What people are saying about "Builders League United"
Builders League United
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almost 12 years ago
almost 12 years ago
that medic-chan. Is that our Group up medic chan or another one?
about 12 years ago
@lol dumbass

Nope, it's canon. BLU mercs are (or were) funded Blutarch Mann, while RED mercs are (or were) funded by Redmont Mann. Then Gray Mann killed them both and laucnhed an army of machines to kill everyone.
Andrew Hall
about 12 years ago
So BLU is the Halliburton of Team Fortress?
lol dumbass
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_260157]@Persona[/url]: not canon
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_260095]@Puddles[/url]: L2 LORE, the teams are funded by an organisation fucktard
about 12 years ago
How else would they fund their massive arsenal, specially at the cost heavy pulls in oi
about 12 years ago
TRUE STORY actaly there is no supper weapon in gold rush only a facility but i wonder how much did red pays for blu to fix it for another match
about 12 years ago
TRUE STORY actaly there is no supper weapon in gold rush only a facility but i wonder how much did red pays for blu to fix it for another match
about 12 years ago
all attacks by blu are to destroy red superweapons
about 12 years ago
first like to point out there will be a huge influx of people wanting to see that red medic more, following blu probably fixes more of reds stuff then they do themselves
Here you go
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_259991]@Scarifar[/url]: http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/548
about 12 years ago
Why has the Female Scout never been shown in any of your comics?
Kill them all ? good idea !
about 12 years ago
this is the reason why DotaLoL must be destroyed....
about 12 years ago
I once read that when an author starts to give his fandom precisely what they want, every time, always. Eventually that author's quality will drop steadily.

Still, one of the good comics.
about 12 years ago
rAiNhA dO bEbEdOuRo
Red Snoipah
about 12 years ago
I wish there was more porn of red(non-loli) medic.
about 12 years ago
Personally, I think that BLU is always on the offense because they're destroying what RED has before they (they being RED) destroy anything.
about 12 years ago
Since RED stands for Reliable Excavation Demolition, their bases must be full of explosives and the sort, so a single bomb cart would be enough to demolish the whole place. At least that's my take on it.
about 12 years ago
It all makes sense now.
This is a better backstory than Valve has given TF2 in a while.
about 12 years ago
I play both Dota 2 and TF2 and like them both. Stop flaming, really, I doubt if some flamers actually played the games...
about 12 years ago
The broken window fallacy strikes again!
about 12 years ago
this is the reason why tf2 sucks....
about 12 years ago
I love how everyone is raging about the comic being about tf2 and tf2 lovers raging about most comics being about dotA 2. Jo does whatever he wants to, stop raging about everything and how you don't get the comic, just do some research.
about 12 years ago
It's actually because they're mercenaries for Builders Leage United,as in hired for the company,not actually part of it BUT ENOUGH OF THAT TIME FOR SANFERVICE
Deal with it
about 12 years ago
@Jo you saucy mare Jo does whatever he wants, deal with it you moron
Jo you saucy mare
about 12 years ago
Every time I start getting tired of your Dota nonsense you give us some awesome TF2 comics, and I stay around....
about 12 years ago
@randomone in my opinion neither term would be accurate because they describe anime characters, but it would be yandere as tsundere describes a cold character who warms up to someone they have feelings for, while yandere means a violent or psycopathic character who also has feelings.
Your Name:
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_259686]@dealwithit[/url]: you are doing it wrong copycat
about 12 years ago
As Neeeeeerd said, it's because RED is a demolitions company, and BLU is typically attempting to sabotage some weapon RED is likely going to use on a BLU building. It's supposed to be ironic, I think. I still want an "attacking" version of MvM.

Also, that Medic, do want more.
about 12 years ago
@Nerf now is shit now: This is why dota 2 sucks
Nerf now is shit now
about 12 years ago
oh look another unfunny comic
about 12 years ago
hahahahaha ai nerf <3
Mackbad :P
about 12 years ago
Queem of bebedouro
Mackbad :P
about 12 years ago
Bela bunda morena :)
about 12 years ago
I dont get it at all...
Get back to the Dota 2 comics!
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
I dont get it at all...
Get back to the Dota 2 comics!
Hadron V
about 12 years ago
@... fuck the Dota 2 comics.
about 12 years ago
I dont get it at all...
Get back to the Dota 2 comics!
about 12 years ago
Maybe the Scout's quiet because he's finally gotten that dispenser in the right spot?
Or he got shot in the larynx, and survived.
Either way!
Liro Raeriyo
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
The funniest thing about Red Scout is that he's so quiet. So atypical for a Scout...
about 12 years ago
So BLU is just a bunch of tsunderes then?
Ambassador Pineapple
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_259507]@Neeeeeeerd[/url]: So, they are preventing further destruction by destroying their stuff. How ironic.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_259532]@dealwithit[/url]: Remember that time in DOTA 2 where the BLU destroyed pl_goldrush with an atomic bomb? NO!
about 12 years ago
BLU = America
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_259532]@dealwithit[/url]: You're doing it wrong.
about 12 years ago
this is the reason why dota 2 sucks
about 12 years ago
Female medic is hot but mini-medic is cute.
about 12 years ago
Destroy something so they can be hired to fix it? Oh, so they're a union.
about 12 years ago
It's been noted that when BLU blows up RED's bases, it's typically destroying huge missile or explosive caches. They destroy one base to prevent wider spread destruction (or more likely, hamper the demolitions portion of RED's business)
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_259488]@Arteous[/url]: I fully support this idea!!!
about 12 years ago
Actually, many builders also have experience in demolition too.
A Gray Phantom
about 12 years ago
Y'know, I've been wondering this, toon, since day 1. I always figured it wouldmake more sense for BLU to be defending, and RED to be aggressing.
random one
about 12 years ago
so wait... does that mean blu is the tsundere, or is it a.... yandere?
about 12 years ago
look carefully. Every character is looking at dat ass. even engine and heavy .. demo had to peek arround the corner even.

imo i think we ned a female vs male tf2 comic .. with guest appearances of lusty argonian maid and buttler.
about 12 years ago
Aren't they blowing up missiles and death rays, though?
about 12 years ago
Careful, lil' gal. Bending over while surrounded by a bunch of guys....it isn't smart.
about 12 years ago
RED = Reliable Excavation Demolition
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_259437]@MartyMcFly[/url]: Discrider is correct, in panel 1, the text should read: "Why does BLU mean "Builders League United?" The only thing they do is destroy our bases." Then in panel 3, it should read "Hey guys, I heard Gold Rush just got blown up! Need a fix?"
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_259437]@MartyMcFly[/url]: Discrider is correct, in panel 1, the text should read: "Why does BLU mean "Builders League United?" The only thing they do is destroy our bases." Then in panel 3, it should read: "Hey guys, I heard Gold Rush just got blown up! Need a fix?"
about 12 years ago
red = Radically Engietan Deprived
about 12 years ago
So what does RED mean?
about 12 years ago
See what I did there? I got back from the future and you already posted it :P
about 12 years ago
@ Discrider:
BLU mean? How? BLU = "it" so "Why does it/BLU means".
But after all english is not my native language...

And if you are nitpicking it is JUST GOT BLOWN UP.
wtf is this?
about 12 years ago
i dun gettit!!1111
about 12 years ago
Also "BLU mean" and "they do is destroy our"
about 12 years ago
*blown up!

Also Demo got his eye back :D
Gary Oak
about 12 years ago
Need help with that?
Also Ash sucks.