@da fan: No, it is about Team Fortress 2. lrn2checkcomictitleinarchives
about 12 years ago
I'm glad Jo is using a regular male scout for once.
about 12 years ago
Sound advice soldier-tan. Sound advice.
about 12 years ago
You do a great job, don't forget it
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_240425]@twiggy[/url], kidzthisdays is right. It's already been announced to be F2P, like TF2, you know, the other big Valve game that everyone plays?
Any sane person.
about 12 years ago
DotA 2 sucks. Just like League of Legends sucks. But that's my opinion, not law.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_240406]@Hazama[/url]: DotA is amazing and i am posting this on a tf2 comic. U mad bro?
about 12 years ago
and btw niggers are very bad because they stole my tv and my stereo and i couldnt see them because it was nighttime
[url=#user_comment_240425]@twiggy[/url] would you please source that to back up your info?
because that's not true at all. dota is completely free and will be forever.it's still a closed beta but pretty much anyone can go to reddit and ask for a key. and when the beta ends the game will be free for everyone
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_240343]@bodmans[/url]: DOTA2 won't be free soon :P and everyone with a 'free' key will be paying for it.
about 12 years ago
I get the joke and all, but it's not actually humorous.
- Your Mother -
about 12 years ago
I seem to remember a map on a server that I used to play on that added a black and white filter to your screen. It was pretty hilarious.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_240343]@bodmans[/url]: Not saying that it is a bad thing, DotA 2 is still a fun game, but it seems like an obvious move to bring even more people to steam.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_240343]@bodmans[/url]: It is called a loss leader. If they give away a million keys for a game which can only be redeemed on steam, more people will end up on steam. Team fortress 2 is the same way, it is entirely free, making most of its money back from people being on steam, a platform to sell more games...
Andrew Hall
about 12 years ago
I say you just start pitting DOTA vs. LOL vs. TF vs. fanservice in your comics, Jo. And occasionally gib a Pony.
Then everyone can be happy.
about 12 years ago
...Or you can turn on colorblind mode on regular options menu
Common Sense
about 12 years ago
If you have such high amount of brain damage,why are you posting?
[url=#user_comment_240323]@slaughter639[/url]: DOTA is also free if they give over 9000 million keys away
about 12 years ago
You know it's good to see they don't discriminate, but I imagine blue engi encounters an occasional hardship when peeking around a corner like that pyro with that red hair of hers.
The irony is both scout and pyro are actually gray machine-men.
about 12 years ago
Fashion Fortress is on! Oh, yeah!
about 12 years ago
nice one :D!
da fan
about 12 years ago
I don't get it, are these new heroes? Is it even about DotA 2?
about 12 years ago
i prefert tf2 comic and i prefert league of legend than dota2
league of legend is free!!!
about 12 years ago
Well blue soldier, maybe you can go down to the intel room and see. Maybe y'all could get around to installing doors to the intel room.
about 12 years ago
TF2 takes place in 1968. The date's on the calenders in the respawn room.
about 12 years ago
Eat the intel NAW NAW NAW
about 12 years ago
Pft, color security systems? What year do you think Saxton Hale has us in-defiantly trapped in lady? Pft, the idea of colored security camera systems.
Also, Female Soldier is back maggots :D
about 12 years ago
more awesomenauts or i never read again
Dat Silver Haired Seductress
about 12 years ago
yay TF2, I was seriously considering dropping Nerf Now from my "check daily" webcomic list (probably would go to my "check weekly" list) but thanks to this I will stay, also more female soldier plox!
about 12 years ago
I think the pyro is rad
about 12 years ago
You should introduce a new member to the crew whos colorblind. Hilarity would result im sure.
About color TVs: Yes, the map intro videos are B&W, but in the comics we see the Announcer has colored TVs.
@- Your Mother -: Even better if friendly fire is enabled.
about 12 years ago
Yay! Soldier-tan!
I am happy
about 12 years ago
At least no DotaShit.
Nando Rock
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_240192]@Adhesive[/url]: because this people never play dota?
Liro Raeriyo
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_240192]@Adhesive[/url]: Yeah i get most of them, but their not funny like this one is, i noticed by the second panel i couldn't tell what team anyone was on, then the 3rd panel made a great punchline.
Liro Raeriyo
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
Though i have to agree while TF2 is a simple game, it also is a good idea to get at least 5 minutes of gameplay to get who the charecters are and how they play. DOTA on the other hand has fairly extensive lore and you actually NEED to play it to get that lore.
about 12 years ago
I don't understand how poeple can't understand the DOTA comics, I have never played that sort of game and i still understood most of them. Why? Because all Jo's DOTA comics are basic gaming knowlage with a bit of lore mixed in.
