"Dagon, bad item"? Nyx one-shotting Supports says hi..
about 12 years ago
Nyx would like to disagree greatly.
about 12 years ago
evil genius lol XD
about 12 years ago
This is why Dota sucks.
about 12 years ago
That was a match to watch. Poor bastards.
Also, the people whining about the comics topic, let the comics creator make comics about what they want. This sort of sobbing and bitching about the comics subject matter is normally reserved for real ass cracks of the internet, like tumblr.
about 12 years ago
That was a match to watch. Poor bastards.
Also, the people whining about the comics topic, let the comics creator make comics about what they want. This sort of sobbing and bitching about the comics subject matter is normally reserved for real ass cracks of the internet, like tumblr.
about 12 years ago
Kill it with fire!!
Uh... It's super effective?
about 12 years ago
Why does he have red mashed potatoes instead of a brain?
about 12 years ago
@Nyx Assassin Give an internet to this man! Immediately!
about 12 years ago
Welp, they just won with bs in D2L. Redeemed themselves?
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_260644]@AEIOU[/url]: The thing is, That is fun to pro players. Just because you don't find all those things involved in E-sports fun. Doesn't mean people don't find it fun. KuroKy even said this on Talk dota. It is really annoying when people assume Pros dont have fun and e-sports is only work to them.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_260644]@AEIOU[/url]: That's just because Smash isn't really balanced compared to other games, and if you're doing something competitively you want both sides to have an even footing. The more balanced the game the less you need to worry about those restrictions.
Nyx Assassin
about 12 years ago
I don't see the problem here.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_260608]@PlantPerson[/url]: I know. I'm just saying from what I've seen so far from them and competitive gaming. The ones I know do the typical thing with Smash and refuse otherwise. Select stages, no items, timer, and 4 stocks. Any other games, they just play it normally.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_260576]@Geary[/url]: Anything esports. Work is usually any activity not fun that is used to achieve something. For competitive gaming, the work is in practicing and researching the metagame. Practicing IMO, just isn't fun at all. Esports type require excessive just to start unless you play with friends.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_260573]@AEIOU[/url]: You know, many competitive gamers enjoy playing just as much, if not more than you or I.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_260257]@o7m8[/url]: Shoutouts to VGCW!
[url=#user_comment_260573]@AEIOU[/url]: Define 'super competitive.'
Half the DotA2 pro matches are a highly skilled team using a troll build while they mop the floor with a lower skilled team. I'd hardly call that 'work.'
about 12 years ago
Screw super competitive gaming. It sucks the fun out of games and just turns it to work. It's like the fun is no longer in the game anymore, but in the competitive nature of the scene.
about 12 years ago
Why Engi killed Doctor Wily with a glassdome skull?
about 12 years ago
too much of dagon, too few of meepo, this is the reason why DotaLoL sucks.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_260549]@z[/url]: So this situation is basically the equivalent of everyone on a LoL team buying DFG?
about 12 years ago
Please stop complaining about DOTA 2 comics.
If someone who had never played TF2 before saw a comic that was joking about hats, they wouldn't get them.
By your logic, that means he should not create TF2 comics.
about 12 years ago
What does Dr. Badvibes from C.O.P.S. have to do with DOTA 2? Or is that a variant Dr. Wily?
about 12 years ago
For those who dont know, dagon is considered a situational item usually bought by nukers to remove other team's nukers/hard carry as fast as possible. Best used at midgame phase, Loses it's effect at late game due to bkbs and bigger hp bars.
Dagon is pretty good for bursting, IMO, as long as you're competent enough to not use it on somebody who's magic immune. This is, of course, assuming you don't dump all your gold into it, which makes you kinda worthless for anything other than bursting.
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
yeah scan for virusus so tf2 doesn't lagg
about 12 years ago
scan for virusus
about 12 years ago
Dude, if you're going to criticize for pretty bad reasons a great webcomic, at least do it in a decipherable language.
about 12 years ago
didn't valve mention that dota has like 3 times more players than tf 2? :3 So yes more views?
