I feel your pain dude.
Yo estoy cansado de tener team members latinos que no saben jugar, o ingles, y me toca ser mediador entre ellos y el resto del team.
over 12 years ago
"My team composition is so bad that i wish to have a surrender button on the pre-match settings"
Yeah, something like that.
over 12 years ago
Jo is from brazil? WTF!!
Anyway... Some people love to quit, even when the game is won....
over 12 years ago
Sniper Dave
over 12 years ago
this just shows that even Brazilians hate BR's
over 12 years ago
would you also make a comic about dota 2 diretide item farming?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_207332]@3234[/url]: You understood because that was Spanish. No brazilian says "brasileño", they say "brasileiro". Many think Brazil speaks Spanish anyways... Hue Hue Hue
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_207442]@Wizzard[/url]: I think most of us get the joke. It's a simple case of hypocritical humor.
"It's funny because Jo is Brazilian!"
over 12 years ago
amazing that most still haven't noticed why this is ironic lol.
over 12 years ago
'I'm sorry, I didn't get the joke because I haven't played this game, please do more accessible jokes in the future'
over 12 years ago
Love the irony in this.
Nando Rock
over 12 years ago
@Calamity Kid: you say all
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_207332]@3234[/url]: I speak French, English, and broken japanese (still learnin') and I understood what he said.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_207310]@бразилски[/url]: Holy shit, that isn't even Brazilian Portuguese, shut the fuck up.
Not бразилски
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_207310]@бразилски[/url] "Hello I am Brazilian Stereotype that is the ---- number one that is ---- death(?) I --- the translator of google because hue hue hue hue Brazilian hue hue hue -----"
Does that help? I twied me best
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_207310]@бразилски[/url]: I understand what you said and I dont speak brazilian I speak spanish. wow!
over 12 years ago
What racism ?
over 12 years ago
Hola soy brasileña estereotipada que es la causa número uno que es jugar morde Yo uso el traductor de google porque hue hue hue hue brasileño hue hue hue risa
over 12 years ago
the actual joke is that his teammates already AFK'd
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_207097]@GabonMx[/url]: Strategy is for sissies! Only improvisation, only hardcore! :P
Calamity Kid
over 12 years ago
As a brazilian myself, I've got to say, playing with brazilians sucks most of the time. I wish they'd just stop bitching around and play the game seriously.
over 12 years ago
@Sir Dupre: After reading the original comment, I'd say you are the mad one my friend. From Guess What's comment, I'd say either he dislikes DotA 2. Doesn't mean he favors LoL, he just dislikes either DotA or the recent comics.
U mad, not him.
Youtube Commenter #1534
over 12 years ago
I don't get it.
over 12 years ago
Goddamn it... So true
Sir Dupre
over 12 years ago
@Guess what: Look guys, a mad LoLfag.
over 12 years ago
Props for Jo. We don't need no LoL stuff in here.
over 12 years ago
well this proves jo listens, I hate how true this is.
I wish there was actual forums on here, would rock, and be trolled. :/
I like the dota comics though. :D
My two pence
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_206980]@snoipah[/url] Yeah, guess why; Dota2 is still invite only, whereas LoL has been out there for ages.
over 12 years ago
Oh the Racism >X D
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
@DAS BOOTS: Ahri fan service... I like this idea. Also Sona.
over 12 years ago
Oh the irony
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_206909]@Shadow12000[/url]: Your mom holds the world record for the most active cocks taken at once.
Whore at her finest.
how the hell if they have lore XD he doesnt make a comic is soo bloody easy XD
over 12 years ago
Yes, the imagery here doesn't make sense. But since when does racism make sense?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_207054]@Anon[/url] E Mouse (Advice): Because it doesn't make sense to accuse them of speaking French. They speak Portuguese, and since Portugal is surrounded by Spain people mistake it for Spanish. Since Mexicans speak Spanish it paints this hilarious image of an asshole in a sombrero who can't game for shit.
over 12 years ago
@Sherlock Pie:
I love the idea.
next time i see a russian, I will ask him how the weather is in greece.
Or worst: mistake an brittanic with an american : how vexing !
over 12 years ago
People don't seem to realize what this is ironic.
I'll keep sitting here laughing at them.
over 12 years ago
Awww come on Jo. Just make some fan service like with Ahri and Caitylin.
