What people are saying about "7 Deadly Sins"
7 Deadly Sins
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about 13 years ago
I'm proud of having a soldier with a party hat, mutton chops, and a pipe. Cause he looks ridiculous!
about 13 years ago
I feel like a nerd for knowing what envy is >.<
about 13 years ago
Pride/Envy/Greed/Gluttony/Lust master race reporting in! And that's just this morning.
about 13 years ago
I proudly sport my Heavy's Officer's Ushanka, and make my Spy a Spybraham Lincoln (Camera-beard, gibus). But because it's funny, so... not sinning!
about 13 years ago
I am guilty of Pride (I have a soldier of fortune medal and mountaincap, and I can't help but brag about it sometimes,
Wrath (I rage on my team-mates if they fail me) and Gluttony (my gaming gear woe the day of Friday for that is the day I get my weekly chips ration).
about 13 years ago
Thanks bob without you I would only get greed and pride :P
about 13 years ago
Some of these are pretty spot on for me.
I like to take the easy way out any way i can (Sloth), i wear the most awesome looking hat to look pro (Pride), i always wish i had a legendary (Envy), and i sit behind my pc all day (Gluttony).
about 13 years ago
Am I the only one who thought pride was referring to Professor Layton?

Now luke, a gentleman never gives the enemy team first blood....
about 13 years ago
Wrath. Definitely wrath
about 13 years ago
I have sinned with everything!... except for wrath, I just never flame ever : /.
about 13 years ago
I like how so many people comment on not getting the references when all they have to do is scroll down to see the people explaining what the flute means...
about 13 years ago
Part 2
Greed - Gotta catch em all!(aka must. have. everything.)
Gluttony - Cheeto stained stick(aka get off your ass)
Lust - DoA Volleyball(aka plays for bouncing boobs)
about 13 years ago
Part 1
Sloth - Flute from SMB3(aka too lazy to fight through the worlds
Wrath - VoiceComms(aka screeching profanity from 12 year olds)
Pride - Hats(aka showing off ossum stuff that means nothing)
Envy - Wanting what others have(aka rare gear/etc in WoW/etc)
about 13 years ago
Forgive me Games, for I have sinned.

Not today though. Yet.
about 13 years ago
Man, I can't believe there a so many people who didn't get gluttony. I though it was really well depicted. I had some trouble with sloth and envy though. (envy because I don't play wow)
about 13 years ago
I thought lust was the companion cube.
about 13 years ago
Pheria, please, bother to read comments, everything's explained there.
about 13 years ago
The first one is the warp Whistle from Super Mario Brothers 3, if you use 2 of them in a row you can skip to the last area... and being you can get 2 within the first 4 stages, you can skip the entire game that way.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_93537]@Hyperstar96[/url]: I don't get the first one, what is it? Wrath - Games with voice chat. Pride- TF2 Envy - badass looking items in World of Warcraft Greed- Pokemon Gluttony - presumably an Xbox 360 analog stick covered in cheetos crumbs Lust - Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball.
about 13 years ago
Need a dispenser here.
T Chicken
about 13 years ago
Revision- Glutonny is food stained X Box Controller!
about 13 years ago
Fullmetal Alchemist 4 ever <3
about 13 years ago
Sloth - The Legend of Zelda or Super Mario Bros. 3
Wrath - Every online game with voice chat ever made
Pride - TF2
Envy - ... Final Fantasy? No clue.
Greed - Pokemon
Gluttony - Some snowy mountain with a building at the top
Lust - A volleyboll

... Yeah, I don't get this comic at all.
about 13 years ago
I don't know. Last I saw of a sucked. Flat and shapeless . They focused so much on the tits and jiggle physics they forgot the rezt of the body.

