What people are saying about "Development Hell"
Development Hell
Comments have been closed for this comic.
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
Airborne dirt and airborne debris and then airborne debris can't enlist within of majority of these kinds bags, Properly. They pressure close bags may be water tight, Which means that eliminate dampness actually fits at creating. The ovum are specifically practical website traffic can include vitami
about 12 years ago
Ever since Team Blizzard North left Blizzard, most game looks very cartoony a lot. Some even say the colorfulness of recent Blizzard games are just like some gay shit.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_232557]@Anotherx[/url]: You like to think there was no problem, but even you probably had moments where you thought "this should be like this". BUT you dismissed it because there was no one to complain to, so you accepted it. Today, there's ALWAYS someone to complain to. So, people rage.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_232557]@Anotherx[/url]: So, you never got frustrated because you died on a level or something? Cause for every time you got frustrated and tried again, there was someone else who would probably complain on a forum. The difference, there weren't major forums for games like Donkey Country or Super Mario
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_232985]@LadyCaca[/url]: Only if you count the norse by norsewest reskin of Lost Vikings 2 for PC. I'd love a Lost Vikings 3, but at this point I'm not sure if there is enough Blizzard left in Activision-Blizzard to make it worthwhile, certainly hasn't been the case for sequals so far; diablo 3, battlenet2.0
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_232797]@Censuur[/url]: Ah, sorry. Then Lost Vikings 3 it is, then. Is this one out as well?
about 12 years ago
I've never been interested in PvP in loot games for the same reason I don't like it in TRPGs: they're both about making your numbers bigger so in the end that's all it comes down to. Show me both characters on paper and I can tell you the winner, drama-free.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_232928]@Alex[/url] so, expecting to not be lied to, is being entitled....nice logic retard.
about 12 years ago
OMG, video game developers lying to fans? Stop the presses!

Oh wait, just stop being so "entitled" </sarcasm>
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_232758]@Mel[/url] touché
about 12 years ago
@Lady Caca: ??? Wot... The lost Vikings 2 has been out since forever... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lost_Vikings_2#The_Lost_Vikings_2 just scroll down a bit or look it up anywhere >_>
about 12 years ago
I'm actually kind of sad that Blizzard has been dropping in quality these days, after I've been a fan since Starcraft, but I suppose almost no one has staying power anymore.
about 12 years ago
I care so little I'm not even going to make a webcomic about it.
about 12 years ago
The best part of reading all these D3 news is laughing at all the tears dropped by fanboys crying because of the bad quality of this game.

I'm so glad I realized how much much D3 would fail and refused to buy it (even though I spent 3 years reading daily news about it).
Lady Caca
about 12 years ago
@Tom Genius: Lost Vikings 2 imo
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_232658]@Yea[/url]: I come back every so often, but I really have lost interest for the most part. DotA comics don't bother me because I played the mod and now play LoL, it's just that the comics are either a DotA joke or a news update on DotA or Diablo...
Tom Genius
about 12 years ago
Fuck Diablo, I want Warcraft 4.
Willy Wonka
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_232647]@RantNobodyWillCareAboutButEh[/url]: Stop. Don't. Come back.
about 12 years ago
It's not always about the funny. I'm happy it isn't a Dota comic.

And there in lies the issue, You can't please everybody.
about 12 years ago
So much blizzard fanboy over here
about 12 years ago
I'm still waiting for WoW to get the Dance Studio they promised.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_232647]@RantNobodyWillCareAboutButEh[/url]: Good point. I just realised i truly haven't enjoyed a nerfnow comic in quite a while now.... So i guess i'm going too.
about 12 years ago
So...what's the joke? I get what the point of the comic is, but I don't see a joke, unless the "or how little I care at this point." was it.

