wow... so many butthurt comments here, grow the fuck up, please? but wow, blizzard sure pulled an easy one out of their talentless assholes. Kerrigan was mind controlled? A-HAHAHAHAH!!! Oh, Blizzard, first you make a shitty Diablo game and then a shitty Starcraft game, what's next?
almost 12 years ago
That's why Raynor became a depressed drunk in the first place...
almost 12 years ago
Jim and Kerrigan were actually in love.
Read the bloody books, will you?
While Kerrigan was in the chrysalis, she called out to Jim, and after becoming the new over mind, she kept sending Raynor visions on how they could've turned out if it wasn't for Mengsk.
That's why Raynor became
almost 12 years ago
Does no one understand that true love is more important than duty/honor/brotherhood? F&*king Jon Snow... >_<
almost 12 years ago
Tassadar survived and understands that Kerrigan is what had to survive to take on the evil death god (man, Metzen sucks at writing now. It's all Ancient Alien Religious mumbo jumbo now instead of understanding the Xel'Naga were engineers, not gods)so I guess Fenix would understand.
almost 12 years ago
Did you even fucking play the game?
Don't make comics if you don't know shit, he mentions Fenix when he struggles to kill Kerrigan...
"Tell that to Fenix ...]".
Fucking idiot
almost 12 years ago
almost 12 years ago
Kill Mengsk First, he started the whole infestation in the first place by leaving her to die.
almost 12 years ago
Well. Blame Zeratul. He told Jim to spare Kerrigan. He told Kerrigan to go be zerg again to save the universe or atleast the zerg.
almost 12 years ago
Kerrigan = female Arthas. And ofc 'cos she's got tits, she could be redeamed. No revenge needed. All's well.
almost 12 years ago
Seriously, fuck Blizzard.
Glad I boycott all their products.
almost 12 years ago
Additionally you can sadly see how Metzen gets more and more bad in writing since he past his depression time.
Every freakin Blizzard game is now about love stories...
Someone should either replace him or break his heart :(
almost 12 years ago
Backstory-wise Jim and Kerrigan did a lot of Missions against the old Terran Empire while they worked for Mengsk and did indeed fell in love during that.
Ofc its not ingame but they both had more then just a small affair.
almost 12 years ago
starcraft campaigns never really made sense. especially in sc1, brood wars screwed with you even harder, and what the hell is a Lieutenant Duran anyways? why did Kerrigan trust her back in brood war? hell, we killed fenix and duke! BLEH
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_265888]@40Ker21311[/url]: You forgot about the part where he spent about 5 seconds prepping the weapon and pushing the obvious trigger while in a room with one of the most dangerous psychic beings in the galaxy, set on taking his life
Foolproof plan, I know right: "Wait there a second while I prepare"
almost 12 years ago
What's next? A race of toothfairies? And Orkish horde of course, since they haven't done enough copyright infrigements already on Wh40k. And let's not forget Raynor comes on his noble steed in the LotV eding and end the Kerrigan's curse by a kiss of true love.
almost 12 years ago
People seem to ignore what happened in WOL campaing... Remember zeratul's vision? Well, how can you kill someone knowing that SHE WILL SAVE THE FUCKING GALAXY if she's not killed...
But nooo...
almost 12 years ago
"Zerg infested ass" - she should see a doctor about that.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_265783]@Nekros[/url]: I'd seen it argued he had little reason to doubt his success. All his plans pre-cutscene were removing Raynor, and if he fried Kerrigan w/ the relic then the Zerg could have been pushed back / killed with the Artifact being cranked to max. If he killed Raynor in the mission, GG Zerg.
almost 12 years ago
Hmm, sex with a zerg. Tentacles, slime, hot girl...
Not sure if want....
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_265233]@Me[/url]: I agree that would've been cooler but that isnt how Mengsk thinks at all. This is a guy who has built an empire around himself as a paragon. He's a smart, charismatic manipulative sob. He's not crazy enough to do the whole if I die you die too. He likely saw the relic as the best defense.
almost 12 years ago
It's so true, this one.
I know I would be twisting in my grave.
almost 12 years ago
As someone who never played any Starcraft games, the videos I've seen of Heart of the Swarm make me REALLY want to play them, so good or bad, I personally can't judge or complain, they might lead me into the franchise, if I can find a good copy of the older ones XD
almost 12 years ago
Damn it Vivendi... just because you can buy a controlling share doesn't mean you have a right to ruin a franchise... oh wait.
I hope that, before this economic crisis ends, we lose corporations like EA and Vivendi, we can do better without them.
almost 12 years ago
stop crying you boob.
almost 12 years ago
@Bad Spoiler BAAAD:
Theirs no spoiler? Go watch the full length trailer... it show's him trying to win her back... and the SC1 reference is literally 15 years old...
Zergory Charles
almost 12 years ago
@Bad Spoiler BAAAD: stop your fucking whining
Bad Spoiler BAAAD
almost 12 years ago
Even if everyone was waiting for it, you shouldn't really spoil things without warnings Joe. That was very rude and unkind of you.
almost 12 years ago
I guess... what was it, four or eight years?
Four to eight years of not getting any has finally got to him.
almost 12 years ago
almost 12 years ago
Sarah Kerrigan: Tough talk, Jimmy, but I don't think you have what it takes to be a killer.
Jim Raynor: It may not be tomorrow, darlin', it may not even happen with an army at my back. But rest assured: I'm the man who's gonna kill you one day! I'll be seeing you!
Now my mind is full of WAT.
almost 12 years ago
Fun fact, also: In-universe Raynor knew Fenix longer than he knew not-Queen-of-Blades Kerrigan. Raynor knew Kerrigan for all of a handful of missions, and was never implied as loving her (merely an attraction and disgust at Mengsk's actions). Him being gay for Fenix would make more sense.
almost 12 years ago
beter love story than Twilight
almost 12 years ago
@.: That abomination we got in Heart of the Swarm was not Stukov, it seemed more like a random infested terran with the same name, he was nothing like the Stukov from Brood war.
Also to those pointing out Raynors "lip service" to Fenix in the campaign, get your head out of your arse.
almost 12 years ago
Haven't we all agreed decades ago that any story involving a prophecy ass-pull is shit, this discussion is merely repeating things anyone sensible knew the moment you started the Protoss missions on Wings of Liberty
almost 12 years ago
See, here's what I'm thinking.
If they can bring Alexi Stukov back, they could probably bring Fenix back too.
Here's hoping, he was my comic relief in SC1.
almost 12 years ago
Always rescue the girl.
almost 12 years ago
Plenty of other angry sites around the net if I wanted to hear about how one game sucks or a team on another game did poorly. Just my opinion of course, certainly not imposing it on others.
almost 12 years ago
I guess it's safe to assume he hasn't finished the game...nor played it past the intro. Oh yea, it's blizzard, their storytelling as *definitely* lost quality in recent years, no argument there...but meh, I guess I miss when this comic was more silliness and jokes, not the constant judging.
The Anon
almost 12 years ago
@???: Duran is a shapeshifter who's been around for millenia, more than long enough to have been Adun. Adun after all disobayed the conclaive and worked towards his own ends with the rogue tribes (Who became the Dark Templar) until he was caught.
You Goofs
almost 12 years ago
What were you expecting from Blizzard story telling? The game is fun regardless, so how about focusing on that
almost 12 years ago
Anybody else find it funny that this new Karrigan is supposed to be more "moral" when she does not kill the wounded on Char or gives the civilians time to evacuate during the last assault. Somehow the fact that she ordered her returning broodmothers to destroy several planets somehow gets overlooked
almost 12 years ago
@The Anon: Adun's a completely different beast. He's the guy who banished Dark Templars from the normal ones.
The Anon
almost 12 years ago
Duran, Narud, Doran, Adun = all same person?!?
The Anon
almost 12 years ago
Duran = Narud
...Adun sounds a lot like Ardun.
The Esquire
almost 12 years ago
Read the books. It makes a helluva lot more sense then.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_265400]@Legacy[/url]: Post Warcraft 3, actually.
That was the height of they story writing and then came the WoW. WoW expansion number 1, WoW expansion number 2, Activision,...
almost 12 years ago
Look... Blizzard writing post Starcraft has been pretty shoddy. It always ends with everything being fucked over and people making really bizarre decisions because plot.
Just accept it and move on.
almost 12 years ago
IIRC, wasn't the punchline of Broodwar that Kerrigan (and everyone else) got completely *played* by Duran, the agent of the 'Greater Evil' that the precursors (I forget the name of offhand) made the Protoss *and* the Zerg to fight in the first place?
almost 12 years ago
You will find better writing in most comic books than in Blizzard games.
I expect the next expansion will feature a dark Templar punching reality hard enough to cause retcons.
almost 12 years ago
i don't get it. unfunny.
almost 12 years ago
But yes, let's continue the "Protoss murdered Zerg". Congrats, they killed a few thousand mindless animals. What does Kerrigan do during the campaign? Explicitly says she can afford Zerg-wave tactics against a defended position to win. She kills thousands? Eh. Protoss do? THE BABY!
almost 12 years ago
Kerrigan killed loads of people between SC:BW and WoL. HotS Kerrigan needed a stern talking-down to spare people fleeing Char. She knew the people of Shakuras would realize what's up anyways, and the reason they want her dead is because she mind-raped their leader and murdered Aldaris. What.
almost 12 years ago
... People are defending the Zerg? As in, "oh those poor Zerg they're victims of racial profiling"? The race that has the explicit goal of eating everything and the only reason the Overmind rebelled was because the Zerg would be up against the wall too?
almost 12 years ago
Continued from previous:
But just that, an O.K. game and a bit cliché, nothing more.
Anyway, we haven't got much insight on the Protoss or their culture yet, so I'm here hoping that Legacy of the Void will be more interesting. When it comes out in... 2016 probably :D
almost 12 years ago
I haven't played the camping, just watched playthroughs like Jo did with CoD before ( and I don't really mind honestly. Not that it was bad, but far more lacking in characters and backstory than WoL and some missions were really off and pointless. Overall an Ok game.
almost 12 years ago
Look guys, if you can't suspend disbelief long enough to enjoy the story, quit complaining and stick to multiplayer.
almost 12 years ago
Nurad is the changling... yes its Duran spelled backwars but I still want to see Duran again. Nurad was just some anying guy while duran was the psyic sniper, infester, minuplator of darkness with a much better plan. Hope Duran comes back in the next expansion instead of a Nurad is Duran.
almost 12 years ago
@Neil Arthur Hotep: Of course if Kerrigan is to be killed, the Gods of Chaos will consume the whole universe...
Heard that one before and it should've nver been implemenetd to Starcraft.
Neil Arthur Hotep
almost 12 years ago
The only reason he is not killing her is because of the prophesy of The Overmind that needs her to be alive, or else the galaxy is lost.
almost 12 years ago
It had been a few years since the brood wars. The protoss became jerks after brood wars as Mengsk was a(censered) making his life even worse. Heck Kerrgan didn't even attack anyone after brood wars as she kept to herself on char. So after a few years she doesn't seem that bad compared to the rest.
That Guy
almost 12 years ago
This is mentioned in Heart of the Swarm though...
almost 12 years ago
@ : shadow*
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_265323]@40Ker21311[/url]: Of course she didn't want them to know. Because they will send Golden Armada to wipe her out. BTW those "civilians" were well armed. And Kerrigan had strong point when she told that protoss murdered thousands of zerg without shodw of thought.
almost 12 years ago
@ 40Ker21311 I have to ask. How can you say the Golden Armada didn't threaten Karrigan? When she first lands before she has killed any protest they're already saying, We must inform Shakuras. They will send the golden Armada and destroy you. They only began to run in enemy within.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_265195]@azureguy[/url]: So... Zeratul is the best wingman ever?
almost 12 years ago
Too bad Starcraft: Brood War was never canon :(
almost 12 years ago
Things change. People change. Funny how that works.
almost 12 years ago
It reminds me of a very wise saying in my town:
A nice piece of a$$ has more pull than any tractor truck you'll ever see.
almost 12 years ago
As for the UED thing? That was Kerrigan spinning a spiel. Mengsk hated them because they threatened his Dominion. Kerrigan hated them as they'd steal her Zerg. The Protoss disliked them because they wanted war. Raynor hated them because the other three told him to.
almost 12 years ago
No, the Golden Armada didn't threaten her. They were explicitly attempting to PULL BACK when Kerrigan launched the attack. She did so because she didn't want the planet she kinda murdered / corrupted all the leaders on to know she was still alive. Whoops.
That one guy.
almost 12 years ago
I'm surprised you haven't made a comment about how infestors now have defiler's concume.
Fangirl Protoss
almost 12 years ago
Fenix died for your sins.
almost 12 years ago
someone doesn't like the new story, eh?
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_265300]@40Ker21311[/url]: protos civilians threatened Kerrigan with Golden Armada. Now they are dead and that's their fault.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_265300]@40Ker21311[/url]: About UED, Terran hated them. They want them out of their sector. That's why they allied with zerg in the first place.
almost 12 years ago
... Not that NuKerrigan is much better. She's slaughtered Protoss civilians and scientists that could have been let go (she explicitly says the Protoss will seek her down eventually), alternates between going "THE BABY" with the Zerg to outsiders and treating them like fodder in private...
almost 12 years ago
As for the "redemption"? Does nobody remember that he tried giving the Queen of Blades that shot? "Oh, I'm Kerrigan and free now, that was all under the Overmind's control. Psyche, now I killed Aldaris, the Protoss DT Matriarch, Fenix, DuGalle, Stukov, was just consolidating power..."
almost 12 years ago
Stukov was infested in N64 SC bonus missions, de-infested by Raynor later. Why he's supporting the one that got him, his friend DuGalle, and thousand of UED killed is beyond me. As for Raynor & Kerrigan? Yeah, Blizzard had to retcon his hatred as the fans would scream bloody murder if Kerrigan died.
almost 12 years ago
I believe it's called 'redemption'. Socially more acceptable and beneficial than vengeance. As is the concept of mercy.
almost 12 years ago
remember this cool guy?
yeah Alexi Stukov is back, as an infested terran with will of his own, i personally liked him a lot more in starcraft 1,oh and remember the fight with narud,the changeling?spell narud backwards
almost 12 years ago
Whatever happened to Nova?
almost 12 years ago
@???: Except the infestation DID alter her brain, just like the rest of her body.
almost 12 years ago
Now we just need a comic where Narud goes super saiyan and un-infested Kerrigan and infested Kerrigan have to do the fusion dance.
Nando Rock
almost 12 years ago
Ironic Spoiler:
Fenix don´t rise again...
Zergs are the true heroes
Overmind is the king of the trolls
The penis wins!
almost 12 years ago
brain, then deinfestation would mean loosing that part of the brain. She did it under full consciousness, or she never did it at all.
almost 12 years ago
Kerrigan is not QoB?
You know how utterly stupid, unlogical and lazy answer that is? Let's say it was a different person, you know what would happen after the artifat deinfested her? She'd be dead, as she would loose her brain or she would get retarded, becuase unless the infstation altered her
almost 12 years ago
So, exactly the same garbage story as Wings of Liberty. Yeah, glad I gave up on Starcraft 2, I'm not missing anything.
almost 12 years ago
Doesn't matter, had sex.
almost 12 years ago
Well, to be fair, the Kerrigain from Heart of the Swarm is no longer the Queen of Blades we played/faced in Starcraft/Broodwar/Wings of Liberty.
