What people are saying about "Happy New Year"
Happy New Year
Comments have been closed for this comic.
about 12 years ago
Happy new year to you, too.
about 12 years ago
Back to basics was a refreshing choice. I'm not sure if anyone else noticed, but it seems some people were getting irritable about the DotA comics!
about 12 years ago
Resolution: Don't like politicians
Grumpy Cat
about 12 years ago
I had a happy new year once... it was awful!
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_233658]@Saltonara[/url]: You have a bit too much time on your hands to complain about such trivial things. That i personally see no flaw in.
about 12 years ago
@Seriously?: You're not getting it either. Jo had to resize the sprites to put them on here, but some of them are resized slightly differently. It's not a big deal all in all, it just bothers me personally.
about 12 years ago
Well done Jo.

Random tangent: What if the whole point of switching between Mario and Luigi was to switch characters after running out of lives? Maybe, Mario and Luigi are actually racing each other in a marathon contest to win Princess Peach's heart; she is in an Archie-style love triangle.
about 12 years ago
For reference: http://spriters-resource.com/nes/supermariobros/sheet/6189
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_233590]@Saltonara[/url] Uh. Yeah, he did 'get it'. But I don't think you 'get it'. Preeeeetty sure the sprites you're complaining about are how they look in the original game. You're criticizing official sprites.
about 12 years ago
i miss TF2 Comics >_>
An Anonymous
about 12 years ago
Happy new year everyone.
about 12 years ago
Happy New Year, Jo.

Thanks for putting up with all the nutjobs. I hope to see less dota 2 comics in the next year.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_233311]@MrP[/url]: You clearly didn't get what I was talking about. If you look at the sprites, you'll see that they were resized at different amounts, making some of them (mainly the Mario bros and Peach/Toadstool) look squished and ugly.
about 12 years ago
So... The year is in another castle?...
Somebody Else
about 12 years ago
Why do I hear the FF victory music?
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_233356]@AckAckAck[/url]: why do u thik im a virgin
about 12 years ago
Remember when people said that Nerfnow is funny, I never motherfucker. Nerfnow is cool
The Dota 2 Community
about 12 years ago
This year, I resolve to read more Dota comics!
about 12 years ago
@unfunny shit: Good riddance, we don't want you here anyway.

The comic lacks improper spelling to make it feel truly nostalgic! I hereby petition the word "Congratulations" to be changed to "Conglaturation"!
about 12 years ago
@ virgin: You sounds fat.
about 12 years ago
Happy new year to our awesome drawer !
about 12 years ago
It's 2013 Jo is Awesome for actually doing this, don't complain an be happy you have such and awesome website owner ;D
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_233268]@Saltonara[/url] I don't think so, it's just that the Mario bros did not eat their mushroom before the snapshot! Did you even play the original Mario games? :/
about 12 years ago
I guess Jo needs to make a new resolution for those sprites haha wow get it because some of them are resized horribly.
about 12 years ago
And a happy new year to you, Jo! <3
about 12 years ago
Can't I go back to my last save and try again?
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_233160]@AckAckAck[/url]: your fat
about 12 years ago
next year ill lose my virgnity.
about 12 years ago
@Unfunny Shit:
And nothing of value was lost.
unfunny shit
about 12 years ago
oh look another unfunny comic
i'm out of here guys. who's with me?
about 12 years ago
My Godness!! The nostalgia is killing me!

Have a very happy New Year, guys!!!
Dr Anteater
about 12 years ago
Happy new year from Spain, gentleman
about 12 years ago
We've still got 5 hours 36 minutes to go.
Unless you're in one of those countries that it's already January at...
about 12 years ago
Let me guess, the #1 resolution people write is reducing weight.

It also the resolution people break easily in 3....2....1....
about 12 years ago
So many Mario comics, more Diablo 3 or I'll never read again!!!11!1

Also happy New Year for everyone
about 12 years ago
Happy new year to all the bronies and pegasisters out there!

And also to you non-bronies freaks, I guess.
about 12 years ago
Dear god! The Earth has little over thirty minutes to live!
about 12 years ago
Feliz Ano Novo, pessoal!!!
Everyone in History
about 12 years ago
I always keep to my new year's resolutions...for the first week.
about 12 years ago
Happy New Year Jo

Thanks for putting up with the freaks, I hope to see more Dota 2 and Fanservicen the Next Year.

You rock man.
about 12 years ago
Happy New Year from Russia! New Year has already started for us. Just wait for a few hours more)
about 12 years ago
My resolution is 80x60.
about 12 years ago
Your resolution is in another castle~
about 12 years ago
where're the boobs ?
Greg the Mad
about 12 years ago
Your happiness is in another year.
Luiz Paulo Santos Cruz
about 12 years ago
00 coins?

Well, a example of what is left of the income of someone in this day i think
about 12 years ago
What the hell Jo? Post more DOTA2 comics!
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago