What people are saying about "Solving Practical Problems"
Solving Practical Problems
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The Engineer
about 12 years ago
I would give my everything, just to have something to counter-troll all those Cheat-Tape Recorder spies.
about 12 years ago
In QTF you could detonate buildings. I miss that in TF2.
about 12 years ago
Like I've always said, there needs to be a dispenser that puffs a ring of fire every few seconds.
about 12 years ago
What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
@ Bad-English-Dude
about 12 years ago
I think that's called a pyro.
about 12 years ago
man, last night I tottaly dreamed about something similar: it was some kind of counter-spy, it could make some decoys that exploded when the spy sapped them, and also partial-heal team-mates and provide cover with smoke grenades, also recognize disguised spies when 20 mtrs close and kill them easily
Blu Soldier
about 12 years ago
dead ringer spy
about 12 years ago
Where's the postbox?
about 12 years ago
I had the idea of fake buildings too(even the idea of them exploding if a sapper is attached), I'm just working on it.^^
about 12 years ago
A mine or two on the mousetrap, disguised as... something, a sandwich, for example? Just to be sure?
about 12 years ago
FYI: as an cpt obvious, I'll tell you this: in Command and Conquer General you can make fake building that blows up, when you play as an GLA
James C
about 12 years ago
Be nice to see a dispenser sapping a spy instead.
about 12 years ago
@An Anonymous: I've yet to hear about it, and 'a new Fire Emblem' game is less eventful than a new Pokemon game.
Sarge Buckwheat
about 12 years ago
whenever i see giant mousetrap, my first thought is of One Piece.
Genma Saotome
about 12 years ago
Now go Ranma! Show that spy the Saotome Anything Goes School of Martial Arts Final Technique, The Man Trap!
An Anonymous
about 12 years ago

P.S. Why hasn't Joe done a Fire Emblem: Awakening comic? It's all the hype right now.
about 12 years ago
maybe a sentry that couldn't shoot or was weaker than other types but would harm a spy when sapped, and looked exactly the same as a normal lvl 1 sentry.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_251315]@Arteous[/url]: Yo dawg....
about 12 years ago
I don't get it, omfg Jo how do you expect me to understand these complex jokes?! why can't you make more for my game?!?!
about 12 years ago
I actually think a dispenser that is much slower at refilling health and ammo, but stuns a spy like a razorback would be cool.
about 12 years ago
...WHY CAN WE NOT HAVE EXPLODING SENTRIES....-_- Would have been so nice last night against spy spam
about 12 years ago
Why would you edit the typo? Now you made all the people who pointed it out look stupid.
about 12 years ago
Now I want mini sentries that are actually proportioned like that in TF2.
about 12 years ago
(cont) Because mini sentries are already attackable by strong classes like heavies, soldiers and demos. Most spies won't even bother to avoid detection, and chase the engeneer instead.
about 12 years ago
Would actually be interesting. A suggestion for balance, has the build speed and appearance of a regular level 1 sentry, but the force of a mini.
a true fan
about 12 years ago
i consider this engie revenge for blowing up the teleporter to the hat party girls night a few comics back
about 12 years ago
We need a Tom and Jerry comic now.
Liro Raeriyo
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_251315]@Arteous[/url]: uh no, its function is that its normal operating is to prevent its self explosion, once this is deactivated, a non electronical trigger causes a very low tech explosion
about 12 years ago
Best idea.
about 12 years ago
I'd rather have building detonations actually do explosive damage. Like classic, dispenser bombs. Maybe make the buildings less effective because of that.
Trolling Nerd
about 12 years ago
The rat trap would actually make a good Buildable. It's perfect against spies, because coming in close contact with it will kill him, and any other single class can shoot it normally.

about 12 years ago
I'm with the other commentor below, in lieu of fake sentries, fake dispensers could work just as well as a spah trap.
about 12 years ago
wait,can't you guys see how this can't work. Let me explain.
The sentry trap is mechanical unit. if you sap a mechanical unit it doesn't work. But it's designed to explode when sapped. But it can't explode when sapped because it's sapped. it's the unstoppable force met the immoveable object!
D.D Mining Co.
about 12 years ago
A Dispenser that pretends to heal and refill ammo, but doesn't, and explodes instantly if Sapped. But can kill the Engineer too.
about 12 years ago
Board Game.
Boss Ross
about 12 years ago
The only problem with a lot of modifications with sentrys and dispensers and teleporters is that you cant improve or weaken them outside the standards deviant. The whole point of the Sentry being a lvl 3 or mini is for it to basically be a distraction or a minature holding point.
about 12 years ago
Do one on the upcoming Alien: Colonial marines.