Afer being cleaned by the artifact, she became human again, and even after transforming back in HotS, this time she keept her humanity.
almost 12 years ago
Given that the storyline has been set up that if Karrigan dies everyone is doomed I'd say he has a good reason not to kill her. Personally I quite enjoyed the game play and storyline. As for the comic I like the candles in the back I wonder how it would work once she goes all spiny on Zarus.
almost 12 years ago
Sooo, the quality of the story remains consistent with Wings of Liberty? Oh well, no real motivation to even pirate it, then.
almost 12 years ago
Well, technically, Kerrigan was dead in between and stuff...
von Boomslang
almost 12 years ago
...and thus my believe SC2 is a bad fix fic continues.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_265175]@Divenity[/url]: Jim could try to stop her. But say it honestly, Mengsk deserved it.
almost 12 years ago
Eh? Kind of late for this. I mean, I remeber seeing same complaints when Wings of Liberty came out.
almost 12 years ago
HOTS was a nice game, but the final battle with Mengsk (or should i say, the cinematic) was pretty dissapointing. He uses the artifact, the remote gets broken and he gets killed. It would've been way cooler if he blew up the entire palace in a last suicidal attempt to kill Kerrigan.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_265214]@Iristindhe[/url]: Now that i started thinking about it.. no maybe not.
almost 12 years ago
This is the reason why SC2 sucks...
almost 12 years ago
Still a better love story than Twilight, etc.
almost 12 years ago
Bam! Right in the young adulthood!
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_265184]@El_Nazgir[/url]: There's interesting characters in HoS? The Zerg chars are all one dimensional at best, Mengsk feels more like a tin pot dictator than a legitimate threat, Zeratul's there for about five minutes... really, the only good mission was the Terran one with the Mira Han/Matt Horner awesomeness.
almost 12 years ago
I think the love story is sorta realistic.
Jim wanted to believe she can be rescued, because love can make you that blind, and it worked. Kerrigan has no other relationship whatsoever, so of course she loves Jim.
And Zeratul makes sure everyone works together for the prophecy anyway, so blame him!
almost 12 years ago
...that had Sarah's body and memories. That Queen of Blades died at the end of WoL. When Raynor first saw Primal Zerg Kerrigan, he initially thought the Queen of Blades had been reborn - but Sarah demonstrated that despite external appearances it was still the Sarah personality inside, not the QoB.
almost 12 years ago
I think SC Fan has it there. Kerrigan and the Queen of Blades were essentially two distinct individuals - Kerrigan was the seed from which the Overmind made the Queen of Blades, but the Queen of Blades from SC1+Brood War was a distinct personality, created by the Overmind...
almost 12 years ago
Kerrigan as a whole is a boring character in HotS. Either she's berzerking or she's /emo. I already accepted after WoL that she'd never be as awesome as she was in Brood War. And come on, not even a mention of recognising Narud/Duran? Not even him jesting her with it?
almost 12 years ago
Not only that, but he got seriously pissed off when he saw her reinfested, and did not forgot to mention Fenix, like in the first campaign.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_265144]@Bellar[/url] Untrue! Killing Mengsk was revenge, and you know he's gonna get some for that ^.^
almost 12 years ago
Wait a minute. Can't Kerrigan... read minds?O.o
So she- Oh boy. Subtle...
almost 12 years ago
Didn't Zeratul show Jim a vision that if he killed Kerrigan the universe would be destroyed by evil Xel'naga dude?
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_265151]@Bartimaeus[/url]: loved your comment. Some inverting and voila!
Thank you! God, I've been trying to get this point across for years now.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_265151]@Bartimaeus[/url]: loved your comment. Some inverting and voila!
Fat bastard
almost 12 years ago
It's funny how in blizzard stories the consequences for genocide are like stealing some food from your roommate, sure he will be pissed to you for a while, but he will forget it as soon as you won't do it again.
almost 12 years ago
When I saw the posters for Starcraft 2, with that face, my reaction was "Oh noes— it's SHODAN!"
SC fan
almost 12 years ago
Uhh some spoliers Jim hated the queen of blades and thought Searh was still in there. in fact when Jim gets rescued in HOTS by Queen of blades karragian he imedatly got pissed and utterly rejected her he even mentioned Finex in that moment so yea he did not forget about them
almost 12 years ago
Hey guys, remember all the intrigue and backstabbing and Kerrigan being a magnificant bastard? Funny how all that turned out.
almost 12 years ago
Revenge never got anyone laid.
I'm sure Fenix and all those guys understand.
almost 12 years ago
What graves? They were eaten.
almost 12 years ago
Did not see the whole zerg-raider alliance coming. Nice twist.