Meh, NerfNow has become unfunny for me lately, or makes overused TF2/DotA jokes. Hoped this would change over the months, but I give up now. Sigh, bye guys.
Confused tf2 fan
about 12 years ago
Ah, although i own Diablo 3 this needs no explanation. Never heard that they were announcing a team deathmatch. Why would it be boring?
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
The only disappointment I have now is the year of WoW subscription I agreed to for a game that barely gets 20 fps on the lowest settings for me. Meanwhile, I've spent $10 for Torchlight 2 over the sale, gotten a zillion times more fun out of it with my wife and can get 75 fps at max settings.
about 12 years ago
OMG there's too much Diablo 3 comics, I don't get them Jo pls stop.
about 12 years ago
Good to know that the one reason I was tempted to buy diablo over torchlight never made it to the game...

Blizzard are making it really hard to like them, I am waiting to try HotS to see if there is still one franchise I still like that they make. Looks great however, don't count them out...
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_232543]@JunWasHere[/url]: As for myself I remember everything. As a kid, games were nice. Donkey Country 2, Super Mario World, no problems there. Even Mario 64 and DK 64, what were the problems there? Complete games, no issues.
about 12 years ago
It's "promises". You made a typo there.

...Sorry, as an English teacher, I'm kind of a grammar nazi.
about 12 years ago
path of exile > diablo turd
about 12 years ago
Truth is, developers have probably scrapped loads of stuff that could have excited players in the past.

They just didn't talk about it as much. PLAYERS are the ones who wanted to know more without understanding not everything makes it into 'live'.

Expectations - We're only hurting ourselves.
about 12 years ago
@Liro Raeriyo:

People were complaining back then too about visuals, game-mechanics, etc.
Difference was, developers weren't as receptive and forums weren't as populated.

You're just suffering from "Golden-Age Thinking" where you only remember/acknowledge the positives from a past era.
Liro Raeriyo
about 12 years ago
remember when we all played brood war,quake,mario and had fun? whatever happend to that...
about 12 years ago
Most importantly you guys should have seen this comming. I didn't buy Diablo III for a reason.

Never give into the hype.

Never listen to people who just want to sell you something.

Always listen to people who have already bought it and had time to form an objective oppinion about it.
about 12 years ago
Though this pretty much sums up every developer interview ever and that almost every creator is biased towards their own product, I have to agree that blizzard has fallen from grace. It's a natural step after selling your soul to the corporate dogs of Activision.
Me again
about 12 years ago
Side note: i think Starcraft 2 is still an okay game, HOTS looks good enough as well.
about 12 years ago
Blizzard lost my respect when the Lich King expansion for WoW came out. Cataclysm proved my point. Diablo 3 stamped any respect i had left into the ground. This took the stamped-out respect, put it in a blender and made failjuice.
about 12 years ago
Non dota. Praise the Emperor!
about 12 years ago
@guys, really?:

Apparently the only humor you get are insider puns.
me myself and I
about 12 years ago
@guys, really?: I wouldn't say this isn't funny, I found this to be rather funny personally. obviously people have a distinct lack of a sense of humor
guys, really?
about 12 years ago
not every comic has to be funny. this one is just 100% truth.
about 12 years ago
this is the reason why diablo 3 sucks
A list of games you should play instead
about 12 years ago
Dark Souls
Persona 4 (emulator or Golden)
Persona 3 (PS store or Emu, maybe P3 portable)
Persona 4 Arena
Torchlight 2
Fallout 3
Guild Wars 2
Path of Exile
Skyward Sword
Those new Wii RPGs that came out recently, Last Story, etc.

You have no excuse to play the crap DIII is.
Izanagi no Ookami
about 12 years ago
Izanagi no Ookami
about 12 years ago
And this is why Blizzard is a bad company and you shouldn't buy from them.