I introduced my dota mentor/friend/(person yelling at me what I am doing wrong) to this comic and he likes it, he hates webcomics usually.
Anon E Mouse
about 12 years ago
Mass dagons are like mass necrobooks - when you mass them, they become hilarious. Nothing is better than having an enemy hero walking into you and instantly getting blasted to death.
about 12 years ago
So last comic of Bloodseeker disbanded RDM... will this comic doom EG? *lost in deep thought*
about 12 years ago
So last comic of Bloodseeker disbanded RDM... will this comic doom EG? *lost in deep thought*
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_260493]@trololo[/url]: you obviously didnt met my buddy here Meepo#2 Meepo#3 Meepo#4 and Meepo#5. If you really dont know about us then watch this. :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLjhiAHjUio
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_260493]@trololo[/url]: you need to play more Crimsonland. Micro isn't the only source of good game.
about 12 years ago
also i hope some day Engie will discover her pseudo-skill and jump from that bridge by herself...
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
player level. i like DOTA 2 and i dont like when someone supporting "pub theories" about how this game works. comics like this rly sucks...
about 12 years ago
plyaers think smae worng things as you... you said they dont put heart in game, but they did. they understand dota so much more than you, so they can win with bloodseeker or dagon and you just dont see it. you thnik you can judge teams, but true is, that your knoweledge of dota is on normal public
about 12 years ago
"For those who don't know, Dagon is considered a bad item which costs quite a bit and doesn't give much in return."
sorry Jo, but you showed once more that you dont understand dota. but that isnt enough, you make more of those comics about mecchanics and think you understand it. so you made MORE
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_260472]@meepo[/url] :
cause microing only 1 unit is hard. get with the program and play some broodwar. Grown up rts games are superior to those crappy single unit i wana be a big boy game.
about 12 years ago
So many people mad. If you don't like dota draw your own webcomics. No one is forcing you here.
Avid Reader of Nerfnow.com
about 12 years ago
Hello Jo. Maybe you'll see this comment. Maybe not. However, I have a request. You decide.
Path of Exile comics would be nice. Yesterday I came back to it after being gone. I played pre open beta, finished Act II before the boss, but you talking about it got me back into it. It's fun as fun.
Life of pee
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_260467]@trololo[/url]: indeed you trolololo
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_260467]@trololo[/url]: but i haz perfect micro skills!
about 12 years ago
well to fix your computer that's easy. remove dota and lol .. i'll bet both are the cause. and everyone knows those two games are for babies anyways since they can't control more than one unit.
about 12 years ago
Keep it up Engie-tan! Soon there will be no shameful players left!
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_260441]@dago[/url]: these players have put more effort into a game and make more money by playing said game than you ever will in your life. Show some respect kid, or show as much ability as they do before trash talking.
about 12 years ago
Alto the Dagon level 5 cost 7980 Gold, it give 800 Damage, 800 Range, cost 100 Mana and a 15 Sec cooldown (+ Stats). In the hand of a nuker you can unstantly Gank someone if your good.
about 12 years ago
Alto the Dagon level 5 cost 7980 Gold, it give 800 Damage, 800 Range, cost 100 Mana and a 15 Sec cooldown (+ Stats). In the hand of a nuker you can unstantly Gank someone if your good.
about 12 years ago
I'm completely fine with DOTA comics but not about some "who-the-fuck-cares" DOTA-teams. Seriously it pissed me off in the CounterStrike era and pisses me off now with LOL or DOTA. Everyone just talked about pimpled sweaty kids playing a game against eachother. My interest level is very low on that.
about 12 years ago
Dagon is totally the best item! It helped me raised my K/D ratio! Thanks Dagon! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yK16UqTWZRU
about 12 years ago
well, loda smashed eg with a sniper
about 12 years ago
Its just people complaining Grind, don't take it too much to hart. See to me, this joke couldn't mean less to me. But its not like i couldn't figure it out, I just don't play dota, nor do I ever follow groups like this, it simply doesn't mater to me. Sadly this is an on going battle here.
