1:never chose ?RANDOM? ever again
2:chose one of the top ten heroes of Dota 2
almost 12 years ago
There are no bad heroes, there are heroes you didn't found how to play. My friend plays as meepo like: 1 base, 1 farm forest, 1-2 push lane. Not that it owns, but you can always make something good from hero. And brood is, like, 10 min lane destroyer -_-
about 12 years ago
It's a lovely hero to random. Insta soul ring, and all the regen you need in your cozy web
about 12 years ago
BM isn't horrible. Stay pleb
Support who buys Sentry Wards
about 12 years ago
But pudge has boobs
Support who buys Sentry Wards
about 12 years ago
@Black Arachnia
Yeah no...
Black Arachnia
about 12 years ago
Broodmother is an amazing hero.
She just applies so much pressure and lane control, effectively turning the whole lane into her home and making the other team want to break out the Mortein.
She just requires a bit of game sense, and careful inventory checking so you know when sentries are bought.
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_258747]@VW[/url]: I'm sorry, I should not have done that rant on this comic, I should have done it on another comic.
about 12 years ago
You random brood? Better go into the jungle and start swarming the enemy! : D
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_258900]@sigterm[/url]: U Mad bro ??? last time TF2 dominating the archive before so dont complain it Keep it Peace :)
Just another badie
about 12 years ago
Ursa on the other hand is kind of like brewmaster, except he needs to be in meele range to do anything. This leaves him extremely prone to kiting. But he also carries into the lategame a lot better than brewmaster can ever hope to do. He's not useless, you just don't see him often.
Just another badie
about 12 years ago
Huskar is a weird one though. His ulti is great against tanky carries (like necro, spectre, ursa etc.), and his harrass during the laning phase is just purely awesome (if you didn't already know, the dot stacks).
Just another badie
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_258819]@bob[/url]: Bloodseeker is not bad. He wins the lane. And he wins it hard if you know how to play him. You can even go up against 2 opponents as solo and still completely zone them out from getting any lasthits. The NTH vs. RDM match showed that in a great way.
about 12 years ago
The first comment here says everything..
all heroes are good for some roles... but not all players can play for all heroes... I'm bad with many supports... except Dazzle and Omni knight
about 12 years ago
this is the reason why dota 2 sucks
about 12 years ago
I like random because it gives me more gold, the only hero I cant play is meepo because of the hotkey i set, random is basically a pretty good deal for me
about 12 years ago
Jo will make comics based off of what he wants to make them. He has no obligation to cater to those who whine purely over 'THIS ISN'T MY GAME WAH WAH'. Jo has made it obvious before that he primarily prefers DotA comics, and the one time he even tried to make a mini-arc that went badly as well.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_258900]@sigterm[/url]: You whining faggots are more obnoxious than all the Dota 2 strips.
about 12 years ago
Way too many dota strips lately. If this site became devoted to dota, it would make sense to mention this somewhere - so people that aren't interested in dota wouldn't bother coming again.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_258886]@NP[/url]: Broodmother is one of the ultimate pub heroes. Anyone support with half a brain would buy sentry wards within the first few seconds of laning against her. It effectively turns her into a shitty melee carry with a mediocre nuke and low hp and no escape.
about 12 years ago
this is why league sucks
about 12 years ago
Why would Brood be a bad hero? I've gotten several wins with her as long as you abuse the Spider webs at the start of the game.
@bob[/url]: Bloodseeker is Pub tier. A person can carry the team as him if given the circumstances.
Either way, he won't win any any tourney unless the player is that good.
about 12 years ago
To the non-DotA players: Elise is DotA's Karma.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_258747]@VW[/url] ...then again is this was a statement about Dota with no jokes in it, it is once again quite pointless for people who dont play Dota. I never played TF2, still found all the old strips funny, they never required explanation.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_258747]@VW[/url] Yeah but thats kinda ruining the joke though. If you have to explain a joke, you shoudnt tell it in the first place.
Mind you, I dont think this was a joke as much as a statement about Dota. I mean I would have gotten it without the explanation but I dont think it was meant to be funny.
about 12 years ago
Screw dota.
about 12 years ago
@Just another badie: Bloodseeker.
There, one hero who is bad on all levels.
Also, Alchemist and Spirit Breaker used to be terrible before the "recent" buffs.
And Huskar + Ursa are useless outside of pubstomping, which they are very good at.
about 12 years ago
Still waiting for someone to put a photo note making it "Would you kindly?"
Just another badie
about 12 years ago
Well, it's already been pointed out, but there are no bad heroes. None. The game's been out for years (In the form of the wc3 mod) and as such has been subject to countless balance changes. There exists heroes you could arguably call underpowered and overpowered, but knowing the hero is the key.
lol weeks later and there are still nerds demanding you create comics according to their likes.
about 12 years ago
Please, keep making comics of whatever you want. I don't play dota but I can still get the jokes.
Someone who likes Nerfnow
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_258768]@Mark[/url]: Didn't Joe say he was going to delete comments like yours? He really needs to get back to doing that. This is clever, free entertainment, and you're annoyed over the subject matter. Give it a rest, buddy.
Sweet Reaper
about 12 years ago
D: poor broodmom, is so useless
about 12 years ago
Meepo ftw
about 12 years ago
Please, stop posting DOTA2 comics. At least for a while.
Skeleton King
about 12 years ago
Pretty common to see messages like "report drow for picking drow", but noone will blame you if you random it. And more respect if you playing good with random hard hero.
about 12 years ago
Dude one time i swa meepo and the truth i really liked to play with him. A great hero like invoker
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_258743]@Freezestar[/url]: He LITERALLY explains the joke in this one.