Do something not tf2 or dota related to shut everyone up
about 12 years ago
i don't get it. more dota 2 please
Hauptmann Frank Jaeger
about 12 years ago
Solving practical problems, the practical way.

Why rely on a mousetrap though? A Demo Trap would be much more fun.
about 12 years ago
@Spy is Sapping my sentry
Against a mini-sentry like that, a scout and his pistol would be adequate.
about 12 years ago
@Spy is Sapping my sentry: It's not that hard. And people underestimate snipers. It takes a charged shot and two more to destroy a level 3. And demoman's really easy, just throw 3 stickies and then blow them up all at once. And if you have an uber they're really easy.
about 12 years ago
You're not a nooblord, you're borderline retarded if you don't even know what Ubercharge is.
Spy is Sapping my sentry
about 12 years ago
I believe this idea is cool, but it would totally destroy balance. I´m quite a nooblord in TF2, but as far as I am aware, the only way to counter an engineer is with an spy. Try to destroy it with a pyro? Dead. Try to destroy it with a Scout? Dead. Try to Shoot it with an sniper? Most likely dead.
about 12 years ago
Makes me wish those Meet the Player video's were honest about gameplay.
Andrew Hall
about 12 years ago
Oh Engie-tan, this is why we love you so
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
Why not just have a friendly ScoRes Demo have a few bombs near the Engie buildings?
about 12 years ago
Spah can't withstand a mousterap of this magnitude!!
about 12 years ago
It's "practical", not "pratical". :)
about 12 years ago
Sad but true, after all this high razor tech... people still use the good ol' reliable mouse trap.

Primitive and simple, true...but quite effective, indeed. ;)
about 12 years ago
I would definitly spam vote if it existed in the TF2 Workshop
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
Another idea that's seen in a lot of GMods is a fake sentry that kicks the Spy in the [PLACE] if he tries to sap it.
about 12 years ago
Exploding building, (slightly less damage?), has less ammo (to make up for the space the explosives fill), explodes with the damage of a loch n load pipe if sapped or destroyed (warning: you take damage too!)?
Punishes sapping and point blank, might blow you up too.
about 12 years ago
The best part? People in games have such tunnel vision sometimes THIS WOULD PROBABLY WORK.
about 12 years ago
I never understood why the removed the damage from dispenser explosions in TF2.
about 12 years ago
I love this idea actually, but I personally think it'd be easier to set up dummy buildings that explode violently on destruction.
For instance, a fake mini sentry that dose less dps and runs out of ammo much quicker, but in return explodes with the dmg of a direct Loch n Load pipe.
about 12 years ago
Is it sad that I don't play TF2, or Dota yet I understand both comics and jokes made by them? I've enjoyed nerf now for a couple of years, and can only say keep up the good work!
about 12 years ago
wtf is this?! i dont understand!!!
about 12 years ago
So, I know this is from Gawker, but, Jo, WTF BRAZIL.
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
personally i would rather have another story arc, or a SC comic, we haven't had either in a while if i recall right
about 12 years ago
Sweet idea, I think it would be hilarious if this was a real thing. Or at the very least a trap where it reverses the sap charge and stuns the Spy.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_251006]@Anonymous[/url]: We just had one about Dead Space. GO AWAY.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_251005]@Zacsi[/url]: But come to think of it these two methods would cancel each other out nicely.
about 12 years ago
Can we have some other videogames to please? Neither Dota nor TF2 nor SC?
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_251001]@Manta[/url]: Also know as "the dead ringer problem".
about 12 years ago
Amusing. Very amusing.
about 12 years ago
It wouldn't happen because it'd be more obstructive to new players whilst unlikely to fool the veterans.
about 12 years ago
why wouldn't it work?