about 12 years ago
Haha,nice callback
about 12 years ago
Why are people complaining about the DotA stuff, if Jo likes playing DotA, he can draw all the comics he wants about it ಠ_ಠ
Besides, I find it hilarious that I didn't get any of the starcraft stuff and now I finally get all the DotA jokes, I like them
dota2 rocks
about 12 years ago
le funy joek XD
about 12 years ago
Why are people complaining about the DotA stuff, if Jo likes playing DotA, he can draw all the comics he wants about it ಠ_ಠ
Besides, I find it hilarious that I didn't get any of the starcraft stuff and now I finally get all the DotA jokes, I like them
about 12 years ago
A megaman and DOTA crossover of a used joke? Blasphemy!!
Naw, just kidding pal. But seriously Jo, I think you can do better than this, my friend.
about 12 years ago
Screw dota. Seriously Jo. You said no silent TF2 arcs cause that doesn't increase view count. Does DOTA increase it?
Doctor Wily
about 12 years ago
The world may call me insane, Proto...
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_260336]@BlinkinAndSlamminAntiMage[/url]: Fuck you
about 12 years ago
@Cake & Death: Well, get 2 cents in your steam wallet and buy Dota 2 on the steam market. It's really a fun game.
Cake & Death
about 12 years ago
yeah! ....another comic I don't understand
about 12 years ago
Appreciate that, thanks!
Here is it
about 12 years ago
The game he is talking about.
about 12 years ago
Anyone have link to vod?
nerf op dagon
about 12 years ago
this is the reason why DotaDagon sucks
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_260264]@EasyMode[/url]: Thanks for (kinda) explaining this.
Jo, if you have to explain your joke, youre doing it wrong. If you have to get fanboys to explain your joke in the comments, youre doing it wronger.
about 12 years ago
you know, the trend with the majority these dota/lol/hon/etc players is that when they win, they think they're awesome and when they lose, they feel they (or their teamates) are the ones to blame. Very rarely does one simply say "Hey, I lost because they did better." and learns from it.
boring and unfunny
about 12 years ago
oh look another dota 2 comic *sigh*
about 12 years ago
Shouldn't Nerfnow change its name to "DOTA inside jokes"?
about 12 years ago
Dr Wily or Dr Gero?
about 12 years ago
Nyx + lv5 dragon = good time in pub smashing
Dota Fanboy
about 12 years ago
Jo, you're gonna have to stop pretending you know what's bad and good in Dota. You're going to end up being one of those obnoxious pseudo-high-skill players who don't know any Dota other than the one they read in guides.
Some Sanity
about 12 years ago
That's the thing I like about these Games, there's always room for the ocassional oddball tactic to come out of nowhere and crush someone. Mass dragons or Jungle Himerdinger into quadra-mid for a siege... all such games are just hilarious to watch.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_260343]@sum1[/url]: Or Lina/Lion for lulz (+ Ethereal Blade)
about 12 years ago
A fully upgraded Dagon is the most expensive item in the game (7980 gold)
The only reason to fully upgrade is if you are playing Nyx
about 12 years ago
@Sith Happens.: it's dota 2 -.-
about 12 years ago
Magic sux
about 12 years ago
To be honest Dagon isn't exactly a bad item. It's not a Cost efficient item. It cost way too much.
However the item itself is still a nice item. If you can manage a full build and then grab it, it's a very nice item to have later in the game...
about 12 years ago
this is why league sucks
Sith Happens.
about 12 years ago
LoL.. classic! <3
about 12 years ago
@Cock Goblin: the Dagon game: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJpv69uGVd4
btw@comic description: in the game yesterday there also was a Dagon involved (on XBOCTs WR)
about 12 years ago
D-Dr. Wily?!?
