Colin Mochrie announcing Whose Line is it Anyways is coming back.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_259549]@Robofish[/url] I believe that Jo is free to do whatever he wants when he writes, and shouldn't be restricted by his fanbase.
@Sigh.... - can't we just agree that they're both terrible and Jo should do more TF2 comics?
about 12 years ago
Someone really needs to do something about the neverending Lol vs Dota 2 flame wars in the comments..
One is better in one way, the other is better in another. Just calm down, both sides look stupider than the kids who argue between Battlefield and Cod.
about 12 years ago
To clarify, ofc I know that many people, but only 5 of them wanted keys, and they already got them ;)
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_259397]@Squeek[/url]: Write your Steam name in here and ask for a key.
I got 20 lying around, and would give 10 away to strangers, as I do not even know that many people IRL who would want a DOTA 2 key.
about 12 years ago
i'm in russia here are 2 religions ortodox and atheists
both do not care at all about pope. half even do not know what pope even mean
as you know russia is 1\6 of soil. alse there is other countries
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_259397]@Squeek[/url]: Just ask anyone who has the game (including myself) on Steam, we all have dozens of them lying around^^
about 12 years ago
I don't play TF2 and I still read this comic...
about 12 years ago
so how do I get a dota 2 invite?
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_259077]@zeruf[/url]: in that case start caring, since thwr are only 3 stuns with this long stun and all of them are quite unreliable.bout the autoattacks, well that is done only by new people
If they really did, I wouldn't be surprised. AA's performance has been quite lacking and LightofHeaven just gets outplayed.
Butthurt detector
about 12 years ago
The butthurt is strong here
Butthurt detector
about 12 years ago
The butthurt is strong here
about 12 years ago
@ DoTA 2 fails
Incredible butthurt ahoy!
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_259175]@Dave[/url]: You need to learn how to read, then.
DoTA 2 fails.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_259178]@uUuLoLPlayerDestroyeruUu[/url]: Weak. Just pathetic. You probably just got your ass handed to you in league, you rage quit and found the cheap bull shit in DoTA more appealing. Having played BOTH games, LoL is way more user friendly. Staple early game items actually help you. Rage more please.
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
Trash casual players getting mad over dota comics because its the superior game.
about 12 years ago
Guess who doesn't care about either! This guy!
guyman applecherry blast
about 12 years ago
its jos comic and he can do whatever he wants with it
stop whining about how you dont get the comics.
about 12 years ago
No one comments about Day of the Tentacle?
And I haven't even played that game.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_259131]@Dealwithit[/url]: YOU.
about 12 years ago
I dont know dota 2 and I even got the joke. Still, all the butthurt dota hating comments here are funnier,tho.
about 12 years ago
Interesting news about the pope.
Oh, and whatever, DOTA joke, same old, same old.
about 12 years ago
I'm sick of people whining about not getting the joke.
about 12 years ago
this is why league sucks
about 12 years ago
You forgot his arms, Engie! How's he going to take over the world now?
about 12 years ago
I dont know dota 2 and I even got the joke. Still, all the butthurt dota hating comments here are funnier,tho.
about 12 years ago
like you know the pro scene so good. nice try jo
about 12 years ago
*zooms over head*
Still funny though
about 12 years ago
i would care about dota2 if it wasn't based around using 5 second long stuns and autoattacks
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_259068]@Fact[/url]: Thanks a lot for the explanation, pal. Once again. non-dota fans miss the joke.
Btw, isn't 1 year in the internet equals like 7 years time? No wonder those guys were so popular.
about 12 years ago
To those who don't know:
Na'Vi was probably the most popular Dota 2 professional team. Since they got 1st place in the International 2011 and 2nd place in The International 2012.
Their members never changed for 1 year since AA replaced Artstyle after The International 2011.
Three is a Magic Number
about 12 years ago
I was wondering when Jo would make a DotT joke. He is a purple tentacle, after all...
about 12 years ago
The more I read this comic the more I think Jo is just copying Bill Amend. The joke, structure, even expressions and presentation is almost entirely copypasted from one of his comics
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_258990]@tsartomato[/url]: i might be atheist, but you just cant speak random about this, also afrika is now the continent with the largest amount of christians and there have been seculations on an african nominee for the new pope.
please get your facts straight
Adam Jensen
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_259029]@AckAckAck[/url]: After everything I've seen, all the fighting, and the chaos around me. I only know what I want to believe: somehow, human decency will triumph.
[url=#user_comment_258989]@Anonymous[/url]: I read Nerfnow from the beginning even when I don't play Starcraft or TF2.
Loyalty, you don't have it.
In other news
about 12 years ago
oh yeah... I remember the day the news got out:
Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope also north korea detonates nuclear bomb Pope Pope
about 12 years ago
what is global in pope? he is so totally local vatican
you know at least 1\6 of soil do not want to know anything about pope
and i think afrika too
about 12 years ago
I liked Nerfnow a lot better when it wasn't about shitty circlejerk games that I don't play.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_258944]@Anon[/url]: comic point is about shifted priorities of hardcore gamers (or hardcore anyone really), making them care about their local news much more than about global news. You don't really need to know anything about Na'Vi or Dota2.
Also, it's always nice when someone makes fun of religion.
It's also strange how Funn1k left his team without any hesitation. Ah, so much drama.
about 12 years ago
Nice DOTT reference =)
about 12 years ago
day of tentacle
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_258932]@Grindzy[/url]: Same here. Therefore, I care more about the pope news that the last news, making the comic point moot :P
about 12 years ago
I'll bet she bought that miniature from Forge World.
about 12 years ago
Thanks for making me glad that I care more about the pope divesting himself of his papal vestments than the inner drama of esports.
about 12 years ago
The thing is, Na'Vi's boss is saying there's ONE MORE coming, which hopefully means XBOCT is next.
Puppey is unlikely, since KuroKy pretty much join Na'Vi to bro him. And Dendi is pretty much the face of Na'Vi at this point, they're not going to drop him.
about 12 years ago
Funn1k, not F1nnk.
about 12 years ago
I don't even know what half of the words in the last panel go to XD