Its like the chars were 16 years old or something. >w>
Mr. Al
about 13 years ago
sloth: mario 3 flute for skipping levels, wrath: CoD headphone rage, pride: tf2 unusual hats, envy: rare wow item drops/crafts, greed: pokemon collecting, gluttony: a 360 control with crumbs, representing eating while playing, and the ball: the doa volleyball spin-off, an extreme doa fanservice game
about 13 years ago
For those, who don't get it.
Sloth - warp whistle from SMB3
Warth - headset
Pride - Unusual TF2-Hat on fire
Envy - WoW-equipment
Greed - Pokeball
Gluttony - a 360-controllerstick with cheeze-dust
Lust - a Volleyball (probably DoA EB Volleyball)
about 13 years ago
And I thought Pride was TotalBiscuit's hat...
about 13 years ago
envy, greed, lust
about 13 years ago
thanks Maphysto for the explanation! Though the others are right, that's a Mario 3 flute for skipping levels. Though technically I think it works as the pokeflute also to some degree. as Mario flute its just better though :p
about 13 years ago
I dont understand the sins. What mean Gluttony and what did he draw? What does the Gleves mean or the "Sloth" thing or the Pride Hat?? PLs explain
about 13 years ago
My name is Evil_Monkeys and I have been clean of TF2 hat trading for over a month. Through trading and crafting, I have obtained over 100 hats. They sit there and look pretty, but thanks to other games and my wonderful lady, I have stopped the addiction. I still get the shakes now and then though.
about 13 years ago
Yes, I envy those who can play Saints Row The Third while Steam refuses to unlock my game -.-
about 13 years ago
Anyone else look at gluttony and think this?

about 13 years ago
@The Wizard That Didn't Do It: sorry, bro, its :iconponyshrugplz:
and only works in DA
about 13 years ago
I thought Wrath was supposed to be the Scout's headset...
about 13 years ago
Is that a warp whistle? It sure doesn't look like a pokeflute...and what the heck is that gluttony picture supposed to be from? Or pride? A flaming top hat? Is that supposed to imply Unusual Stovepipe, or did Professor Layton get attacked by a pyro?
about 13 years ago
Nope, nothing yet today - well, it's just 11am, so...

Unless you count "eating peanuts" as any of those sins...
about 13 years ago
Yeah so what I do all of these big deal
about 13 years ago
Lag should also be a deadly sin.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_93423]@Maphysto[/url] thanks for the explanations. Really, I mean it.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_93432]@Trollface[/url] Under a rock? You're talking about something that's over twenty years old. That expression doesn't work that way.
about 13 years ago
There are no sins.
about 13 years ago
i am so guilty of pride and lust, even thought I have lots of hat based wealth
about 13 years ago
> MFW I don't do these 7 deadly sins.
> MFW I have no face.

U Jelly, sinners?
about 13 years ago
if beach volleyball is the worst you've sinned, you havn't played MtG: Battlemage. Try finding the Fungusaur and you'll know what I mean.
about 13 years ago
Pokeflute has a pokeball looking thing on it. That is no pokeflute. It is the whistle from Mario 3. Have you guys been under a rock?
about 13 years ago
Sloth is the MARIO 3 FLUTE! There's already a pokeman ref in greed.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_93423]@Maphysto[/url] I think your wrong on Sloth, that looks more like the level skipping flutes of Mario games.
about 13 years ago
youtube walktrough for sloth anyone?
about 13 years ago

Gluttony is Cheeto dust on a control stick.

Lust is beach volleyball. 'Nuff said.
about 13 years ago

Envy is the Twinblades of Azzinoth, a raid drop from WoW. If you don't have them, you'll feel insanely envious of anyone who does.

Greed is a Pokeball. You don't have them all. YOU NEED THEM ALL.
about 13 years ago

Sloth is a PokeFlute, used to wake Snorlax, a Pokemon that always sleeps.

Wrath is a headset for Xbox Live, home of the biggest ragefest known to man.

Pride is a fancy TF2 hat, which you will be arrogant about owning.
about 13 years ago
Lust should be Engie-Tan. Just saying.
about 13 years ago
Hell,I'm a fan of all 7.
about 13 years ago
@Isaac : Looks like Cheeto Crumbs on a controller, if you ask me.
An Onymous
about 13 years ago
Man have I sinned....
Random Internet Person #13242452
about 13 years ago
Excellent comic Jo. Major props for doing something different. Not the sins thing, that's been done for centuries, I mean, the presentation and style of this comic.
about 13 years ago
You can be really creative when you want to, Jo! Please more nonstandard strips like this. :)
about 13 years ago
i get all but gluttony, im sorry
about 13 years ago
ahahahah, only one I dont get is gluttony, i cant tell what that is, but good ones hahahaha
about 13 years ago
Wrath is definitely "Play Scout".
Liro Raeriyo
about 13 years ago
Envy is basicly community quality items for TF2, you cant just obtain them you have to do something special.