They could stop being bitches and just release the damn thing and let people have fun, their game can't be any worse than the piece of crap it is right now but no, you don't have fun unless you have it the BLIZZARD WAY.
about 12 years ago
I fear the kind of piece of shit that actually did duels in diablo 2
Unfunny shit
about 12 years ago
Where's the joke? Please go back to making DOTA comics, they are so funny!
 Platypus
about 12 years ago
I've got a new term for this thing Devs do (not just Blizzard). This is a Morgul Blade. Hearing of such features it is akin to being stabbed by such an evil instrument. Only an immediate infusion of TOTAL apathy will save your life, but it leave a wound that will ache for life.
about 12 years ago
blizzard killed their franchise, Diablo and Starcraft. Right now, nobody cares if they launch a new version. Apparently,they are more interesting in milking WOW.
about 12 years ago
People who wish for PVP for diablo 3... forgot how really broken it was in diablo 2. It was the only thing i avoided back then cause it really wasn't fun, least for me.
about 12 years ago
Diablo 3 doesn't register on my Care-O-Meter anymore. I stopped caring once I got past my disappointment over the "always online or no single player" bull.

Sure, I could've pirated D2 but I didn't. I bought the game and the expansion because I liked 'em. The sequel... no sale.
about 12 years ago
the death macht for D3 is impossible if they make the pvp classes could be to much cheat about other classes.
And some weapons could be nerfed to.

It s to much work for them so they break the promes
about 12 years ago
got the jokes, they still wouldn't be funny.
about 12 years ago
@Yours Truly: Thank you for finding a way to express my (and probably other's) feelings. I enjoy TF2 strips even though I barely played it, because the jokes are broad enough and don't require much, if any, knowledge about the game. The same can't be said for DotA2 comics, and I feel that even if I
The Easy Reader
about 12 years ago
What we fail to realize is that "soon" is a relative term. While to us soon may mean "within the next few months" to an immortal, demonic overlord soon could mean "within the next 1000 years.
about 12 years ago
Hooray, something not about DotA2! Those strips have been too "inside joke" like and not at all entertaining if you don't play the game.

This strip is entirely true. Blizzard has highly over-promised and under-delivered on Diablo 3. It's their way these days. Shame.
about 12 years ago
Not every comic strip has to have a joke.

To be honest, I'm just happy it's something non-dota related. Comics can be commentaries on things in the industry rather than simply being fan-service filled punchlines.
about 12 years ago
No joke here, folks. This isn't even funny.
Yours Truly
about 12 years ago
part 3.

Even many of the random game comics didn't rely heavily on inside knowledge of the game, and most jokes were easily understandable if you hadn't played them.
Yours Truly
about 12 years ago
part 2

the game's inner workings. Was light hearted and gave the characters their own personality. The DotA 2 strips lately have no emotion in them. it's just inside jokes and puns based around character skills and abilities you won't know unless you've played it in depth.
Yours Truly
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_232197]@noname[/url]: DotA jokes aren't 'hard' to figure out, they just rely on inside knowledge of the game half the time. And people that don't play (or don't like) the games will be left out of the loop. And it's not about going back to TF2. A lot of the TF2 strips didn't really require in depth knowledge of
about 12 years ago
I used to like video games. Now everything feels like a buggy RNG grindfest filled with artificial difficulty and game lengtheners.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_232042]@Alda[/url]: aww, are dota 2 jokes too hard to comprehend for you? Seriously kid, if you can't understand a joke, either figure it out or cry where people care. I'm sick of the "OMG SO MANY DOTA 2 JOKES GB2 TFT" shit that's going on here.
about 12 years ago
Fucking Jay wilson sucks, first he insults the guy that created the franchise (the only reason he has a job),and now this crap...blizzard should pay more attention to their diablo 3 devs team
about 12 years ago
I thought about Diablo 3 but the online server + long-time experience with WoW diminished interest, and then Torchlight 2 came out and I never looked back.
about 12 years ago
I could totally go for a set of Blizzard All-Stars heroes of the Diablo classes, and as a option it lets you use your character's gear appearance as a skin.