Sherlock Pie
over 12 years ago
Look at all those people who think Jo is american or something.It's hilarious
Anon E Mouse (Advice)
over 12 years ago
Remember, when you're insulting a player of a different nationality, make sure to mistake their language creatively. Telling a Brazilian to stop speaking Spanish is a an amateur mistake. Why not tell them to stop speaking French and make a professional mistake?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_206905]@Russian[/url]: How can we make some strategy with that? even talking is imposible. And the reaction from other players is: "What the hell is he doin on this server?" So i think i'll will talk and write in spanish to play.
over 12 years ago
I'm a brazilian (for real) and I will fuck your games.
Actually, nah, I play seriously, I have more problems with mexicans and most of my non-br friends play on the US server, so. Most br friends moved to the new br server.
Fucking mexicans.
over 12 years ago
Yes, fucking brazilians indeed.
Il Palazzo
over 12 years ago
@random guy from the internet:
but French players are on EUW, ain't any better than Brazilians or Russians. :o
(says a French player playing on EUW, NA and EUNE :D )
So true, unfortunately.
over 12 years ago
Yeah, I kinda wish more games split into regions and languages so we wouldn't have communications issues. I've got nothing against Brazilians but... I'll be damned if it doesn't irritate the hell out of me to log into wow, zone into an instance, and find half the party speaking Portuguese.
over 12 years ago
First comic I've smirked at in far too long. Good job
over 12 years ago
And eune still have polish people. But you can make LoL better by reporting and/or participating in Tribunal.
over 12 years ago
Just take a quick flip through the champions images. Then make something up with the ones you think look coolest (reading the lore might help a lil for those selected thusly).
over 12 years ago
@random guy from the internet
We got Spanish and Greek people though...just as bad...
over 12 years ago
Only places with more Brazilians are Orkut and Tibia. If you never heard about these two, it's fine.
Guess what
over 12 years ago
Still better than DOTA 2
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_206982]@anon[/url]: this
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_206982]@Anon[/url]: not quit, don't forget Annie is under age...wait I think I just spotted a pedobear!
Another random guy
over 12 years ago
@random guy from the internet im from the most western country in europe, and sadly you are wrong :( its full of brasilians (and not the good kind ) and russians :(, i do wish you were right though...
over 12 years ago
Like really ? Every character even has his backstory written for him, surely you could come up with something :b
over 12 years ago
just draw engie dressed like annie getting fucked by tibbers and there you go everyone is happy
Lots of people surrender way to early when something is hard in LOL :D
over 12 years ago
"Western Europe - no Brazilians and no Russians... be jealous."... still frs
over 12 years ago
So LoL has Brazilians and Dota 2 has Russians?
over 12 years ago
wait, is that tentacle(s)?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_206814]@GabonMx[/url]: Yez comrad, we does that sometimes. Now, make a pencil dissapear.
over 12 years ago
Moral of the story: It's hard for people to write a comic about something they don't play, so stop fucking begging.
Also love how someone left the note "NO ONE EVEN PLAYS IT" when it's got the world record for most active players on an online game. Ignorance at its finest.
over 12 years ago
Зачем так серьезно? (;,;)
over 12 years ago
Btw guys, he was being ironic. He's brazilian himself.
over 12 years ago
Lovely response to all those " But we want LoL comics" guys :D Even though as I saw the surrender button I was thinking it was about how every second game ends at 20 minutes because everybody just gives up.
random guy from the internet
over 12 years ago
Western Europe - no Brazilians and no Russians... be jealous.
over 12 years ago
Fucking brazillians!
over 12 years ago
@Luiz Paulo Santos Cruz
Learn English before you try to use it, nigger.
over 12 years ago
By the way, I don't remember too many Brazilians laughing like that. Normally it is "Hahaha" or "Huahuahua", or even an "asdhuiahsdioauh" or some other random stuff.
over 12 years ago
I want league of legends comicz!!!
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
> LoL comic
> Fanservice
There you go
Luiz Paulo Santos Cruz
over 12 years ago
BRs is their fault...
But i kind dind´t understrand the comic i afraid, is because the game have som many BRBRs than you cannot play the game to pick ideas from the game?
over 12 years ago
BTW Nerf you have to do some comic about the massive release of Dota 2 keys. In the trade forums i saw a topic like this "8 keys of Dota for 1 x CS:GO" is a mess!
over 12 years ago
The most players annoying after the brazilian are the Russians with all that weird language
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