullets to the face at point blank by standing still
over 12 years ago
My intense and irrational Internet Outrage is unfairly nullified by the nostalgia your name invokes.
Come back Hasegawa-san! We miss you! Damn you Bungie!
over 12 years ago
These complaints about percentage...
While we are in the subject:
You know in Deus ex HR when you have maximum hack stealth and you still get detected on a fucking level 1 node?
over 12 years ago
Not really surprised that it's surprisingly hard to hit someone at point blank range with a gun, compared to mid-range. When you have someone right in your face your coordination tends to go AGSDUGD
over 12 years ago
In Counterstrike i got 86% accuracy after year of gaming and those 86% were better than 100% chance to hit in XCOM.
On the other hand in CS you can't shoot target through solid objects as easy as it do every single soldier in XCOM.
over 12 years ago
@Liro Raeriyo: Panic is indeed overpowered. I've had sergeants panic because one member of my team got shot (not killed, shot). They proceeded to murder the remainder of my team.
over 12 years ago
Now that I think about it... I've missed some point blank shots in Counterstrike before...
Liro Raeriyo
over 12 years ago
panic is way too overpowered, panic should do something like "drasticly reduce all skills" and have a 10% chance of having him auto-attack something randomly, not "reduce HP of nearest ally to 1"
that or let us fucking move before the dudes who paniced so we can get away from their guns
over 12 years ago
Old XCOM had elevation that became crucial for hitting aliens because your projectiles had a smaller area it could hit. eg: aim a flash light along the ground and see how much light covers the floor; then aiming it at the ground from a higher spot makes it more focused.
In a econ Lecture
over 12 years ago
I'm pretty sure this is x-com, it has the Dota tag in the archives.
over 12 years ago
Missing 2x "85% chance" shots, but finnally killing it with a 35% one.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_206569]@Quinch[/url]: Awww, in the original I used to always use the approach: "There could be a thing behind that wall. Destroy the wall with lasorz."
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_206566]@Beretta[/url]: I dunno, I think there is some room there for "Get half of arm melted off by inhuman energy bolt, freak out a bit and pull the trigger instead of squeezing it"
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_206422]@Bindal[/url]: Yep - the game added some sorely-needed mechanics the original didn't have {thank you, cover mechanics!}, but it doesn't really seem like a good reason for arbitrary removal of other ones. Shooting at environment, level-by-level presentation or even just a damn minimap would be nice.
over 12 years ago
The X-Com has long harbored a hard-on for overestimated the psychological fragility of soldiers (and humans in general). You don't fucking think. You point and squeeze of a round. Then you do it again.
Repeat until danger has passed.
over 12 years ago
I believe it's not dota, it's XCOM no?
An Onymous
over 12 years ago
Guess it does make sense that, realistically, people would be capable of missing a shot even if an alien was right in front of them. Not to mention that, realistically, the alien would try to dodge.
The Anon
over 12 years ago
It's true you can't hit an ally with a missed shot anymore, but you can't hit other hostiles either so it's still sad :(
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_206351]@Catz[/url]: What makes it look weird is that the game is turn-based, so panic doesn't seem natural as they would have until you take your turn to cool off if they where conscious of turns...
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_206351]@Catz[/url]: How could a rookie have fought aliens once per week? Before his first mission?
I think he was pretty logical, I would panic staring some of the aliens in X-COM in the face the first time, even if they taught me how to shoot...
over 12 years ago
What happens after you pull the trigger has no significant impact on whether the bullet is going to hit the target. At the bullet speeds we're talking about 900-1000m/s the bullet will strike the point blank target well before an outside force can influence it.
over 12 years ago
My issue is when you miss at short range with a sniper rifle when the feedback says you have a 100% chance to hit. Do they shoot from the hip or something?
over 12 years ago
I would like to think an xcom soldier is better trained than some webcomic artist trying to throw paper into a basket
over 12 years ago
What is this "Real Life"?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_206295]@TheQuinch[/url]: Seen the "the game got too simple" argument often enough for the new XCOM. But it's not simple, it's just different. You can't shoot walls in the new one - but you can't use elevation or flanking in the old one, either.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_206351]@Catz[/url]: Well, when they are promoted once, the only classes still miss a point blank are Heavy (due having an LMG, which is... well, heavy) and a Sniper (due having a long-range weapon).