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
This reminds me of when I tried to play TF2 in 3D using red-cyan glasses. It was hell.
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
Actually, Mercenaries has color TV, and Saxton Hale has color camera. You may see it in the official comics «A Fate Worse Than Chess».
<small>Sorry for my english, it's not my native language.</small>
about 12 years ago
Thanks for fixing that, Jo! :D
about 12 years ago
They are nor red team, nor team, they are the grey team
about 12 years ago
I've always had the idea of security cameras as a tele replacement for the engie long before hats were in the game.
I wanted it to see disguised spies, and of course approaching enemies.
I felt it would be a good alternative for teles on CTF
about 12 years ago
@God dammit: It is basically people who don't like people saying they 'don't get it' on DotA comics, so they try to revenge troll on over games comics, to try to prove some point.
I am sick of seeing DotA comments on EVERY comic, even TF2 ones...
about 12 years ago
Mmh... Is this the first appearance of the Female Soldier?
about 12 years ago
This is how MonochromaticBunny plays TF2 (http://steamcommunity.com/id/monochromaticbunny)
about 12 years ago
I don't understand this comic and I love it. Plz make more comics that people have to use brains for
about 12 years ago
2 things that I like about this:
1.-people actually think people don't get this even though it's obvious trolls. Seriously people you are terrible at noticing things
2.-that the button to reply is called "troll NOW!!"
about 12 years ago
doesn't blue come out grey and red come out light gray.... yea they need color security system.
God dammit
about 12 years ago
Jo releases dota 2 comic, people complain that they dont get it but tf2 jokes are understandable. Jo releases tf2 comic, people complain they dont get it. Wtf world
about 12 years ago
If you dont play TF2 or DotA i honestly do not even know why you read these. 90% of the strips are related to one of those two games. Just as a side note, have you considered grammar checking the comics?
D.D Mining Co.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_240043]@wot[/url]: It should be pretty obvious. Players in TF2 have two colors for teams: Red and Blue. The ladies in the last panel are clearly Blue, but since the security recordings are black and white, they can't tell friend from foe.
about 12 years ago
She's not wrong.
about 12 years ago
Now this is nice: good art, good theme (TF2) and quite a funny joke! Great work, Jo!
Sadly, we still have people complaining...seriously guys? Even Jo didn't comment on this one.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_240041]@Uncreative[/url]: It was supposed to be a joke toward people who keep yelling about how they don't understand the comic even when it's obvious enough.
about 12 years ago
Jo, the last panel's text would be improved by replacing "which display" with "that displays". At the very least, fix the 's'. ;)
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_240026]@wut[/url]: It's not even directly TF2 lore related.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_240026]@wut[/url]:Is it that hard?
The security camera shows grayscale pictures.
The teams are blue and red.
You can't tell them apart by looking at the video feed.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_240012]@Shanie[/url]: More plan B pony camics pleez
about 12 years ago
But TF2 takes place in the 1950's, color televisions were not common until the 1960's. And yes I realize Teleporters and automated weapon turrets were not common at that time either.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_240005]@Anan[/url][url=#user_comment_240001] @wat[/url] Only one thing we can do then. More Firefall comics.
about 12 years ago
I tired of all these Dota 2 jokes that only half of us get. Not everyone plays Dota. Oh wait. No I'm not cause its a Nerf Now comic and great regardless.
about 12 years ago
I'm tired of these tf2 jokes that only half of jo's subscribers will get. Not everyone plays that game.
about 12 years ago
Where are the ponies?
about 12 years ago
And boobs. Don't forget the boobs :D
about 12 years ago
Yes. Basically, becoming female comes with a free brain.
That Guy
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_239976]@Raxael[/url]: Yes.
about 12 years ago
Wait, is that Soldier, saying something... Smart?
- Your Mother -
about 12 years ago
I seem to remember a map on a server that I used to play on that added a black and white filter to your screen. It was pretty hilarious.
Joe McJoeman
about 12 years ago
good job jo, I love nerf now again
about 12 years ago
Is that steam-tan talking to engie?
about 12 years ago
ooh look. a tf2 comic
Teh Snoipah
about 12 years ago
They're both Spies, you know.
about 12 years ago
Am I the only person that prefers Dota 2 comics?
about 12 years ago
They invented invisibility watches, you think they cant put colors in their security cameras?
about 12 years ago
inb4 "good job jo" "I love nerf now again"