heres an idea for a comic, make a comic about how we all constantly mine/pow! haha/spy here the fuck out of every picture in the comments
about 13 years ago
@this guy:
As a quick google search might reveal, ponyshrug.jpg is a meme. Fuck's sake for ignorance, eh.
this guy.
about 13 years ago
@The Wizard That Didn't Do It: realy? im sorry but realy? do you HAVE to put *poneyshrug* instead of just *shrug*?

fucks sake.
about 13 years ago
so I guess everyone that has ever played video games is guilty of "sloth"
about 13 years ago
Sloth : Mario Flute
Wrath : Rage over Headset
Pride : TF hats
Envy : WoW Legendary Item
Greed : Gotta Catch'em All
Gluttony : Cheese Doodle Thumbstick
Lust : DoA Volleyball ;p
about 13 years ago
wtb "Mine"sweeper mini-game.
about 13 years ago
Check, Check, Check, Definitely Check, Check, Check, and.... CHECK.

Gotta Catch 'em all.
about 13 years ago
Oh man, Gluttony and Wrath are so true.
The Wizard That Didn't Do It
about 13 years ago
Wrath though? *ponyshrug*
The Wizard That Didn't Do It
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_93338]@stevebat[/url]: TF2 Hats
about 13 years ago
Alternatively, Sloth COULD BE the flute from Legend of Zelda, as that was for transportation. Besides, didn't THAT come out before SMB3?
about 13 years ago
What is pride supposed to represent? Somebody setting TotalBiscuit on fire?
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_93314]@Nerfnow[/url]: Different strokes for different folks.
about 13 years ago
Another one for Sloth would be save states in Roms; oops I got hit (rewind), much better! That goes for commercial roms, kaizo hacks do not count.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_93313]@chinaman[/url]: Wilson is his only friend.
about 13 years ago
Well, I think hats would have filled well all of them. Maybe even Lust.
about 13 years ago
Yes, Lust is obviously DOA Extreme Beach Volleyball. Jiggle Jiggle.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_93313]@chinaman[/url]: Given the context... YES!
about 13 years ago
is it bad that i thought of that volleyball (wilson) from that one movie where that guy gets stuck on an island
Miguel Young
about 13 years ago
O Wrath foi pra mim, por acaso? ahahahahaha :D
about 13 years ago
@random guy: And thank you for explaining Sloth. I should've gotten that one.

Envy is the Warblades of Azzinoth from WoW, a very, very difficult-to-get weapon set only available from Illidan in the Black Temple raid. They were a status symbol for much of the TBC expansion.
about 13 years ago
I'm thinking the voleyball is from that DoA game.
about 13 years ago
Sloth = Warp Whistle, skip content
Wrath = Headset. Shout at people.
Pride = Unusual Hat. You wear the hats around here.
Envy = Legendary Gear. You want it so bad.
Greed = Pokeball. Gotta catch 'em all.
Gluttony: A thumbstick covered in cheese dust.
Lust = DoA Xtreme beach volleyball.
about 13 years ago
Wow everytime I refresh the page I see a new comment (I obviously haven't been on a newly added comic often)
about 13 years ago
Sloth : Mario's warp whistle
Wrath : Voicechat rage
Pride : Rare TF2 hats
Envy : MMO loot
Greed : Pokemon catching
Gluttony : ????
Lust : ????
about 13 years ago
Sloth is the warp flute from Mario 3
Gluttony is a joystick from a controller with crumbs on it
Envy are a legendary item in World of Warcraft
about 13 years ago
Envy is the Warglaives of Azzinoth from WoW. A legendary status item, that people want.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_93294]@Justin[/url]: Not sure I get Sloth either, but Gluttony is some cheesy-snack cheese powder on a control stick. Evidence that you've been eating while gaming.
icy blaze lp
about 13 years ago
I don't get what envy, sloth or gluttony are. and lust is super accurate.
random guy
about 13 years ago
Sloth - Whistle from super mario bros. To jump through the levels instead of actually playing
Wrath - any headset them 12 years olds use rage
Pride - TF2 hats
Envy - no idea
Greed- pokemon catch them ALL
Gluttony - no idea
Lust - that one volleyball game with the weirdly figured girls
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_93296]@sinfire5[/url]: Be faster :D
about 13 years ago
Aww man! While I was posting -.-
about 13 years ago
Hmm...I'm not getting Gluttony or Sloth. I think Lust is the best depicted! XD
about 13 years ago
I don't actually understand all of these...
about 13 years ago
First! Also, I don't get it...