The third panel:
Soldier uses Equalizer, heal Heavy
over 12 years ago
Heavy, no. I do not want you to encourage Medic leeching. You're better than this.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_217315]@Alex[/url]: TF2 fast? It's one of the more well-paced games I know.
That one guy
over 12 years ago
@O-(-'.'Q): which means you should log off one of valve's servers full of new players and find a real server
over 12 years ago
To be fair a soldier at full health is one that isn't rocket-jumping, which is a very rare thing.
over 12 years ago
Heh, he does look like Kekkonen. After him everyone was like "OMG, the prez is OP! Plz nerf!" And they have been reducing the president's power ever since.
Rubick Aghanim
over 12 years ago
Valid for Dazzle and Axe too
over 12 years ago
@ SoulofLemon
Kekkonen is immortal, obviously.
over 12 years ago
Professor Heavy's Tips On How To Play TF2 and Read Russian Literature.
over 12 years ago
What about UT99, then?
over 12 years ago
"Mr. Heavy, what if the whole team is Sniper and Spy?"
"Log off 2fort"
over 12 years ago
It's a TF2 comic! An honest to God TF2 comic! *glee*
over 12 years ago
@Mini Medic: then you should quit the server!
over 12 years ago
I agree with Jo
over 12 years ago
My home is WoT:) TF2 is too fast and to pointless for me.
An Onymous
over 12 years ago
This comic was surprisingly informative.
over 12 years ago
Holy shit! our long dead (finnish) president is still alive??
Liro Raeriyo
over 12 years ago
i am ze spy, i am disguising as your heavies because no one expects a heavy spy
over 12 years ago
Awww! That's such a cute student medic, indeed. Welcome to TF2 101.
Mini Medic
over 12 years ago
*raises hand* What if whole team is soldiers?
over 12 years ago
@ RoderickBR:
If you want to have a real challenge just try it or watch some matches. If you are from Europe you sould visite you will find me and my team aswell.
I competitive Heavy is a situational class. He is way to slow so people usually choose a Soldier
Different People, All at once
over 12 years ago
Um... Guys, isn't it obvious that this is satire... I mean really? This isn't legitimate advice. And Joe knows it.
over 12 years ago
Amen to that Jo.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_217197]@Sebb[/url]: I didn't play competitive yet, but I did hear about it. You let the scouts and demo go ahead, and "leash" with a soldier (while ocasionally giving an overheal to the other soldier, if there's one) Since it's all about storming the enemy base as quickly as possible.
over 12 years ago
But but...
Quick-fix medic with soldiers is so much fun to jump around the map.
And yes even though I'm still addicted to Xcom I'll probably go back to tf2 and play away my shame when I eventually get that dreadfull full squad wipe.
over 12 years ago
I agree that TF2 feels like home...a home where someone or a team of someones storm in every time you leave and add odd, mismatching and possibly dangerous furniture.
over 12 years ago
In competetive TF2 it works different:
-You heal scouts first since they are the strongest class.
-Than you heal demo because he deals most of the damage
-In the end you heal Soldiers.
thats theorie. In actual game it is a bit different and situation depended.
over 12 years ago
Usually if your team is smart enough, they would do an attack when they approach to get healing to prove they're not a spy. Can't have medics wasting precious time spychecking.
Proper thing to do as medic is to get everyone overhealed ASAP and of course uber. Always have a pocket for protection.
over 12 years ago
Who can blame them, anyway? Heavy takes so little skill that it doesn't matter how retarded the player is, you know they'll still be effective.
over 12 years ago
Has anyone found themselves in a situation where, as soldier, you need to get around quickly but have only like 10 health left and the medics won't heal you?
over 12 years ago
you really should try the custom gamemods, it will almost garanteed give you another 400 hours of fun.
also, COMBAT medic FTW
over 12 years ago
Bonesaw first, then heal.
Don't trust anyone, ever.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_217135]@Lol[/url]: Nope. I'm a clean casual!
over 12 years ago
"I don't think I will ever find a game which I feel so much at home as TF2"
That's because you're a dirty casual.
over 12 years ago
Good medics can maintain health on 2 players. :P usually a heavy and some other random guy near you. Also, uber rotation.
over 12 years ago
Actually, the third situation probably calls for healing the soldier. My reasoning is that if the soldier is actually near the medic, he is probably miles away from the combat. I'm talking to all those coward-medics out there.
over 12 years ago
Amen Jo, amen.
I actually think that healing soldiers is a high priority. The more you heal them, the more they can rocket jump, and the more they can rocket jump, the more effective they will be. A heavy is better at protecting you though.
over 12 years ago
hah, heal the heavy, riiiiiight. more than likely they will go kritz and attach themselves at the hip to a demoman. i honestly dont see very many uber medics anymore :(
Im not really mad out kritz demo, its just so stupidly effective that it irks me.
over 12 years ago
As a soldier, this was one of the reasons I quit playing TF2.
Ironically, when I played Medic and healed Soldiers, they would rocket jump and leave me stranded in the middle of enemy territory...
over 12 years ago
Actually this is *kind of* solid advise, the Medic's job is highly contextual but this advise is OK for a large portion of situations.
over 12 years ago
And this is why soldier uses Black Box.
over 12 years ago
but i dont know how to "willhang"
over 12 years ago
Poor Soldier. Maybe he can keep sniper company while everyone else is having fun?
over 12 years ago
Goddamnit Jo don't ENCOURAGE them. Also hey, first comment, that's cool
over 12 years ago
finally got chance to get first post but can't think anything to say.