Cock Goblin
about 12 years ago
Is there a link to a stream or a match ID for this? I would like to see it play out.
Also this ain't got nothing on dagon courier rush. Too bad you can't do that anymore.
dagon is only cost efficient early-mid game on certain heroes before enemy carries/support get bkb/pipe.
about 12 years ago
For Jo:
*more relaxed than USUAL
*too seriously THOUGH
*they put ON their game face
*However, TODAY'S match
*which COSTS quite
*my computer HAS been
Definitely not sarcasm. As someone who speaks English (native) and Italian I always appreciate any help with my grammar. Great work Jo!
high level DOTA?
about 12 years ago
@Cat Herder: but dota has no skill.
about 12 years ago
@Cat Herder: Twitch tv just click dota 2 section top streams are normally tournments or pro players.
about 12 years ago
this is the reason why dota 2 sucks
about 12 years ago
Also that's not Dr. Wily, it's a generic mad scientist aka Evil Genius.
about 12 years ago
Cont.: It isnt used in pro games for this reason. It is not Cost-Efficient. The pro team bought 5 Dagons, one for each player (i think). It was ridiculous, and still won.
about 12 years ago
Let me explain better for you. Dagon is a expencive item that allow you to nuke a single target. It gets stronger each lvl you upgrade it, and in lvl 5 (max) it is the most expensive item in the game.
You are wasting ALL your money in a item that can be contered by magic immunity and resistence.
Cat Herder
about 12 years ago
Where would one go to watch professional DOTA matches? I'm familiar with the league scene but have no idea where to watch high level DOTA.
about 12 years ago
Now what they should do is a mirror mode 5v5 all Lion.
The only items are Dagon, Boots of Travel, Aghanim's Scepter, Ethereal Blade and a Force Staff.
about 12 years ago
"Here is the reference for those complaining (stop that btw).
Dagon is an item in Dota that well can be used but it really isn't used often in the competitive scene (a few heroes use it but its rare to see.)
Na'vi (A pro team) came with their new roster (New team members) and used Mass Dagon"
about 12 years ago
Here is the reference for those complaining (stop that btw).
Dagon is an item in Dota that well can be used but it really isn't used often in the competitive scene (a few heroes use it but its rare to see.)
Na'vi (A pro team) came with their new roster (New team members) and used Mass Dagon
about 12 years ago
Here is the reference for those complaining (stop that btw).
Dagon is an item in Dota that well can be used but it really isn't used often in the competitive scene (a few heroes use it but its rare to see.)
Na'vi (A pro team) came with their new roster (New team members) and used Mass Dagon
about 12 years ago
Here is the reference for those complaining (stop that btw).
Dagon is an item in Dota that well can be used but it really isn't used often in the competitive scene (a few heroes use it but its rare to see.)
Na'vi (A pro team) came with their new roster (New team members) and used Mass Dagon
Ambassador Pineapple
about 12 years ago
OK, someone is gonna have to explain this one.
about 12 years ago
Limpa sua placa mae e placa de video. Poeira costuma fazer esquentar e travar.
Clean ur mother board and ur video card. dust in there usually make game freezes
about 12 years ago
At first I thought this was a VGCW related comic and that was Dr Wily after losing a match.
Turns out it's just another DoTA comic with a punchline that doesn't make sense to anyone who doesn't know DoTA.
about 12 years ago
Why did engie kill him with a sun on a stick?
Some Guy
about 12 years ago
And today, we witness the horrifying aftermath of a teleportation accident involving Dr. Wily and Mojo Jojo. He's beautiful.
sucks to suck
about 12 years ago
lol mass dagons
about 12 years ago
Actually I've been having issues with TF2 as well, screen will go black, still runs but can't see a thing. Anyone else having issues?
about 12 years ago
I dont get it. The phrase "mass Dagons" is meaningless to me.
about 12 years ago
Please put links to your referenced shows, Joe. I missed this one and now I got to go through the burdening task of googling xD