So, only a Rookie will miss at that range. And it is shown that Aliens regularly "dodge" the shot
over 12 years ago
So true. Now I'm waiting for Xenonauts release even stronger.
over 12 years ago
You could still hit your teammates in original XCOM even if the shot was going to hit (the game tracked the projectile for collisions as it moved).
New XCOM allows players to stack soldiers in a line and shoot through eachother; aliens can reaction-shot you through solid walls. So I play Xenonauts.
over 12 years ago
...There's "Bad Shots" and there's "I can fail a 100% chance to hit"
Imperial Storm Trooper Marksmanship Academy
over 12 years ago
Guy on the picture missed from less than yard away while soldiers in game throw their grenades perfectly? But they still can not hit target.
over 12 years ago
Makes sense to me.
over 12 years ago
When you're the world's best soldiers specially selected for the X-COM project who have fight the aliens once a week (almost literally...) and have been promoted several times: Yes.
over 12 years ago
It's easy to say "trained" and "accurate weapon" when in you're a safe, controled place.
But when you're out in the field fighting psychic aliens with plasma rifles and/or sharp extremities? You really think you can keep your perfect cool?
over 12 years ago
Ok, so you're saying that an untrained kid throwing a piece of aerodynamically unstable paper is comparable to a trained professional firing a relatively accurate weapon at close range using aerodynamic bullets.
A better comparison to throwing paper into a bin would be a soldier shooting up.
over 12 years ago
From personal experience I would say, that it is harder to throw that paper to a trash can few meters away, then it is to shoot a target a hundred meters away with an assault rifle. The reason is, that shooting is a point&click operation once you learn gun handling and gain muscle memory.
over 12 years ago
still trying to beat it in classical with ironman mode activated, getting a good start is hard as fuck.
decided I lost the game yesterday when I found out I was running out of soldiers and I got 2 missions hitting me at the same time (30 tries and still counting lol)
but damn, I love that game
over 12 years ago
Still playing that? I found it all too repetitive after one game.
over 12 years ago
I think how it works is that each shot your hit percentage is compared with a randomly generated number, if it's equal or greater the shot hits, otherwise the shot misses.
So the best you can do with the assault class is to give them rapid-fire, two dice rolls almost always pay higher dividends.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_206284]@KeeTraxx[/url]: I agree. I'm all for streamlining, and the game is good enough to stand on its own merit, but they oversimplified too much at the expense of tactical options.
Edward Cullen
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
I missed a 98% chance shot twice in a row. WHAT ARE THE ODDS OF THIS?!
over 12 years ago
I miss the ability to miss an alien and plant the shot right in the back of a rookie. Those were good times, man, good times.
over 12 years ago
In the original, you could shoot cover/walls at will in order to destroy them. Which was quite useful. Too bad they removed that nifty possibility here (unless you're using rockets, but they're far too valuable to waste on walls).
over 12 years ago
Nobody would miss such an easy shot? You ever played warhammer 40k? cant even counter the number of times i miss from less then 2 inches away!
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_206229]@Randomizer[/url]: Enjoy it while it lasts.
over 12 years ago
In the original, your soldiers don't panic at the drop of a hat, then start shooting at each other with with a vengeance.
over 12 years ago
Combine this with the fact that later you'll find your snipers doing crazy group trick shots to obliterate berzerkers while in overwatch and you'll want an option to surgically implant a SCOPE into each eye socket of your soldiers that gets triple bonus when using the regular fire option.
over 12 years ago
Guild Wars 2 is pretty fun
over 12 years ago
I think it will be better to give rifles to real monkeys. Their accuracy cannot be worse.
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