Luna is my Wifu
about 12 years ago
@Null/Void: Do you know what Sentry wards and AOE heroes are? Congratulations u just hard countered Broodmother!
about 12 years ago
I gotten slardar 4x in a row with randoming, dominated those matchs thou
about 12 years ago
Random Wisp Ftw. Could have been a Meepo.
about 12 years ago
I don't mind that he makes dota 2 comics. But I mind that he is making dota 2 comics with jokes that only people who play dota 2 get.
about 12 years ago
Did you seriously imply that Broodmom is bad?
the bonglord
about 12 years ago
lelcomedygold am i right guys? xDxDxDxDxDxDxD
about 12 years ago
I don't think random is a bad thing. I almost always random because I like to gamble it and mostly because I can't choose from so many picks. But I don't like playing Pudge for example and I can't play microheavy heroes so why not swap them if someone can. Also you'll keep the gold.
What if the hero isn't bad but just something you aren't so good with and someone else might handle it better? That's the rationalization, at least. Of course if you random, you should just deal with it.
about 12 years ago
That is a butt indeed,quite a butt
it is a butt of some description
also that is cleavage there
and let's not forget the existence of that skirt-to-overknee bare skin,that exists indeed
that is true
about 12 years ago
Bad hero or bad player? I can't understand people who try random and then ask for swap or just repick immediately. Hurr Durr. Even funnier if you get another hero that you don't like. If you random, you must know you can get a hero that you don't want. Isn't it obvious? Come on...
Trolling Nerd
about 12 years ago
Thanks for explaining the whole thing :3
about 12 years ago
Brood mother is fun though, especially spitting all those trees away with webbing :3
Meepo is farm everywhere at once and multi p00f attack :D
hazardous guy
about 12 years ago
1 pick up random hero
2 meepo time
3 ?????
4 profit
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_258665]@mindfaQ[/url]: Repicking a random Shadow Fiend is bad enough, but repicking a random morphling means you don't like winning.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_258700]@Caution[/url]: It's only 100 gold less, 603 gold for normal pick to 503 gold for repick. And randomed heroes start with 853 gold, so they lose 350 gold for repicking a randomed hero.
about 12 years ago
CM, QOP and Lina are quite popular in lower skill levels, as far as I can tell.
CM is an easy to play support, Lina and QoP pretty straight forward and not hard to play nukers/support.
I see them quite often, tbh.
about 12 years ago
You can repick if you don't like the Hero, be warned that repicking will leave you 150 gold less than the gold you pick normally and the bonus random gold was lost as well
about 12 years ago
You get extra gold for randoming?
Well, file that under shit I wish I knew 2 months ago.
about 12 years ago
@perfect micro skillz.
my little brother played meepo once and won with 28K and 0D :]
about 12 years ago
You get extra gold for randoming?
Well, file that under shit I wish I knew 2 months ago.
trashcan hero
about 12 years ago
If you think you random a bad hero you should open your eyes and realise that recently heroes considered bad were picked in comp and played successfully.
about 12 years ago
Id totally hit that Broodmother.
about 12 years ago
Sorry Jo but CM, QOP and Lina aren't popular, the only popular boobs are windrunner and drow : http://dotabuff.com/heroes/played
People prefer solokill pub stompers
about 12 years ago
Nothing wrong with Broodmother if your lineup can play the 4v4/4v5 while Brood splitpushes and punishes the opponents.
Johnny Zazaki
about 12 years ago
I like how they seem to like DOTA2, but also make it seem worse than LOL.
in some games i always choose random, like SSB. in TF2 on the other hand i dont, mainly because i aready use a difficult class. ze combat medic
about 12 years ago
I play most heroes, so I use the random option from time to time. But I can't bring myself to play Shadow Fiend or Morphling, so if noone swaps them, I ofc will repick.
@:(: Brood is just unpopular because she's normally dedicated to split pushing a single lane, is easily countered by AoE and detection, and forces your team to 4v5 which isn't very smart in pubs
about 12 years ago
Broodmother is statistically the hero with the lowest average win ratio in all the game. Not that the hero is bad, just that it lose more often. Also, it's not a good pick in tournament metagame.
about 12 years ago
why are you a tentacle?
about 12 years ago
You need to be a faggot to only play EZ as shit heroes like waifurunner, lina, crystal slut or QoP.
Real men play micro heroes, or are you a sissy crybaby chat can't only push 3 buttons?
about 12 years ago
What's wrong with Broodmother? D:
about 12 years ago
Damn it! Some many good photo note jokes, yet I just can't think anything to write here.
Shame on me!
about 12 years ago
So, are you saying that if you random a hero you don't like, you should instantly repick? Or are you saying that swap/repick should't be done and you want to have a random Meepo on your team?
comrade Tom
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_258637]@Anonymous[/url]: There are no bad heroes, just not enough vodka.
about 12 years ago
@ : she is not eating him, she's laying ON him and noming just his head.
about 12 years ago
There are no bad heroes. Merely challenging choices. And people incapable of handling them.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_258624]@anon[/url]: broodmother is actually eating (nom nom nom) dat Random Guy.
You Look Better Famous
about 12 years ago
No one wanna swap with me? OKay
- Repick
- Pick Carry
about 12 years ago
Make a comic about the tutorial or i'll kill a kitten.
about 12 years ago
Guys who random and ask for a swap go to instamute. Dont random if you dont want to play any of the heros. Or have the guts to repick.
about 12 years ago
I'm not sure if you're calling Broodmother a bad hero, which would be insane, or if the joke is that she's an ugly monster while Windrunner is a sexy minx.