Doubtful it would happen, but it'd be pretty cool.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_232149]@Fact[/url]: Oh, definitely Soon(ish). With Valve Time, you can at least be sure that they'll give you what they promised and it will be even more awesome than you'd hoped. You just have to wait until the heat death of the universe to get it.
about 12 years ago
So which is worse? 'Valve Time' or 'Soon(ish)'
about 12 years ago
What do y'all mean Blizzard? Surely you mean Activision Blizzard, the company which brings us the same Call of Duty games (only change is incrementing the number by one).
about 12 years ago
blizzard says something? i care for that as much as i care about a penguins farts across the ocean. the best thing they can do for diablo3 is to shut down the servers and place a huge "WE'RE SORRY" instead of the login screen.
about 12 years ago
cont from prev post:

Entertainment and the end user. "Soon" will arrive some day, Blizzard does guarantee that "soon" will be here before the end of time. Maybe. Do not make plans based on "soon" as Blizzard will not be liable for any misuse, use, or even casual glancing at "soon.
about 12 years ago
bleh photo notes are too short. Soon: Copyright 2004-2012 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. "Soon" does not imply any particular date, time, decade, century, or millennia in the past, present, and certainly not the future. "Soon" shall make no contract or warranty between Blizzard
Jay Sherman
about 12 years ago
Jay Wilson stinks.
about 12 years ago
well, I liked Diablo II for the characters, the novelty, and how I felt after anihilating Diablo´s armies... never played online,I gave points to mana and useless skills to see what they where, never had to grind Wow-like, casual as hell and I had lots of fun with it. This I can´t even Play...
about 12 years ago
Jo ol' pal, I think every one of us, as a gamer, know the answer: the saddest thing is how little we care at this point.

That pretty much kills any game for any of us.
about 12 years ago
did JO ever draw gabe?
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_232019]@Joreal[/url]: This. It's one thing if people are raging at you, because it shows that at least they're paying attention and they care. But if they STOP caring, then who's still paying attention?
I guess i'll...
about 12 years ago
just play magicka
about 12 years ago
Oh blizzard! How the mighty have fallen!
about 12 years ago
I guess that as long as blizzard makes money they don't care what games they throw out. And instead of making games with interesting and catching gameplay, they want to make games that look well so that people may buy them on release.

I was disappointed with D3 =(
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_232064]@NONE[/url]: I do agree that D3 was released too early and they still have some work to do but its a good game and i like it. I have more than 400 hours while i had like max 100 on D2. Also i agree with Jo is it hard to realise that something is bad? Same with mech in SC2 and not buffing tanks.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_232037]@TheBaron87[/url]: I will agree. I cant say that i hate Skyrim but that game wasnt my thing i didnt even bother to buy it. Same thing with D2 i finished normal with necro,amazon and druid but then game got boring for me and spammin 1 ability was soooooo fun.
common sense
about 12 years ago
path of exile is better than D3 in every aspect other than the animations so who cares. :p
about 12 years ago
Well, they have the Blizzard DotA.

Which is heavily focused on offensive push and nothing else.
Last hit? Just being near dying enemy will net you gold/exp.
Deny? Didn't you read about PUSHING?!
Neutrals? They add to your push (literally).
about 12 years ago
Now with less DOTA2 nonsense and more actually relevant jokes!
about 12 years ago
That "feature" will become extremely awesome the moment they decide to release an expansion pack.
And yeah, its not TDM that is boring, its D3 that is boring.
about 12 years ago
Frankly idgaf since a long time.
Blizzard was dead to me since SC2 (I didn't play WoW)
about 12 years ago
I'm the only person in the world that liked Diablo 3 and hated Skyrim :\

I just don't get it. I played Diablo 2, not for hundreds of hours, but at least 40 or 50. I liked the story and responsiveness, but it was SO BORING. Spend 20 hours just to max one ability and spam it the whole game. Yawn.
about 12 years ago
@Hooray!: I would not want fans like that. Just saying.
about 12 years ago
blizzard quality is starting to become something i don't want any more.
about 12 years ago
Dear Blizzard: This is what people who like you think of how things are going. Lemme reiterate: People who like your stuff are going "meh" when you fail to deliver and accepting it as the norm. Think on that for awhile.
about 12 years ago
It isn't DOTA related! I could go for that every few comics.

I mean, I didn't find it funny but I understood it!
about 12 years ago
so, Jo. any thoughts on my commision?
about 12 years ago
first, i guess